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2012-09-17 19:31 459 查看




#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

#include <cstring>

int main()


/* 字符串字面量在内存中也是以字符数组存放,并以'\0'结尾;




但可以加减某一变量i 。*/

cout << "字符串字面量:" << "I Love You,but Ju.J!" << endl;

cout << "长度:Length = " << sizeof("I Love You,but Ju.J!") << endl;//包括空字符在内

cout << "取其中的某一字符:" << "I Love You,but Ju.J!"[0] << endl;

cout << "取地址:" << &"I Love You,but Ju.J!" << endl;

for(int i = 3; i != sizeof("I Love You,but Ju.J!"); i++)

cout << "I Love You,but Ju.J!"[i];

cout << endl;


//assignment of read-only location ‘"I Love You,but Ju.J!"[0]’


//"I Love You,but Ju.J!"[0] = 'J';

// assignment of read-only location ‘"I Love You,but Ju.J!"’

//incompatible types in assignment of ‘const char [8]’ to ‘const char [21]’


//"I Love You,but Ju.J!" = "Jin.P.P";

char *str = "I Love You,but Ju.J!";

cout << str << endl;

//处理字符串的函数,在这些函数中用到const 是保证该数组的内容在函数调用期间不会被修改

char StrDest[80] = "Love you,but not Ju.J!";

cout << "数组StrDest的长度:" << sizeof(StrDest) << endl;

//字符串长度函数strlen:size_t strlen( const char *string );


cout << "字符串StrDest的长度:" << strlen(StrDest) << endl;

char StrSource[] = "Where my love,Jin.P.P?";

cout << "数组StrSource的长度:" << sizeof(StrSource) << endl;

cout << "字符串StrSource的长度:" << strlen(StrSource) << endl;

//字符串比较函数strcmp:int strcmp( const char *string1, const char *string2 );


if(strcmp(StrDest,StrSource) == 0)

cout << "字符串StrDest与StrSource相等。" << endl;

if(strcmp(StrDest,StrSource) > 0)

cout << "字符串StrDest大于StrSource" << endl;

if(strcmp(StrDest,StrSource) < 0)

cout << "字符串StrDest小于StrSource" << endl;

//字符串连接函数strcat:char *strcat( char *strDestination, const char *strSource );



cout << "连接后的字符串:" << StrDest << endl;

//字符串复制函数strcpy:char *strcpy( char *strDestination, const char *strSource );



cout << "复制后输出的内容:" << StrDest << endl;

//在字符串中查找字符c(第一次出现):char *strchr( const char *string, int c );

//并且输出以字符c 开头的子字符串,最好是先判断一下strchr 返回的指针是否为空

char *pch = strchr(StrSource,'h');

if(pch != NULL)


//cout << "&(*pch)= " << &(*pch) << endl;

cout << "*pch = " << *pch << endl;

cout << "pch = " << pch << endl;

cout << "(pch - StrSource +1) = " << pch - StrSource +1 << endl;


//cout << "strchr(StrSource,'J') = " << strchr(StrSource,'J') << endl;

//在字符串中查找字符c(从字符串的右边往左查找,直到第一次出现c),然后输出以字符c 开头的子字符串

//char *strrchr( const char *string, int c );

char* pr = strrchr(StrSource,'e');

if(pr != NULL)

cout << "pr = " << pr << endl;

//在字符串中查找子串:char *strstr( const char *string, const char *strCharSet );

char* pStr = strstr(StrSource,"here");

if(pStr != NULL)

cout << "pStr = " << pStr << endl;

//cout << strstr(StrSource,"here") << endl;

//下面sizeof(Str) 取得是指针Str在内存中的存储空间的大小---4个字节

//char *Str;

//cout << "指针在内存中存储空间的大小:" << sizeof(Str) << endl;

return 0;

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