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SAP MM之移动类型(Movement type-MVT)

2012-07-07 16:30 369 查看
SAP MM之移动类型(Movement type-MVT) (2011-02-17 11:13:38)


标签: sap mm it 分类: 模块知识











1、material document (从Warehouse(物流)的角度描述物料的移动)

2、accoutning document (从value flow(价值流)的角度描述物料的移动)


Movement type

Mvt type Description

1xx GR from Pur/Prd and return

2xx GI for Consumption

3xx,4xx Transfer

5xx GR W/O ref to Pur/Prd Order

6xx LE-SHP movement types

7xx Physical inventory(IM:70x/WM:71x)

8xx Brazil

Customer 9xx,Xxx,Yxx,Zxx

MvT Movement Type Text

101 GR goods receipt 采购订单收货(收货类)

102 GR for PO reversal

103 GR into blocked stck 采购订单收货至冻结状态(收货类)

104 GR to blocked rev.

105 GR from blocked stck

106 GR from blocked rev.

107 GR to Val. Bl. Stock

108 GR to Val. Bl. Rev.

109 GR fr. Val. Bl. St.

110 GR fr. Val. Bl. Rev.

121 GR subseq. adjustm.

122 RE return to vendor 无采购订单退货(收货类)

123 RE rtrn vendor rev.

124 GR rtrn blocked stck

125 GR rtn blkd stck rev

131 Goods receipt 从生产订单收货(收货类)

132 Goods receipt

141 GR G subseq. adjustm

142 GR G subseq. adjustm

161 GR returns 按退货采购订单退货(收货类)

162 GR rtrns reversal

201 GI for cost center 成本中心消耗(发货类)

202 RE for cost center

221 GI for project

222 RE for project

231 GI for sales order

232 RE for sales order

241 GI for asset

242 RE for asset

251 GI for sales

252 RE for sales

261 GI for order 内部订单消耗(发货类)

262 RE for order

281 GI for network

282 RE for network

291 GI all acc. assigmts

292 RE all acct assigmts

301 TF trfr plnt to plnt 工厂间转移(转移类)

302 TR trfr plnt to plnt

303 TF rem.fm stor.to pl

304 TR rem.fm stor.to pl

305 TF pl.in stor.in pl.

306 TR pl.in stor.in pl.

309 TF tfr ps.mat.to mat

310 TR tfr ps.mat.to mat

311 TF trfr within plant 存储地点转移(转移类)

312 TR transfer in plant

313 TF rem.fm str.toSLoc

314 TR rem.fm str.toSLoc

315 TF pl.in str.in SLoc

316 TR pl.in stor.inSLoc

317 Create struct. mat.

318 RE create struc. mat

319 Split structured mat

320 RE split struct.mat.

321 TF quality to unrest

322 TR quality to unr.

323 TF quality in plant 321-325库存类为冻结/质检状态的记账修改和移动

324 TR quality in plant

325 TF blocked in plant

326 TR blocked in plant

331 GI to sampling QI

332 RE to sampling QI

333 GI to sampling unre.

334 RE to sampling unre.

335 GI to sampl. blocked

336 RE to sampling blkd

340 Batch revaluation

341 TF unrestr.to restr.

342 TF rstricted to unr.

343 TF blocked to unre.

344 TR blocked to unre.

349 TF blocked to QI

350 TR blocked to QI

351 TF to stck in trans.

352 TR to stck in trans.

411 TF SLoc to SLoc

412 TR SLoc to SLoc

413 TF SLoc to sls order

414 TR SLoc to sls order

415 TF SLoc to project

416 TR SLoc to proj.

441 TP unrstr.to tiedEmp

442 TP tiedEmp.to unrstr

451 GI returns

452 RE returns reversal

453 TP returns to own

454 TP own to returns

455 TF st. trfr returns

456 TR st. trfr returns

457 TP Returns to own QI

458 TP Own QI to returns

459 TP Ret. to own blckd

460 TP Own blckd to ret.

501 Receipt w/o PO 无采购订单收货(收货类)

502 RE receipt w/o PO

503 Receipt to QI

504 RE receipt to QI

505 Receipt to blocked

506 RE receipt to blockd

511 Delivery w/o charge 免费收货(收货类)

512 RE deliv. w/o charge

521 Receipt w/o order

522 RE receipt w/o prOrd

523 Rcpt QI w/o prOrder

524 RE quality w/o prOrd

525 Rcpt blkd w/o pr.ord

526 RE blocked w/o PrOrd

531 Receipt by-product

532 RE by-product

