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2012-06-14 15:44 411 查看




leveldb::Slice s1 = "hello";

std::string str("world");

leveldb::Slice s2 = str;


std::string str = s1.ToString();

assert(str == std::string("hello"));


leveldb::Slice slice;

if (...) {

std::string str = ...;

slice = str;





class Slice {
// Create an empty slice.
Slice() : data_(""), size_(0) { }								// 创建一个空的Slice

// Create a slice that refers to d[0,n-1].
Slice(const char* d, size_t n) : data_(d), size_(n) { }			// 根据d[0,n-1]创建一个Slice

// Create a slice that refers to the contents of "s"
Slice(const std::string& s) : data_(s.data()), size_(s.size()) { }	// 根据string创建一个Slice

// Create a slice that refers to s[0,strlen(s)-1]
Slice(const char* s) : data_(s), size_(strlen(s)) { }			// 根据s[0, strlen(s)-1]创建一个Slice

// Return a pointer to the beginning of the referenced data
const char* data() const { return data_; }						// 返回数据

// Return the length (in bytes) of the referenced data
size_t size() const { return size_; }							// 返回数据长度

// Return true iff the length of the referenced data is zero
bool empty() const { return size_ == 0; }						// 判断是否为空

// Return the ith byte in the referenced data.
// REQUIRES: n < size()
char operator[](size_t n) const {								// 返回特定位置的字符
assert(n < size());
return data_

// Change this slice to refer to an empty array
void clear() { data_ = ""; size_ = 0; }							// 重置

// Drop the first "n" bytes from this slice.
void remove_prefix(size_t n) {									// 删除前缀n个字符
assert(n <= size());
data_ += n;
size_ -= n;

// Return a string that contains the copy of the referenced data.
std::string ToString() const { return std::string(data_, size_); }	// 返回string字符串

// Three-way comparison.  Returns value:
//   <  0 iff "*this" <  "b",
//   == 0 iff "*this" == "b",
//   >  0 iff "*this" >  "b"
int compare(const Slice& b) const;								// Slice比较

// Return true iff "x" is a prefix of "*this"
bool starts_with(const Slice& x) const {						// *this是否以Slice x为首
return ((size_ >= x.size_) &&
(memcmp(data_, x.data_, x.size_) == 0));

const char* data_;
size_t size_;
// 拷贝构造函数及=操作符重载没写,采用默认的操作(直接赋值)

// Intentionally copyable

// slice == 运算符重载
inline bool operator==(const Slice& x, const Slice& y) {
return ((x.size() == y.size()) && (memcmp(x.data(), y.data(), x.size()) == 0));

inline bool operator!=(const Slice& x, const Slice& y) {
return !(x == y);

// 比较函数
inline int Slice::compare(const Slice& b) const {
const int min_len = (size_ < b.size_) ? size_ : b.size_;
int r = memcmp(data_, b.data_, min_len);
if (r == 0) {
if (size_ < b.size_) r = -1;
else if (size_ > b.size_) r = +1;
return r;
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