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goldengate 学习系列4-logdump

2012-09-01 21:04 344 查看

Logdump 92 >help

FC [<num> | <string>]     - Edit previous command
HISTORY                   - List previous commands
OPEN | FROM  <filename>   - Open a Log file
RECORD | REC              - Display audit record
NEXT [ <count> ]          - Display next data record
SKIP [ <count> ] [FILTER] - Skip down <count> records
FILTER               - Apply filter during skip
COUNT                     - Count the records in the file
[START[time] <timestr>,]
[END[time] <timestr>,]
[INT[erval] <minutes>,]
[LOG[trail] <wildcard-template>,]
[FILE <wildcard-template>,]
<timestr> format is
[[yy]yy-mm-dd] [hh[:mm][:ss]]
POSITION [ <rba> | FIRST | LAST | EOF ] - Set position in file
REVerse | FORward              - Set read direction
RECLEN [ <size> ]  - Sets max output length
EXIT | QUIT        - Exit the program
FILES | FI | DIR   - Display filenames
ENV                - Show current settings
VOLUME | VOL | V   - Change default volume
DEBUG              - Enter the debugger
GHDR  ON | OFF     - Toggle GHDR display
DETAIL ON | OFF | DATA - Toggle detailed data display
RECLEN <nnn>        - Set data display length
SCANFORHEADER (SFH)  [PREV]  - Search for the start of a header
SCANFORTYPE   (SFT) - Find the next record of <TYPE>
<typename> | <typenumber>
SCANFORRBA    (SFR) - Find the next record with <SYSKEY>
<syskey>                - syskey = -1 scans for next record
SCANFORTIME  (SFTS) - Find the next record with timestamp
<date-time string>
<date-time string> format is
[[yy]yy-mm-dd] [hh[:mm][:ss]]
SCANFORENDTRANS (SFET) - Find the end of the current transaction
SCANFORNEXTTRANS (SFNT) - Find start of the next transaction
SHOW <option>       - Display internal information
[OPEN]        - list open files
[TIME]        - print current time in various formats
[ENV]         - show current environment
[RECTYPE]     - show list of record types
[FILTER]      - show active filter items
BIO  <option>       - Set LargeBlock I/O info
[ON]          - Enable LargeBlock I/O (default)
[OFF]         - Disable LargeBlock I/O
[BLOCK <nnnn>]- Set LargeBlock I/O size
TIMEOFFSET <option> - Set the time offset from GMT
[LOCAL]            - Use local time
[GMT]              - Use GMT time
[GMT +/- hh[:mm]]  - Offset +/- from GMT
FILTER ENABLE | ON   - Enable filtering
FILTER DISABLE | OFF - Disable filtering
FILTER CLEAR [ <filterid> | <ALL> ]
FILTER [INClude | EXCLude] <filter options>
<filter options> are
RECTYPE  <type number | type name>
STRING [BOTH] /<text>/ [<column range>]
HEX      <hex string>  [<column range>]
TRANSID  <TMF transaction identifier>
FILENAME <filename template>
PROCESS  <processname template>
INT16    <16-bit integer>
INT32    <32-bit integer>
INT64    <64-bit integer>
STARTTIME <date-time string>
ENDTIME   <date-time string>
SYSKEY   [<comparison>] <32/64-bit syskey>
SYSKEYLEN [<comparison>] [<value>]
TRANSIND [<comparison>] <nn>
UNDOFLAG [<comparison>] <nn>
RECLEN   [<comparison>] <nn>
AUDITRBA [<comparison>] <nnnnnnnn>
ANSINAME <ansi table name>
GGSTOKEN <tokenname> [<comparison>] [<tokenvalue>]
USERTOKEN <tokenname> [<comparison>] [<tokenvalue>]
CSN | LogCSN [<comparison>] [<value>]
<column range>
<start column>:<end column>, ie  0:231
=, ==, !=, <>, <, >, <=, >=  EQ, GT, LE, GE, LE, NE
X <program> [string]  - Execute <program>
TRANSHIST nnnn        - Set size of transaction history
TRANSRECLIMIT nnnn    - Set low record count threshold
TRANSBYTELIMIT nnnn   - Set low byte count threshold
LOG {STOP} | { [TO] <filename> } - Write a session log
BEGIN <date-time>     - Set next read position using a timestamp
SAVEFILECOMMENT on | OFF  - Toggle comment records in a savefile
SAVE <savefilename> [!] <options>  - Write data to a savefile
<options> are
[NOCOMMENT]  - Suppress the Comment header/trailer recs, Default
[COMMENT]    - Insert Comment header/trailer recs
[OLDFORMAT]  - Force oldformat records
[NEWFORMAT]  - Force newformat records
[TRUNCATE ]  - purgedata an existing savefile
[EXT ( <pri>, <sec> [,<max>])] - Savefile Extent sizes on NSK
[MEGabytes <nnnn>]             - For extent size calculation
[TRANSIND <nnn>]               - Set the transind field
[COMMITTS <nnn>]               - Set the committs field
USERTOKEN     on  | OFF | detail  - Show user token info
HEADERTOKEN   on  | OFF | detail  - Show header token info
GGSTOKEN      on  | OFF | detail  - Show GGS token info
FILEHEADER    on  | OFF | detail  - Display file header contents
ASCIIHEADER   ON  | off           - Toggle header charset
EBCDICHEADER  on  | OFF           - Toggle header charset
ASCIIDATA     ON  | on            - Toggle user data charset
EBCDICDATA    on  | OFF           - Toggle user data charset
ASCIIDUMP     ON  | off           - Toggle charset for hex/ascii display
EBCDICDUMP    on  | OFF           - Toggle charset for hex/ascii display
TRAILFORMAT   old | new           - Force trail type
PRINTMXCOLUMNINFO  on | OFF       - Toggle SQL/MX columninfo display
TMFBEFOREIMAGE     on | OFF       - Toggle display of TMF before images
FLOAT  <value>                    - Interpret a floating point number
[FORMAT <specifier>]       - sprintf format default %f


engate 学习系列4-logdump
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