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2012-09-04 16:37 288 查看



*  对象模式创建模版
*  @param {Array} attrs 生成的节点数组
*         @param {String} type 类型
*         @param {Array|Object} attr 属性
*         @param {Array|Object} child  子节点
*         @param {Number} num  子节生成个数
*         @param {Function} func  处理函数
*         @param {Array} data  数据
*     @param {Element|String} target
var tpl = function(ats, target) {
target = fast.id(target);
if (fast.isArray(ats) && ats.length > 0 && target.appendChild) {
for (var i = 0, len = ats.length; i < len; i++) {
var attrs = ats[i], tag = attrs.tag, attr = attrs.attr || {}, data = attrs.data, func = attrs.func, child = attrs.child, num = attrs.num ? attrs.num : 1, j = 0;
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
for (; j < num; j++) {
var isFunc = false;
if (data) {
if (child) {
if (fast.isArray(child)) {
for (var k = 0, l = child.length; k < l; k++) {
child[k].data = data[j];
} else {
child.data = data[j];
} else {
if (func) {
attr = func(j, attr, data);
isFunc = true;
} else {
data = fast.values(data);
attr.text = data[j];
(isFunc === false) && func && ( attr = func(j, attr, data));
var nodes = fast.node(tag, attr);
child && tpl(child, nodes);


View Code

extpl = {
constructor: function(html) {
var me = this,
args = arguments,
buffer = [],
i = 0,
length = args.length,

me.initialConfig = {};
if (length > 1) {
for (; i < length; i++) {
value = args[i];
if (typeof value == 'object') {
fast.apply(me.initialConfig, value);
fast.apply(me, value);
} else {
html = buffer.join('');
} else {
if (fast.isArray(html)) {
} else {

// @private
me.html = buffer.join('');

if (me.compiled) {

isTemplate: true,
disableFormats: false,
re: /\{([\w\-]+)(?:\:([\w\.]*)(?:\((.*?)?\))?)?\}/g,
___apply: function(values) {
var me = this,
useFormat = me.disableFormats !== true,
fm = fast.Format,
tpl = me,

if (me.compiled) {
return me.compiled(values).join('');

function fn(m, name, format, args) {
if (format && useFormat) {
if (args) {
args = [values[name]].concat(fast.functionFactory('return ['+ args +'];')());
} else {
args = [values[name]];
if (format.substr(0, 5) == "this.") {
return tpl[format.substr(5)].apply(tpl, args);
else {
return fm[format].apply(fm, args);
else {
return values[name] !== undefined ? values[name] : "";

ret = me.html.replace(me.re, fn);
//ret = me.compile(ret);
return ret;

* Appends the result of this template to the provided output array.
* @param {Object/Array} values The template values. See {@link #apply}.
* @param {Array} out The array to which output is pushed.
* @return {Array} The given out array.
___applyOut: function(values, out) {
var me = this;

if (me.compiled) {
out.push.apply(out, me.compiled(values));
} else {

return out;
apply: function(values) {
return this.applyOut(values, []).join('');

applyOut: function(values, out) {
var me = this;

if (!me.fn) {
me.fn = me.compile(me.html);
out = me.fn(values);
//try {
//    me.fn.call(me, out, values, {}, 1, 1);
//} catch (e) {}
return out;

* @method applyTemplate
* @member Ext.Template
* Alias for {@link #apply}.
* @inheritdoc Ext.Template#apply
applyTemplate: function () {
return this.apply.apply(this, arguments);

* Sets the HTML used as the template and optionally compiles it.
* @param {String} html
* @param {Boolean} compile (optional) True to compile the template.
* @return {Ext.Template} this
set: function(html, compile) {
var me = this;
me.html = html;
me.compiled = null;
return compile ? me.compile() : me;

compileARe: /\\/g,
compileBRe: /(\r\n|\n)/g,
compileCRe: /'/g,

* Applies the supplied values to the template and inserts the new node(s) as the first child of el.
* @param {String/HTMLElement/Ext.Element} el The context element
* @param {Object/Array} values The template values. See {@link #applyTemplate} for details.
* @param {Boolean} returnElement (optional) true to return a Ext.Element.
* @return {HTMLElement/Ext.Element} The new node or Element
insertFirst: function(el, values, returnElement) {
return this.doInsert('afterBegin', el, values, returnElement);

