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List Pull Refresh Plugin for Sencha Touch

2012-06-29 10:22 507 查看

List Pull Refresh Plugin for Sencha Touch

by Shea Frederick on January 10th, 2011

One thing that you find out quickly when developing for mobile, is that mobile devices require us to be much more creative with our usage of UI features. It's not all about adding another button here, or a form field there - that takes up too much space - it's
about harnessing simple and natural gestures to perform the functionality we need.

Be Gone Refresh Button!

simple thing we can do to get rid of extra button clutter is get rid of that "Refresh" button that is eating up space and ugifying the top right corner of our toolbar. Luckily someone has already come up with a UX to deal with this problem, the "Pull to Refresh"
interaction pioneered by Loren Brichter of Tweetie fame. I just needed to implement it into Sencha Touch.

Pull to Refresh

solution to this UX problem is quite simple, make a plugin that monitors scroll and adds the appropriate visual indicators, but I wanted to see how others implemented it first and follow that same pattern. This way whatever I developed would follow the exact
same interaction as other established implementations and not confuse users.

What I found was the EGOTableViewPullRefresh , a JAVA implementation developed by enormego and
used by Facebook for their Android mobile app, this provided me with the appropriate logic, styling and interaction to match the current widely accepted user interaction.

After careful examination (the code is actually quite small) I found that there are three stages to the "Pull to Refresh" concept:




The "Normal" state is when the user is pulling down on the list, but has not yet reached the required distance pulling the list to cause a refresh if released.

The "Pulling" state is when the user has pulled down on the list past the required distance, and releasing it would cause a refresh. If the user were to pull the list back up past the required distance and release it would return to the Normal state
and a refresh would not be triggered - this is the "escape" for users that do not want to refresh.

The "Loading" state is quite self explanatory, it's when the user has released the list from the "Pulling" state and a refresh has been triggered, but data has not yet been re-populated. Also, a last updated date is updated when this happens.

With all of this laid out now, I can write the code needed to make it happen, and create the styles to mimic what currently exists.

The plugin

The first thing I had to do was add the HTML element to the top of the scrolling list that would provide feedback to the user when they pulled the list. After that, monitoring the 'offsetchange' event of the scroller element of the list is where the logic of
when to show the feedback HTML elements is handled.
this.cmp.scroller.on('offsetchange', this.handlePull, this);

The handlePull method is where the logic went for determining which of the three states we were in. Take a look at my code on Github for all the details - all said and done it's only 125 lines.

I hope this code proves useful to you in your mobile development projects. This code is available to the public at my Github repository.


Using the plugin is quite simple, just listen for the 'released' event on the plugin and reload your data.
xtype: 'list',
plugins: [new Ext.ux.touch.ListPullRefresh({
listeners: {
'released': function(plugin,list){
// call the plugins processComplete method to hide the 'loading' indicator
your_store.on('load', plugin.processComplete, plugin, {single:true});
// do whatever needs to happen for reload

DEMO (Must be viewed on phone):http://www.codetick.com/demos/refresh/index.html


From JavaScript, Touch


Martin permalink

Hey Looks very promising but the link to the demo seems to be broken

Shea Frederick permalink

Works fine for me – can you provide any more details than “broken”.

Henrik Heimbuerger permalink

The actual URL shown works (http://www.codetick.com/demos/refresh/index.html), but the link points to http://www.codetick.com/demos/refresh/,
which first gave me a 500, now a 404.

Shea Frederick permalink

Oh yeah, good spot. I never noticed because I was just typing it into my phone to test.

Fixed the link now.

MCD permalink

demo is broken surely, for me..

Broken Details: I am clicking the link claiming that it is the demo link.

Although every page I want to open is open, this little link persistently is not opened.

Well, for somebody it works, for others it doesn’t,I think there is a server issue..

Thank you Shea…

Sujay permalink

Hi Shea,

Preety cool. The plugin did work however its breaking the itemtap listener which I have put on the list.

Not sure if I am doing something wrong or if you have already noticed it.


Shea Frederick permalink

I have not experienced this problem, the itemtap event still works for me. Can you provide a sample and version.

Oleg permalink

Is this plugin works only with List? I am trying to add this feature to the Component class.

Dean Wild permalink

Hey, brilliant code, exactly what I was looking for.

I do not like the built in List in sencha so I tend to use a panel and render my own HTML. I have successfully added this plugin to a panel and it works on the first drag but after that the refresh message element disappears permanently. Any ideas?

Diego Echeverri permalink

Dean Wild!

I made a fork that works with panels.

Check it out at https://github.com/diegoeche/Ext.ux.touch.ListPullRefresh

Premier permalink


it works with my list, but it hides default list loading mask.

How can i fix it? i want list loading mask!

Sanjay permalink

I want loading mask too….

zzq permalink

i met the same question. how to fix it ?

Jach permalink

Thank you. It works like a charm.

I don’t use load() function like you in the release event but loadData() (of the store) and I can call one time only the pull refresh. Is that normal?

Jach permalink

I should view the plugin code before post.

I solve my problem with a manual call of the processComplete() function of the plugin.



xtype: ‘list’,


plugins: [new Ext.ux.touch.ListPullRefresh({

listeners: {

'released': function(plugin,list){






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