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Option Explicit

Dim oDataBase
Set oDataBase = new DataBase
Dim sDBName, sSQL, RS
'''To Read Mysql Data
'sName = "Mysql.ProductDB"
'sSQL = "select * from Products_Core limit 0,10;"
'print oDataBase.StartEngine("Mysql",sName, "ProductDB")
'Set RS = oDataBase.DB_Execute_Query(sName, sSQL)
'print oDataBase.Get_Field_Value(RS, 8, "product_id")
'''To Read SqlServer Data
'sName = "SQLServer.Account"
'sSQL = "select top 10 * from dangdang_money"
'print oDataBase.StartEngine("SQLServer",sName, "Account")
'Set RS = oDataBase.DB_Execute_Query(sName, sSQL)
'print oDataBase.Get_Field_Value(RS, 8, "money_id")
'''To Read Excel Data
'sName = "Excel.TD.xls"
'sSQL = "select * from publish_comm_data"
'print oDataBase.StartEngine("Excel",sName, "TD.xls")
'Set RS = oDataBase.DB_Execute_Query(sName, sSQL)
'print oDataBase.Get_Field_Value(RS, 2, "PID")
'''To Read OracleData
'sName = "Oracle.DB"
'sSQL = "select * from Table"
'print oDataBase.StartEngine("Oracle",sName, "DB")
'Set RS = oDataBase.DB_Execute_Query(sName, sSQL)
'print oDataBase.Get_Field_Value(RS, 2, "Field")

class DataBase

Private oDBConns
Private oCurrentConn

Public Property Get Version
Version = "0.1"
End Property

Public Function StartEngine(sType, sName, sDBName)

Dim oDBEngine
Dim bResult
Dim i
bResult = True
On Error Resume Next
Execute "Set oDBEngine = New " & sType & "Engine"
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
bResult = False
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "DataEngine StartEngine", "Failed to create instance : " & sType
End If
On Error Goto 0

If bResult = True Then
On Error Resume Next
Set oDBEngine.Enginer = Me
On Error Goto 0

if not oCurrentConn is Nothing then
If not oDBConns.Exists(sName) Then
oDBConns.Add sName, oCurrentConn
Set oCurrentConn = Nothing
End If
bResult = False
end if
End If

If bResult = False Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "DataBase StartEngine", "Failed to start engine " & sName & " Of Type " & sType
On Error Resume Next
On Error Goto 0
End If

Set oDBEngine = Nothing

StartEngine = bResult

End Function

Public Function DB_Connect(connection_string)
On error Resume next
set oCurrentConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
If Err.Number <> 0 then
Set oCurrentConn = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
oCurrentConn.Open connection_string
If Err.Number <> 0 then
Set oCurrentConn = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
On Error Goto 0
End Function

Public Function DB_Disconnect(sName)
if oDBConns.Exists(sName) then
Set oDBConns(sName) = Nothing
oDBConns.Delete sName
end if
End Function

Public Function DB_Execute_Query(sName, SQL)
if oDBConns.Exists(sName) then
Set DB_Execute_Query = oDBConns(sName).Execute(SQL)
end if
End Function

Public Function Get_Field_Value(RS, int_col, str_Field)
index_col = int(int_col)
If (not RS.eof) then
While index_col > 1
index_col = index_col - 1
Get_Field_Value = RS.Fields.Item(str_Field)
If Not IsNull(Get_Field_Value) Then
End If
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"未在数据库中查询到值,请检查数据的正确性"
Set Rs = Nothing
End If
End Function

Public Function Get_Collection_Count(rs)
Dim i
For each coll in rs
i = i + 1
Get_Collection_Count = i
End Function

Private Sub Class_Initialize
Set oDBConns = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate
Set oDBConns = Nothing
End Sub

End class

Class SQLServerEngine

Public Enginer

Public Property Get Version
Version = "0.1"
End Property

Public Property Get EngineType
EngineType = "SQLServer"
End Property

Public Function StartEngine(str_db_name)
Sql_Con_Str = "driver={SQL Server};Server=;DATABASE=" & str_db_name & ";UID=writeuser;PWD=ddbackend;"
StartEngine = Enginer.DB_Connect(Sql_Con_Str)
End Function

Public Sub StopEngine
Set Enginer = Nothing
End Sub

End Class

Class MysqlEngine

Public Enginer

Public Property Get Version
Version = "0.1"
End Property

Public Property Get EngineType
EngineType = "MysqlServer"
End Property

Public Function StartEngine(str_db_name)
Sql_Con_Str = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};SERVER=;PORT=3306;DATABASE=" & str_db_name & ";USER=writeuser;PASSWORD=ddbackend;OPTION=3;"
StartEngine = Enginer.DB_Connect(Sql_Con_Str)
End Function

Public Sub StopEngine
Set Enginer = Nothing
End Sub

End Class

Class OracleEngine

Public Enginer

Public Property Get Version
Version = "0.1"
End Property

Public Property Get EngineType
EngineType = "OracleServer"
End Property

Public Function StartEngine(str_db_name)
Sql_Con_Str = "driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};Server=" & str_db_name & ";UID=dangdang;PWD=dangdang;"
StartEngine = Enginer.DB_Connect(Sql_Con_Str)
End Function

Public Sub StopEngine
Set Enginer = Nothing
End Sub

End Class

Class ExcelEngine

Public Enginer

Public Property Get Version
Version = "0.1"
End Property

Public Property Get EngineType
EngineType = "OracleServer"
End Property

Public Function StartEngine(str_db_name)
Sql_Con_Str = "DBQ=D:\QTP\ProductPage_Project\Test_Data\" & str_db_name & ";Driver=Driver do Microsoft Excel(*.xls)"
StartEngine = Enginer.DB_Connect(Sql_Con_Str)
End Function

Public Sub StopEngine
Set Enginer = Nothing
End Sub

End Class


Dim oDataBase
Set oDataBase = new DataBase
Dim sDBName, sSQL, RS
'''To Read Mysql Data
'sName = "Mysql.ProductDB"
'sSQL = "select * from Products_Core limit 0,10;"
'print oDataBase.StartEngine("Mysql",sName, "ProductDB")
'Set RS = oDataBase.DB_Execute_Query(sName, sSQL)
'print oDataBase.Get_Field_Value(RS, 8, "product_id")
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