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Oracle Fusion Application在中国的第一个客户

2012-07-27 11:25 218 查看
昨天ITPUB论坛有人说,文思创新成为Oracle Fusion Application在中国的第一个客户,上的模块包括Oracle融合人力资本管理(Oracle Fusion HCM),Oracle融合客户关系管理(Oracle Fusion CRM),和Oracle融合项目组合管理(Oracle Fusion PPM)。



Oracle Fusion Applications Power VanceInfo to Achieve Superior Management

First Oracle Applications Customer in China, a Good Start to Building an Ecosystem for Oracle Applications

Shanghai, China – July 23, 2012

News Facts

VanceInfo expects to increase sales productivity, accelerate business performance, and attract, retain and motivate its superior workforce through talent management and the implementation of
Oracle Fusion Applications, including

Oracle Fusion HCM,
Oracle Fusion CRM and
Oracle Fusion PPM.

VanceInfo Technologies Inc. (NYSE: VIT) is an IT consulting and solutions provider and one of the leading offshore software development companies in China. VanceInfo is the first Chinese software development outsourcer listed on the New York Stock Exchange,
and ranks number one among China-based offshore software development service providers for both the North American and European markets.

After rigorous assessment and evaluation, VanceInfo has chosen to implement Oracle Fusion Applications for its systems due to its robust functionality, Web 2.0 user experience, embedded intelligence and open standard architecture. First phase of deployment
is expected to go live by the end of 2012.

Oracle Fusion Applications are a 100% open standards-based set of business software that provide a new standard for the way we innovate, work and adopt technology. Delivered as a comprehensive suite of modular solutions, Oracle Fusion Applications work
together with existing applications portfolios to evolve businesses to a new level of performance.

As part of Oracle Fusion Applications, Oracle Fusion HCM can help companies achieve full function potential, better knowledge, and maximized asset assessment to help everyone in the company realize their own value and continue to attract and push for excellent
HR resources. Oracle Fusion CRM enables companies to establish a better relationship between customers and partners, increasing sales channel’s efficiency and productivity through supporting sales and marketing process as well as establishing unified, real
customer information. Oracle Fusion PPM enables companies to improve projects management, through better report execution, efficiency, and quality.

Supporting Quotes

Head of VanceInfo Technologies Inc. stated, “We selected Oracle applications because of its powerful and extensive functions, good user experience and open standardized infrastructure. In addition, Oracle’s professional service team provided great support
and introduced the related business potential for us from the very beginning. We believe we can achieve superior management and improved competitive edge with the adoption of Oracle ‘s leading technology and services.”

KK Pan, Vice President and General Manager of Applications Business for Oracle Greater China, said “Oracle Fusion Applications has set a new standard for enterprise applications, and will bring a new business revolution to the cloud environment. Oracle
Fusion Applications can help VanceInfo improve the management of CRM, HCM and PPM to achieve their business goals. VanceInfo is one of Oracle’s long-term partners and the 1st Oracle Fusion Applications customer in Greater China. The successful implementation
of this project will establish a good beginning to an entire ecosystem for Oracle Fusion Applications. ”
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