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分组取前N记录-- 一道淘宝的考察sql语句的面试题

2012-09-02 11:36 645 查看


问题:有表 如下,要求取出各班前两名(允许并列第二)
| id |SName |ClsNo |Score|
| 1 |AAAA | C1 | 67 |
| 2 |BBBB | C1 | 55 |
| 3 |CCCC | C1 | 67 |
| 4 |DDDD | C1 | 65 |
| 5 |EEEE | C1 | 95 |
| 6 |FFFF | C2 | 57 |
| 7 |GGGG | C2 | 87 |
| 8 |HHHH | C2 | 74 |
| 9 |IIII | C2 | 52 |
| 10 |JJJJ | C2 | 81 |
| 11 |KKKK | C2 | 67 |
| 12 |LLLL | C2 | 66 |
| 13 |MMMM | C2 | 63 |
| 14 |NNNN | C3 | 99 |
| 15 |OOOO | C3 | 50 |
| 16 |PPPP | C3 | 59 |
| 17 |QQQQ | C3 | 66 |
| 18 |RRRR | C3 | 76 |
| 19 |SSSS | C3 | 50 |
| 20 |TTTT | C3 | 50 |
| 21 |UUUU | C3 | 64 |
| 22 |VVVV | C3 | 74 |
| id |SName |ClsNo |Score|
| 5 |EEEE | C1 | 95 |
| 1 |AAAA | C1 | 67 |
| 3 |CCCC | C1 | 67 |
| 7 |GGGG | C2 | 87 |
| 10 |JJJJ | C2 | 81 |
| 14 |NNNN | C3 | 99 |
| 18 |RRRR | C3 | 76 |


select a.id,a.SName,a.ClsNo,a.Score
from Table1 a left join Table1 b on a.ClsNo=b.ClsNo and a.Score<b.Score
group by a.id,a.SName,a.ClsNo,a.Score
having count(b.id)<2
order by a.ClsNo,a.Score desc


select *
from Table1 a
where 2>(select count(*) from Table1 where ClsNo=a.ClsNo and Score>a.Score)
order by a.ClsNo,a.Score desc


select *
from Table1 a
where id in (select id from Table1 where ClsNo=a.ClsNo order by Score desc limit 2)
order by a.ClsNo,a.Score desc


这里列出了多种SQL语句的实现方法,有些是MySQL特有的(Limit, 其它数据库可根据实际更改,比如oracle的rownum,MS SQL SERVER 的 top,..),有时是SQL标准支持的。但效率上和应用的场合或许不同。具体应用时可根据实际表中的记录情况,索引情况进行选择。

特例 N=1 ,即取最大的/最小的一条记录。
| id |SName |ClsNo |Score|
| 5 |EEEE | C1 | 95 |
| 7 |GGGG | C2 | 87 |
| 14 |NNNN | C3 | 99 |

select *
from Table1 a
where not exists (select 1 from Table1 where ClsNo=a.ClsNo and Score>a.Score);

select a.*
from Table1 a inner join (select ClsNo, max(Score) as mScore from Table1 group by ClsNo) b
on a.ClsNo=b.ClsNo and a.Score=b.Score

select *
from (select * from Table1 order by Score desc) t
group by ClsNo



CREATE TABLE `t_stu` (
`id` int(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`name` varchar(16) DEFAULT NULL,
`gender` int(2) DEFAULT NULL,
`grade` int(4) DEFAULT NULL,

insert into t_stu values(1,"ElenaA",0,90);
insert into t_stu values(2,"ElenaB",1,92);
insert into t_stu values(3,"ElenaC",1,20);
insert into t_stu values(4,"ElenaD",0,80);
insert into t_stu values(5,"ElenaE",1,20);
insert into t_stu values(6,"ElenaF",0,40);
insert into t_stu values(7,"ElenaG",0,50);
insert into t_stu values(8,"ElenaH",1,20);
insert into t_stu values(9,"ElenaI",0,30);
insert into t_stu values(10,"ElenaG",1,12);
insert into t_stu values(11,"ElenaK",0,42);
insert into t_stu values(12,"ElenaM",1,52);
insert into t_stu values(13,"ElenaN",0,62);
insert into t_stu values(14,"ElenaO",1,72);
insert into t_stu values(15,"ElenaP",1,22);
insert into t_stu values(16,"ElenaQ",1,12);
insert into t_stu values(17,"ElenaR",0,82);
insert into t_stu values(18,"ElenaS",0,99);

select * from t_stu a where 5>(select count(*) FROM t_stu where gender=a.gender AND grade>a.grade) order by a.grade desc

select * from t_stu where grade in (select * from ( (select distinct(grade) from t_stu where gender=1 order by grade desc limit 5) a)) and gender=1;

SELECT a.* FROM t_stu a INNER JOIN ((SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(Id) AS Id FROM t_stu where gender=1 GROUP BY grade DESC LIMIT 5) union all (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(Id) AS Id FROM t_stu where gender=0 GROUP BY grade DESC LIMIT 5)) b ON FIND_IN_SET(a.id,b.Id)>0 ORDER BY grade DESC ;

SELECT * FROM `t_stu` a WHERE grade>=IFNULL((SELECT grade FROM `t_stu` WHERE gender=a.gender order BY grade DESC LIMIT 4,1),0);

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