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Mocking private methods

2012-07-21 21:48 148 查看

Quick summary

Use the @RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class) annotation at the class-level of the test case.
Use the @PrepareForTest(ClassWithPrivateMethod.class) annotation at the class-level
of the test case.
Use PowerMock.createPartialMock(ClassWithPrivateMethod.class, "nameOfTheMethodToMock") to
create a mock object that onlymocks the method with name nameOfTheMethodToMock in this class (let's call it mockObject).
Use PowerMock.expectPrivate(mockObject, "nameOfTheMethodToMock", argument1, argument2) to
expect the method call tonameOfTheMethodToMock with arguments argument1 and argument2.
Use PowerMock.replay(mockObject) to change the mock object to replay mode.
Use PowerMock.verify(mockObject) to change the mock object to verify mode.


Assume that you have a class called DataService that you like to unit test which looks like this:
public class DataService {

        public boolean replaceData(final String dataId, final byte[] binaryData) {
                return modifyData(dataId, binaryData);

        public boolean deleteData(final String dataId) {
                return modifyData(dataId, null);

         * Modify the data.
         * @param dataId
         *            The ID of the data slot where the binary data will be stored.
         * @param binaryData
         *            The binary data that will be stored. If <code>null</code>
         *            this means that the data for the particular slot is considered
         *            removed.
         * @return <code>true</code> if the operation was successful,
         *         <code>false</code> otherwise.
        private boolean modifyData(final String dataId, final byte[] binaryData) {
                 * Imagine this method doing something complex and expensive.
                return true;

DataService has two public methods that both calls a private method called modifyData.
This method does something that you indeed want to unit test (see the bypass encapsulation section for information on how to test private methods) but only
once. You don't want to duplicate the expectation and verification behavior for the logic performed inside the modifyData method
when testing the replaceData and deleteDatamethods.
One way to achieve this is by partially mocking the DataService class
in combination with setting up the correct expectations for themodifyData method. PowerMock can assist you with both.

So we begin by creating a partial mock of the DataService class where we specify that only the modifyData method
should be mocked, all other methods will behave as normally. This is easily done using:
DataService tested = PowerMock.createPartialMock(DataService.class, "modifyData");

Let's say that we're writing a test case for the replaceData method and thus we need to expect the method invocation
to modifyData so that we can test it in separation. Since modifyData is
private we make use of the PowerMock.expectPrivate(..) functionality in PowerMock. To expect the call using a byte-array
containing one byte (42) and return true we do like this:
byte[] byteArray = new byte[]{42}
PowerMock.expectPrivate(tested, "modifyData", byteArray).andReturn(true);

Here PowerMock will look-up the modifyData method using reflection and record the expected invocation. If there are
several overloaded methods matching the supplied method-name then PowerMock will try to figure out which one to expect by matching the argument types of the supplied parameters (in this case byteArray which
is of type byte[].class) with the parameter types of the methods. This will work fine in most situations. For example
if the DataService class had two methods called modifyData one
taking a byte[] as last parameter and one taking achar[] as
last parameter the expectation above would still work. However there are cases when PowerMock cannot figure out which method to expect by using this simple syntax. For example if you must use EasyMock matchers
for an overloaded method or if an overloaded method is using a primitive type and the other method is using a wrapper type such as:
private int myMethod(int id) {          
        return 2*id;

private int myMethod(Integer id) {              
                return 3*id;

This is of course a naive example but you could still use PowerMock.expectPrivate(..) to setup the expectation for these
methods. For themyMethod(int id) method you'd do like this to tell it to return a value of 20 when
expectPrivate(mockObject, "myMethod", new Class<?>[] { int.class },10).andReturn(20);

Here we explicitly tell PowerMock to expect the call to the myMethod that takes an int as
parameter. But in the majority of cases you don't need to specify the parameter type since PowerMock will find the correct method automatically.

We also need to tell PowerMock which classes to mock. This is done by adding the @PrepareForTest annotation to the class-level
of test case, in this case @PrepareForTest(DataService.class). You also need to tell JUnit to execute the test using
PowerMock which is done by using the @RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class) annotation. Without these two annotations the
test will fail.

Last but not least the tested instance must be replayed and verified using the PowerMock.replay(tested) and PowerMock.verify(tested)methods.

The full test looks like this:
public void testReplaceData() throws Exception {
        final String modifyDataMethodName = "modifyData";
        final byte[] expectedBinaryData = new byte[] { 42 };
        final String expectedDataId = "id";

        // Mock only the modifyData method
        DataService tested = createPartialMock(DataService.class, modifyDataMethodName);
        // Expect the private method call to "modifyData"
        expectPrivate(tested, modifyDataMethodName, expectedDataId,


        assertTrue(tested.replaceData(expectedDataId, expectedBinaryData));

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