541 GI whse to subc.stck 委外加工发货(发货类)

542 RE subctrStck toWhse

543 GI issue sls ord.st.

544 GI receipt sls or.st

545 Rcpt SC by-product

546 GI issue SC by-prod.

551 GI scrapping 库房报损(发货类)

552 RE scrapping

553 GI scrapping QI

554 RE scrapping QI

555 GI scrapping blocked

556 RE scrapping blocked

557 GI adjust. transit

558 GI adjust. transit

561 Init.entry of stBal.

562 RE in.entry stk bals

563 Init. entrStBals: QI

564 RE ent.st.bals: QI

565 In.ent.stBals: blckd

566 RE ent.stBals: blckd

571 Receipt assembly

572 RE receipt assembly

573 Rcpt QI assembly

574 RE rcpt QI assembly

575 Rcpt blckd assmbly

576 RE rcpt blkd assmbly

581 Rcpt by-prod network

582 RE by-prod. network

601 GD goods issue:delvy

602 RE goods deliv. rev.

603 TF rem.fm stor.to pl

604 TR rem.fm stor.to pl

605 TF pl.in stor.in pl.

606 TR pl.in stor.in pl.

617 Cre. Str. Mat. Cons.

618 RE Cr. Str. Mat. Con

619 Rem. Str. Mat. Cons.

620 RE Rem. Str Mat Cons

621 GI ret.pack.:lending

622 GI ret.pack:ret.del.

623 GI iss:cust.ret.pack

624 GI rcpt:cust.re.pack

631 GI consgmt: lending

632 GI consgmt:ret.delvy

633 GI iss: cust.consgmt

634 GI rcpt:cust.consgmt

635 TF consgmt lending

636 TR consgmt ret. del.

641 TF to stck in trans.

642 TR to stck in trans.

643 TF to cross company

644 TR to cross company

645 TF cross company

646 TR cross company

647 TF to stck in trans.

648 TR to stck in trans.

651 GD ret.del. returns

652 GD ret.del. retn rev

653 GD returns unrestr.

654 GD returns unr. rev.

655 GD returns QI

656 GD returns QI rev.

657 GD returns blocked

658 GD returns blk. rev.

661 GI returns to vendor

662 RE ret. to vdr revrs

671 TR to stck in trans.

672 TF to stck in trans.

673 TF to cross company

674 TR to cross company

675 TR cross company

676 TF cross company

677 TR to stck in trans.

678 TF to stck in trans.

6A1 TF GI1

6A2 TR GI1





6A7 TF GI1

6A8 TR GI1

6B1 TF GI2

6B2 TR GI2





6B7 TF GI2

6B8 TR GI2

6K5 TF GI2 consi

6K6 TR GI2 consi

6W5 TF GI1 consi

6W6 TR GI1 consi

701 GR phys.inv.: whse

702 GI phys.inv.: whse

703 GR phys.inv: QI

704 GI phys.inv: QI

707 GR phys.inv.:blocked

708 GI phys.inv.:blocked

711 GI InvDiff.:whouse

712 GR InvDiff.:wrhouse

713 GI InvDiff: QI

714 GR InvDiff: QI

715 GI InvDiff.:returns

716 GR InvDiff.:returns

717 GI InvDiff.: blocked

718 GR InvDiff.: blocked

721 SlsVal.rec.n.afftMgs

722 SlsVal.iss.n.afftMgs

731 SlsVal.rec. afftgMgs

732 SlsVal.iss. afftgMgs





901 TF trfr plnt to plnt

902 TR trfr plnt to plnt


以部门为线 串一下

1/库房收货处 唯一任务是收货 按采购订单号码 清点货物数量 整理通知IQC准备质检

101 按采购订单收货 MB01 没上WM会收到PO指定的存储地点 有WM会收到收货区(是对应WM移动类型决定)

使用QM模块 并在主数据中设定必须做IQC的物料 收货后自动转为质检库存类 直到作出使用决定后再移动

501 无采购订单收货

511 免费收货 MIGO/MB1C

2/库房材料库 主要任务是WM转储/库存调拨/按生产订单投料/非生产消耗/盘库


库存调拨 有工厂间调拨 301 存储地点间调拨 311 事务码都是MB1A

还分一步和两步方法 例如用 303+305 效果与301类似 但两个工厂都需要做动作 用内部订单控制

月底结算 双方对帐

对特殊库存状态(special storage category)物料库存调拨需要用特殊移动类型 质检料的转库 323 冻结料的转库 325

对库存状态变化 质检->自由库存 321 MB1B

编码转换 309 MB1B

由于生产方式是重复制造 采用反冲方法 将原材料转入supply area 通过生产线软件取数据 自动confirm生产订单 然后反冲 根据order消耗 然后发货到生产线收货区

对材料 261消耗到订单 对应前端MB1C 对半成品/成品 101收货 对应前端MB31

报损 551 MB1C 这里的移动原因一般是强制输入的 以便月底报表 区分各部门数据(供应商原因/研发原因/各生产线原因)

借料 系统里面没有 拷一个出来就是 自然是借到成本中心来控制

月底盘库 701/702 Or 711/712 这个用户看不到 对盘库差异清算自动产生


这里的移动类型也看不见 对这里人员是根据delivery note和shipping noification发货

601 销售出库

633 寄售出库(总部->分公司)

541 委外加工发货
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