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代码大全学习-13-如何使用变量(General Issue in Using Variables)

2012-07-24 21:31 381 查看





    绑定时间(binding time)就是变量和它的值绑定在一起的时间。常见的有这么几种:一、在写代码的时候,也就是常说的写死了。二、在编译的时候,可能用一些宏定义啊,命名常量啊来实现。三、在装载的时候,从外部存储读进来值。四、在对象实例化的时候,从外部存储读进来值。五、实时的,每次更新都从外部存储读进来值。从一到五,绑定的时候越来越晚。但这个不一定越晚越好。通常来说,绑定越早,程序越不灵活,但是越简单;绑定越晚,程序越灵活,但是越复杂。这就要有个平衡了,根据需要吧。不过第二种比第一种要好几乎是勿容置疑的。



Checklist: General Issues In Using Variables

 Initializing Variables

  Does each routine check input parameters for validity? 

  Does the code declare variables close to where they're first used? 

  Does the code initialize variables as they're declared, if possible? 

  Does the code initialize variables close to where they're first used, if it isn't possible to declare and initialize them at the same time? 

  Are counters and accumulators initialized properly and, if necessary, reinitialized each time they are used? 

  Are variables reinitialized properly in code that's executed repeatedly? 

  Does the code compile with no warnings from the compiler? 

  If your language uses implicit declarations, have you compensated for the problems they cause? 

 Other General Issues in Using Data

  Do all variables have the smallest scope possible? 

  Are references to variables as close together as possible-both from each reference to a variable to the next and in total live time? 

  Do control structures correspond to the data types? 

  Are all the declared variables being used? 

  Are all variables bound at appropriate times, that is, striking a conscious balance between the flexibility of late binding and the increased complexity associated with late binding? 

  Does each variable have one and only one purpose? 

  Is each variable's meaning explicit, with no hidden meanings?
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