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2012-07-21 12:10 239 查看
############################ 导入外部js文件:##################################

1.<script type="text/javascript" src="myjs/xx.js"></script>

2.<script language="javascript" src="myjs/xx.js"></script>

这里的</script>不能丢,也不能写成<script type="text/javascript" src="myjs/xx.js"/>这种形式,因为容易找不到外部js文件(src属性同img的src)。注意:type是一个未来趋势,在HTML 4 标准里并不赞成使用language属性,而赞成使用type属性。language属性可以用来指定使用哪种脚本语言,而type属性可以指定脚本语言的MIME类型。


############################ 导入外部css文件: #################################

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/mycss.css"/>




Alternate:Substitute version of the file that contains the link.

Appendix:Page that is an appendix for the set of pages.


Chapter:Page that is a chapter for a set of pages.

Contents:Table of contents document.

Copyright:Copyright notice for the current page.

Glossary:Glossary for the current page.

Help:Help document.

Index:Index document for the current page.

Next:Next document in a sequence.

Offline:href that contains a path to the CDF file to be used for an offline favorite.

Prev:Previous document in a sequence.

Section:Page that is a section for a set of pages.

Shortcut:Icon href that contains a path to an icon file to be used for the favorite or link.

Start:First document of a set.

Stylesheet:Style sheet.

Subsection:Page that is a subsection for a set of pages.
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