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2012-09-02 10:01 357 查看

使用时需要预包含#include <math.h>

(1)atan(x) 不包括角度的象限信息,返回值在[-pi/2,pi/2]

The atan function computes the principal value of the arc tangent of x, returning a value in the range [-pi/2, pi/2]. 由于tan函数是以pi为周期的tanθ=tan(θ+pi),所以radAngle=atan(slope)实际上返回的是数学上atan(slope)的在[-pi/2, pi/2]之间的主值部分,注意radAngle以弧度为单位。例如pi/4的正切值为1,pi/4
+ pi = 5pi/4的正切值也是1,此时C语言中计算的atan(1)=pi/4仅仅是位于tan函数在[-pi/2,pi/2]的部分,也就是说atan丢失了角度的象限信息,不能通过radAngle=atan(slope)来判断radAngle位于哪个象限。

#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>

#define PI 3.14159

int main(int argc, char *argv[])


float radAngle,degAngle;

radAngle = atan(1); //atan(x) returns a value in the range [-pi/2, pi/2]

degAngle = radAngle*180/PI;

printf("arctangent in radians %f\n",radAngle); // 仅仅给出了第一象限的结果,第三象限的角度值不可能通过atan求出

printf("arctangent in degrees %f\n",degAngle);

radAngle = atan(-1);

degAngle = radAngle*180/PI;

printf("arctangent in radians %f\n",radAngle); //仅仅给出了第四象限的结果,不可能给出第二象限的结果

printf("arctangent in degrees %f\n",degAngle);

return 0;


(2)atan2(y,x) 包含角度的象限信息,返回值在[-pi,pi]

The atan2 function computes the principal value of the arc tangent of y / x, using the signs of both arguments to determine the quadrant of the return value. 由于atan2包含角度的象限信息所以用的比atan多。

1)一个比较实用的功能就是将直角坐标系下的点(x,y)转换为极坐标系下的点(rho,theta)。x = rho * cos(theta); y = rho * sin(theta),rho = sqrt( x^2 + y^2); theta = atan2(y,x)。


// Calculating Field of View

#define PI 3.1415926535

double calculateAngle(double size, double distance)


double radtheta, degtheta;

radtheta = 2.0 * atan2 (size/2.0, distance);

degtheta = (180.0 * radtheta) / PI;

return degtheta;








#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>

#define PI 3.14159

int main(int argc, char *argv[])


float radAngle,degAngle;

radAngle = atan2(7,7); //atan(x) returns a value in the range [-pi/2, pi/2]

degAngle = radAngle*180/PI;

printf("in the fist quadrant,arctangent in radians %f\n",radAngle);

printf("in the fist quadrant,arctangent in degrees %f\n",degAngle);

radAngle = atan2(-7,7);

degAngle = radAngle*180/PI;

printf("in the second quadrant,arctangent in radians %f\n",radAngle);

printf("in the second quadrant,arctangent in degrees %f\n",degAngle);

radAngle = atan2(-7,-7);

degAngle = radAngle*180/PI;

printf("in the third quadrant,arctangent in radians %f\n",radAngle);

printf("in the third quadrant,arctangent in degrees %f\n",degAngle);

radAngle = atan2(7,-7);

degAngle = radAngle*180/PI;

printf("in the fourth quadrant,arctangent in radians %f\n",radAngle);

printf("in the fourth quadrant,arctangent in degrees %f\n",degAngle);

return 0;

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