* Applies the supplied values to the template and inserts the new node(s) before el.
* @param {String/HTMLElement/Ext.Element} el The context element
* @param {Object/Array} values The template values. See {@link #applyTemplate} for details.
* @param {Boolean} returnElement (optional) true to return a Ext.Element.
* @return {HTMLElement/Ext.Element} The new node or Element
insertBefore: function(el, values, returnElement) {
return this.doInsert('beforeBegin', el, values, returnElement);

* Applies the supplied values to the template and inserts the new node(s) after el.
* @param {String/HTMLElement/Ext.Element} el The context element
* @param {Object/Array} values The template values. See {@link #applyTemplate} for details.
* @param {Boolean} returnElement (optional) true to return a Ext.Element.
* @return {HTMLElement/Ext.Element} The new node or Element
insertAfter: function(el, values, returnElement) {
return this.doInsert('afterEnd', el, values, returnElement);

* Applies the supplied `values` to the template and appends the new node(s) to the specified `el`.
* For example usage see {@link Ext.Template Ext.Template class docs}.
* @param {String/HTMLElement/Ext.Element} el The context element
* @param {Object/Array} values The template values. See {@link #applyTemplate} for details.
* @param {Boolean} returnElement (optional) true to return an Ext.Element.
* @return {HTMLElement/Ext.Element} The new node or Element
append: function(el, values, returnElement) {
return this.doInsert('beforeEnd', el, values, returnElement);

doInsert: function(where, el, values, returnEl) {
el = fast.id(el);
//var newNode = Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml(where, el, this.apply(values));
//return returnEl ? Ext.get(newNode, true) : newNode;

* Applies the supplied values to the template and overwrites the content of el with the new node(s).
* @param {String/HTMLElement/Ext.Element} el The context element
* @param {Object/Array} values The template values. See {@link #applyTemplate} for details.
* @param {Boolean} returnElement (optional) true to return a Ext.Element.
* @return {HTMLElement/Ext.Element} The new node or Element
overwrite: function(el, values, returnElement) {
el = fast.id(el);

return el.firstChild;
ua : navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
ie : /msie(\d+\.\d+)/i.test(this.ua) ? (document.documentMode || (+RegExp['\x241'])) : undefined,
useEval: /gecko/i.test(this.ua) && !/like gecko/i.test(this.ua),

// See http://jsperf.com/nige-array-append for quickest way to append to an array of unknown length
// (Due to arbitrary code execution inside a template, we cannot easily track the length in  var)
// On IE6 and 7 myArray[myArray.length]='foo' is better. On other browsers myArray.push('foo') is better.
useIndex: this.ie && this.ie < 8,

useFormat: true,

propNameRe: /^[\w\d\$]*$/,

compile: function (tpl) {
var me = this,tpl = tpl || me.html,
code = me.generate(tpl);
return me.useEval ? me.evalTpl(code) : (new Function('window', code))(window);

generate: function (tpl) {
var me = this;
me.body = [
'var c0=values, a0 = fast.isArray(c0), p0=parent, n0=xcount || 1, i0=1, out=[], v;\n'
me.funcs = [
// note: Ext here is properly sandboxed
'var fm=fast.Format;'
me.switches = [];

!me.fnArgs && (me.fnArgs = "values");
(me.useEval ? '$=' : 'return') + ' function (' + me.fnArgs + ') {',
'return out;}'

var code = me.funcs.join('\n');

return code;

// XTemplateParser callouts

doText: function (text) {
var me = this,
out = me.body;

text = text.replace(me.aposRe, "\\'").replace(me.newLineRe, '\\n');
if (me.useIndex) {
out.push('out[out.length]=\'', text, '\'\n');
} else {
out.push('out.push(\'', text, '\')\n');

doExpr: function (expr) {
var out = this.body;
expr = expr.replace("values","vvv");
out.push('if ((v=' + expr + ')!==undefined) out');
if (this.useIndex) {
} else {

doTag: function (tag) {

doElse: function () {
this.body.push('} else {\n');

doEval: function (text) {
this.body.push(text, '\n');

doIf: function (action, actions) {
var me = this;

