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2012-07-13 18:54 411 查看

sub google_search{
my $keyword = $_[0];
print "keyword is $keyword\n";

#we must first convert our search term into utf8, then can we use uri_escape to encode the term to search-engine like encoding
my $search = encode("utf-8",decode("gb2312", $keyword));
$search = uri_escape($search);

print "keyword is $search\n";

my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; #Construct the request object
$ua->agent( "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:2.0.0) Gecko/20100101" ); #Google checks UAs, so set this to something common
$ua->timeout( 10 ); #Give up after 10 seconds of waiting
$ua->max_redirect( 0 ); #We only want the URL that google sends, so stop after we submit
$ua->env_proxy; #Load proxy info from the environment, if any is set

my $response = $ua->get(
"http://www.google.com/search?q=".$search #The URL to request
) or die( $! );

#my $firstUrl = $response->contents; #This contains the link of the result page
return encode("utf8", $response->decoded_content()); #convert to utf8

LWP::UserAgent 用来下载网页

URI::Escape 用来对中文进行转义,生成google链接中的奇奇怪怪的编码

use Encode 对我们输入的检索关键词编码至utf8
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