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Eclipse RCP:View 与 Editor 交互

2012-09-06 16:39 323 查看
parts 之间有三种交互方式:

(1)使用 selection

IWorkbenchSite 允许 view 和 editor 调用其 setSelectionProvider 方法发布 其selection,其他 view 和 editor 可以通过 ISelectionService.addSelectionListener(ISelectionListener) 注册监听selection,然后做出交互。

例如,ContactView 将 TreeViewer 发布为 SelectionProvider,AddContactAction将自己注册为 SelectionListener,当 TreeViewer 发生 selection 事件时通知AddContactAction 进行处理。


public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {

   treeViewer= new TreeViewer(parent, SWT.BORDER | SWT.MULTI






public AddContactAction(IWorkbenchWindow window) {

    this.window = window;



    setText("&AddContact..." );

    setToolTipText("Adda contact to your contacts list." );





public void dispose() {



public void selectionChanged (IWorkbenchPart part, ISelectionincoming) {

    //Selection containing elements

    if(incoming instanceof IStructuredSelection) {

        selection= (IStructuredSelection) incoming;

        setEnabled(selection.size()== 1

                &&selection.getFirstElement() instanceof RosterGroup);

    }else {

        //Other selections, for example containing text or of otherkinds.




(2)Part listeners

使用 IPartService 注册 IPartListener,当 part 发生打开、关闭和隐藏等事件时通知IPartListener。

例如,当打开一个 chat editor 后,高亮选中 contact view 中的相应联系人,就可以使用此种方式。

创建 IPartListener


private IPartListener partListener = new IPartListener() {

public void partOpened(IWorkbenchPart part) {



public void partClosed(IWorkbenchPart part) {



private void trackOpenChatEditors(IWorkbenchPart part) {

    if(! (part instanceof ChatEditor))


    ChatEditoreditor = (ChatEditor) part;

    ChatEditorInputinput = (ChatEditorInput) editor.getEditorInput();

    Stringparticipant = input.getParticipant();

    if(openEditors.contains(participant)) {


    }else {







注册 IPartListener


public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {





public void dispose() {




ContactView 的 LabelProvider 根据 openEditors 来修改联系人的字体或者颜色:


private class ContactsDecorator implements ILabelDecorator,IFontDecorator {


    publicFont decorateFont(Object element) {

      if(element instanceof RosterEntry) {

        RosterEntryentry = (RosterEntry)element;



内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息