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2012-08-15 13:19 423 查看

Software used in my linux system

Programming soft

Eclipse +jdk+jre java developing environment

Geany+gcc c/c++ developing environment

MonoDevelop .Net c# developing environment

mysql database developing and management

Matlab matlab developing and math analysis

System management soft

terminal/konsole using the shell

dolphin visual file management(文件管理的图形界面)

phone manager manage phones connected to this computer

Game and fun

kigo Chinese go playing(中国围棋)

kollision user control one ball avoiding collision with the other balls

ksnake a snake trying to eat all of the roadblocks(贪吃蛇)

palapeli trying to fix a broken picture(拼图)

killbots control a hero, avoiding the robots and try to destroy them

mines/kmines try to find the bombs(挖地雷)

Office and study

LibreOffice includes Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, etc.

Kile/TexWorks+texlive tex/latex composing environment(Kile有记忆功能,之前打过的单词会以快捷菜单的形式提供,加快录入速度,个人感觉比winedit和texworks好用)

gedit/kwrite/knote notes and simple document editing and viewing(knote能打开windows的文本文档)

klatexformula constructs math formula (like mathtype), generating latex codes(公式编辑器,生成latex代码)

evince/okular pdf file viewer(okular有强大的编辑功能)

Using the net

firefox/opera/konquor surfing the net

empathy/pidgin chatting online

skype communicating between computer and phone

evolution/thunderbird mail management client(下载并删除服务器中的邮件,对鼠标滑轮的支持不如windows live mail,通过纯文本加载方式可以提高接收邮件的速度)

transmission file uploading or donwloading(支持断点续传)

Command tools

directory&file management

cd change direcotry

dir see the available files and folders in a directory

mkdir create a directory

rm remove (delete) some resource

mv move and rename a file (files)

cp/dd copy sources include files, folds, block devices

ls List the contents of your a directory

pwd show present working directory

vim view or edit plain text files

more/less Displays text one screen at a time ('space' key for next page)

grep search plain-text data sets for lines matching a regular expression

cat show contents of a file, or concatenates and lists files

touch create an empty file, modify access time of an exist file

head/tail Print the first(last) 10 lines of each FILE to standard output

stat Display file or file system status

sort Write sorted concatenation of all FILE(s) to standard output

wc displays a count of lines, words, and characters in a file

cmp/diff compare files and show differences between files

pr print out text file, control columns

umask chmod chown chgrp

file find ln tar cpio

df/du report disk space usage by filesystem

user and group management

useradd usermod userdel

groupadd groupmod groupdel


who whoami tty id su gpasswd newgrp

wall send message to all log in users

w show who is working and what is being done

process controlling and management

pstree/ps display information on current process

kill/killall kill some process

top produce an ordered list of running processes by some criteria

task management

at/batch schedule commands to be executed once, at a particular time

crontab schedule jobs to run periodically at certain times or dates

date&time management

date view or set date and time of the computer

cal calender

net working tool

ping test whether a particular host is reachable across an IP network

netstat displays network connections (both incoming and outgoing), routing tables, and a number of network interface statistics

arp hostname route ifconfig ifup/ifdown traceroute

telnet ssh ftp/tftp mail wget talk/write/mesg


yum/apt-get soft management

mount/unmount mount or unmount additional media such as usb disk

clear clear the contents of a screen

echo to output status text to the screen or a file

env display environment, set environment for process

which Write the full path of COMMAND(s) to standard output

alias supplying name/value pairs as arguments

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