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2012-06-14 11:20 288 查看



Given two strings A and B, edit A to B with the minimum number of edit operations:

a) .Replace a letter with another letter

b) .Insert a letter

c) .Delete a letter


A = interestingly _i__nterestingly

B = bioinformatics bioinformatics__


Edit distance = 11

Instead of minimizing the number of edge operations, we can associate a cost function to the
operations and minimize the total cost. Such cost is called edit distance. Instead of using string edit, in computational biology, people like to use string alignment.We use similarity function, instead of cost function, to evaluate the goodness
of the alignment.

E.g. of similarity function: match – 2, mismatch, insert, delete – -1.

Consider two strings ACAATCC and AGCATGC.

One of their alignment is

In the above alignment, space (‘_’) is introduced to both strings. There are 5 matches, 1
mismatch, 1 insert, and 1 delete.The alignment has similarity score 7.



Note that the above alignment has the maximum score.Such alignment is called optimal
alignment.String alignment problem tries to find the alignment with the maximum similarity
score!String alignment problem is also called global alignment problem.

Needleman-Wunsch algorithm

Consider two strings S[1..n] and T[1..m].Define V(i, j) be the score of the optimal alignment
between S[1..i] and T[1..j].


V(0, 0) = 0

V(0, j) = V(0, j-1) + d(_, T[j]):Insert j times

V(i, 0) = V(i-1, 0) + d(S[i], _):Delete i times

that is:

Example (I):


#pragma once
#include <string>

class CStrEditDistance
	CStrEditDistance(std::string& vStrRow, std::string& vStrColumn);

	int  getScore()				{ return m_Score;   }
	int  getEditDis()			{ return m_EditDis; }
	void setEditDis(int vDis)	{ m_EditDis = vDis; }
	void setScore(int vScore)	{ m_Score = vScore; }
	void process(const std::string& vStrRow, const std::string& vStrColumn);
	int getMaxValue(int a, int b, int c)
		if (a < b){ if (b < c) return c; return b; }
		else { if (b > c) return a; return a < c ? c : a; }
	int			m_EditDis;
	int			m_Score;

#include "StrEditDistance.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

#define MATCH		2
#define MISS_MATCH	-1
#define INSERT		-1
#define DELETE		-1

CStrEditDistance::CStrEditDistance(std::string& vStrRow, std::string& vStrColumn)
	process(vStrRow, vStrColumn);


void CStrEditDistance::process(const std::string& vStrRow, const std::string& vStrColumn)
	int editDis = 0;					//编辑距离
	int row = vStrColumn.length();		
	int column = vStrRow.length();
	const int sizeR = row + 1;
	const int sizeC = column + 1;

	int **pScore = new int*[sizeR];		//二维指针
	for (int i = 0; i <= row; i++)
		pScore[i] = new int[sizeC];

	for (int c = 0; c <= column; c++)
		pScore[0][c] = 0 - c;
	for (int r = 0; r <= row; r++)
		pScore[r][0] = 0 - r;

	for (int c = 1; c <= column; c++)
		for (int r = 1; r <= row; r++)
			//计算v(i,j), 其值等于A:v(i-1,j)+insert、B:v(i,j-1)+delet e、C:v(i-1,j-1)+@(i,j)中的最大的一个 
			int valueMatch;
			if (vStrColumn[r-1] == vStrRow[c-1])
 				valueMatch = MATCH;
				valueMatch = MISS_MATCH;   
			int A = pScore[r-1][c] + INSERT;
			int B = pScore[r][c-1] + DELETE;
			int C = pScore[r-1][c-1] + valueMatch;
			pScore[r][c] = getMaxValue(A, B, C);

	int r = row, c = column;
	while(r > 0 && c > 0)
		if (pScore[r][c]+1 == pScore[r-1][c])	    { editDis++; r--; continue; }
		else if (pScore[r][c]+1 == pScore[r][c-1])  { editDis++; c--; continue; }
		else if (pScore[r][c]+1 == pScore[r-1][c-1]){ editDis++; r--; c--; continue; }
		else { r--; c--; }
	if (r > 0 && c == 0)		editDis += r;
	else if (c > 0 && r == 0)	editDis += c;

	std::cout << std::endl;
 	for (int i = 0; i <= row; i++)
 		for (int j = 0; j <= column; j++)
			std::cout << std::setw(2) << pScore[i][j] << "  ";
	    std::cout << std::endl;
	std::cout << std::endl;


	for (int i = 0; i <= row; i++)			//释放内存
		delete pScore[i];
		pScore[i] = NULL;
	delete[] pScore;


#include "StrEditDistance.h"
#include <iostream>

#define MAX_SIZE	100

int main(int, char **)
	char sRow[MAX_SIZE];
	char sColumn[MAX_SIZE];

	std::cout << "input row string : ";
	std::cin.getline(sRow, MAX_SIZE);
	std::cout << "input column str : ";
	std::cin.getline(sColumn, MAX_SIZE);
	std::string strRow(sRow), strColumn(sColumn);
  	CStrEditDistance *pStrEdit = new CStrEditDistance(strRow, strColumn);
	std::cout << "The score is : " << pStrEdit->getScore() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "The edit distance is : " << pStrEdit->getEditDis() << std::endl;
  	delete pStrEdit;

	return 0;
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