// If it's just a propName, use it directly in the if
if (me.propNameRe.test(action)) {
me.body.push('if (', me.parseTag(action), ') {\n');
// Otherwise, it must be an expression, and needs to be returned from an fn which uses with(values)
else {
me.body.push('if (', me.addFn(action), me.callFn, ') {\n');
if (actions.exec) {

doElseIf: function (action, actions) {
var me = this;

// If it's just a propName, use it directly in the else if
if (me.propNameRe.test(action)) {
me.body.push('} else if (', me.parseTag(action), ') {\n');
// Otherwise, it must be an expression, and needs to be returned from an fn which uses with(values)
else {
me.body.push('} else if (', me.addFn(action), me.callFn, ') {\n');
if (actions.exec) {

doSwitch: function (action) {
var me = this;

// If it's just a propName, use it directly in the switch
if (me.propNameRe.test(action)) {
me.body.push('switch (', me.parseTag(action), ') {\n');
// Otherwise, it must be an expression, and needs to be returned from an fn which uses with(values)
else {
me.body.push('switch (', me.addFn(action), me.callFn, ') {\n');

doCase: function (action) {
var me = this,
cases = Ext.isArray(action) ? action : [action],
n = me.switches.length - 1,
match, i;

if (me.switches
) {
} else {

for (i = 0, n = cases.length; i < n; ++i) {
match = me.intRe.exec(cases[i]);
cases[i] = match ? match[1] : ("'" + cases[i].replace(me.aposRe,"\\'") + "'");

me.body.push('case ', cases.join(': case '), ':\n');

doDefault: function () {
var me = this,
n = me.switches.length - 1;

if (me.switches
) {
} else {


doEnd: function (type, actions) {
var me = this,
L = me.level-1;

if (type == 'for') {
To exit a for loop we must restore the outer loop's context. The code looks
like this (which goes with that produced by doFor:

for (...) { // the part generated by doFor
...  // the body of the for loop

// ... any tpl for exec statement goes here...
parent = p1;
values = r2;
xcount = n1;
xindex = i1
if (actions.exec) {

} else if (type == 'if' || type == 'switch') {

doFor: function (action, actions) {
var me = this,
s = me.addFn(action),
L = me.level,
up = L-1;
me.body.push('var c',L,'=',s,me.callFn,', a',L,'=fast.isArray(c',L,'), p',L,'=c',up,',r',L,'=values\n',
//'for (var i',L,'=0,n',L,'=a',L,'?c',L,'.length:(c',L,'?1:0), xcount=n',L,';i',L,'<n'+L+';++i',L,'){\n',
'for (var i0 = 0,i1=0, l0 = values.length,xcount=l0; i0 < l0; i0 += 1){\n',

doExec: function (action, actions) {
var me = this,
name = 'f' + me.funcs.length;

me.funcs.push('function ' + name + '(' + me.fnArgs + ') {',
' try { with(values) {',
'  ' + action,
' }} catch(e) {}',

me.body.push(name + me.callFn + '\n');

// Internal

addFn: function (body) {
var me = this,
name = 'f' + me.funcs.length;
!me.fnArgs && (me.fnArgs = "values");
if (body === '.') {
me.funcs.push('function ' + name + '(' + me.fnArgs + ') {',
' return values',
} else if (body === '..') {
me.funcs.push('function ' + name + '(' + me.fnArgs + ') {',
' return parent',
} else {
me.funcs.push('function ' + name + '(' + me.fnArgs + ') {',
' try { with(values) {',
'  return(' + body + ')',
' }} catch(e) {}',

return name;

parseTag: function (tag) {

var m = this.tagRe.exec(tag),
name = m[1],
format = m[2],
args = m[3],
math = m[4],
// name = "." - Just use the values object.
if (name == '.') {
// filter to not include arrays/objects/nulls
v = 'fast.inArray(["string", "number", "boolean"], typeof values) > -1 || fast.isDate(values) ? values : ""';
// name = "#" - Use the xindex
else if (name == '#') {
v = 'xindex';
else if (name.substr(0, 7) == "parent.") {
v = name;
// compound Javascript property name (e.g., "foo.bar")
else if (isNaN(name) && name.indexOf('-') == -1 && name.indexOf('.') != -1) {
v = "values." + name;
// number or a '-' in it or a single word (maybe a keyword): use array notation
// (http://jsperf.com/string-property-access/4)
else {
v = "values['" + name + "']";

if (math) {
v = '(' + v + math + ')';
if (format && this.useFormat) {
args = args ? ',' + args : "";
if (format.substr(0, 5) != "this.") {
format = "fm." + format + '(';
} else {
format += '(';
} else {
return v;

return format + v + args + ')';

// @private
evalTpl: function ($) {
// We have to use eval to realize the code block and capture the inner func we also
// don't want a deep scope chain. We only do this in Firefox and it is also unhappy
// with eval containing a return statement, so instead we assign to "$" and return
// that. Because we use "eval", we are automatically sandboxed properly.
return $;

newLineRe: /\r\n|\r|\n/g,
aposRe: /[']/g,
intRe:  /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/,
tagRe:  /([\w-\.\#]+)(?:\:([\w\.]*)(?:\((.*?)?\))?)?(\s?[\+\-\*\/]\s?[\d\.\+\-\*\/\(\)]+)?/,
doTpl: function(){},

parse: function (str) {

//str = this.html;
var me = this,
len = str.length,
aliases = { elseif: 'elif' },
topRe = me.topRe,
actionsRe = me.actionsRe,
index, stack, s, m, t, prev, frame, subMatch, begin, end, actions;

me.level = 0;
me.stack = stack = [];

for (index = 0; index < len; index = end) {
topRe.lastIndex = index;
m = topRe.exec(str);
if (!m) {
me.doText(str.substring(index, len));

begin = m.index;
end = topRe.lastIndex;

if (index < begin) {
me.doText(str.substring(index, begin));

if (m[1]) {
end = str.indexOf('%}', begin+2);
me.doEval(str.substring(begin+2, end));
end += 2;
} else if (m[2]) {
end = str.indexOf(']}', begin+2);
me.doExpr(str.substring(begin+2, end));
end += 2;
} else if (m[3]) { // if ('{' token)
} else if (m[4]) { // content of a <tpl xxxxxx> tag
actions = null;
while ((subMatch = actionsRe.exec(m[4])) !== null) {
s = subMatch[2] || subMatch[3];
if (s) {
s = fast.decodeHTML(s); // decode attr value
t = subMatch[1];
t = aliases[t] || t;
actions = actions || {};
prev = actions[t];

if (typeof prev == 'string') {
actions[t] = [prev, s];
} else if (prev) {
} else {
actions[t] = s;

if (!actions) {
if (me.elseRe.test(m[4])) {
} else if (me.defaultRe.test(m[4])) {
} else {
stack.push({ type: 'tpl' });
else if (actions['if']) {
me.doIf(actions['if'], actions)
stack.push({ type: 'if' });
else if (actions['switch']) {
me.doSwitch(actions['switch'], actions)
stack.push({ type: 'switch' });
else if (actions['case']) {
me.doCase(actions['case'], actions);
else if (actions['elif']) {
me.doElseIf(actions['elif'], actions);
else if (actions['for']) {
me.doFor(actions['for'], actions);
stack.push({ type: 'for', actions: actions });
else if (actions.exec) {
me.doExec(actions.exec, actions);
stack.push({ type: 'exec', actions: actions });
else {
// todo - error
} else {
frame = stack.pop();
frame && me.doEnd(frame.type, frame.actions);
if (frame && frame.type == 'for') {

// Internal regexes

topRe:     /(?:(\{\%)|(\{\[)|\{([^{}]*)\})|(?:<tpl([^>]*)\>)|(?:<\/tpl>)/g,
actionsRe: /\s*(elif|elseif|if|for|exec|switch|case|eval)\s*\=\s*(?:(?:["]([^"]*)["])|(?:[']([^']*)[']))\s*/g,
defaultRe: /^\s*default\s*$/,
elseRe:    /^\s*else\s*$/


<div id="exttpl" style="height:100px;overflow-y: auto"></div>
var etpl = ['<table width="100%" border=1>', '<tpl for=".">', '<tr>',
'<td>{name}</td>', '<td>{sex}</td>', '<td>{age}</td>','<td>{date}</td>','<td>{uid}</td>', '</tr>', '</tpl>', '</table>'];




<div style="height:100px;overflow-y: auto">
<table width="100%" border=1 id="jqtpl"></table>
<script id='templateName' type='text/x-jquery-tmpl'>
<script type="text/javascript">









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