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2012-06-10 08:30 429 查看
2009-09-02 13:53





log4net是从java下的log工具 log4j发展过来的,顾名思义,log4net就是给.net用的。


log4net is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a variety of output targets. log4net is a port of the excellent log4j framework to the .NET runtime. We have kept the framework similar
in spirit to the original log4j while taking advantage of new features in the .NET runtime.


Support for multiple frameworks

Output to multiple logging targets

Hierarchical logging architecture

XML Configuration

Dynamic Configuration

Logging Context
Proven architecture

Modular and extensible design

High performance with flexibility



log4net.Appender.AdoNetAppenderWrites logging events to a database using either prepared statements or stored procedures.
log4net.Appender.AnsiColorTerminalAppenderWrites color highlighted logging events to a an ANSI terminal window.
log4net.Appender.AspNetTraceAppenderWrites logging events to the ASP trace context. These can then be rendered at the end of the ASP page or on the ASP trace page.
log4net.Appender.ColoredConsoleAppenderWrites color highlighted logging events to the application's Windows Console.
log4net.Appender.ConsoleAppenderWrites logging events to the application's Console. The events may go to either the standard our stream or the standard error stream.
log4net.Appender.EventLogAppenderWrites logging events to the Windows Event Log.
log4net.Appender.FileAppenderWrites logging events to a file in the file system.
log4net.Appender.LocalSyslogAppenderWrites logging events to the local syslog service (UNIX only).
log4net.Appender.MemoryAppenderStores logging events in an in memory buffer.
log4net.Appender.NetSendAppenderWrites logging events to the Windows Messenger service. These messages are displayed in a dialog on a users terminal.
log4net.Appender.OutputDebugStringAppenderWrites logging events to the debugger. If the application has no debugger, the system debugger displays the string. If the application has no debugger and the system debugger is not active, the message is ignored.
log4net.Appender.RemoteSyslogAppenderWrites logging events to a remote syslog service using UDP networking.
log4net.Appender.RemotingAppenderWrites logging events to a remoting sink using .NET remoting.
log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppenderWrites logging events to a file in the file system. The RollingFileAppender can be configured to log to multiple files based upon date or file size constraints.
log4net.Appender.SmtpAppenderSends logging events to an email address.
log4net.Appender.TelnetAppenderClients connect via Telnet to receive logging events.
log4net.Appender.TraceAppenderWrites logging events to the .NET trace system.
log4net.Appender.UdpAppenderSends logging events as connectionless UDP datagrams to a remote host or a multicast group using a UdpClient.

1、 建立一个名为"TestLog4Net"的Windows Application工程

2、 添加对log4net.dll的引用

3、 打开"AssemblyInfo.vb"文件,在文件中添加下列代码:

<Assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfiguratorAttribute(Watch:=True)>


4、 打开"Form1.vb"文件,在文件开头添加下列代码:

Imports log4net

5、 打开"Form1.vb"文件,找到下列代码:

Public Class Form1

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form


Private Shared ReadOnly Log As log4net.ILog = _



6、 在窗口上添加一个按钮"Button1",双击进入事件处理编写,如下:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

With Log

.Debug("Button1_Click Debug")

.Error("Button1_Click Error")

.Fatal("Button1_Click Fatal")

.Info("Button1_Click Info")

End With

End Sub

7、 运行程序,可以看到什么Log文件也没有,嗯,这就对了。我的目的是让系统建立bin目录。

8 进入bin目录,创建文件"TestLog4Net.exe.config",内容如下:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


<!-- Register a section handler for the log4net section -->


<section name="log4net" type="System.Configuration.IgnoreSectionHandler" />



<!-- the rollingFile Appender, which could save log to File ,and according to the configuration, when the file reach 100kb, it will save the old file to the TestLog4Net.log.1, and the TestLog4Net.log.2 and that's all-->

<appender name="RollingFile" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">

<file value="TestLog4Net.log " />

<appendToFile value="true" />

<maximumFileSize value="100KB" />

<maxSizeRollBackups value="2" />

<layout type=" log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">

<conversionPattern value="%level %date %logger - %message %t%n" />




<level value="DEBUG" />

<appender-ref ref="RollingFile" />





<file value="TestLog4Net.log" />指明了输出的log文件名称为"TestLog4Net.log"。

<maximumFileSize value="100KB" />指明了输出的log文件最大长度为100KB。

<conversionPattern value="%level %date %logger - %message %t%n" />指明了输出内容的格式,下面会有展示。

<level value="DEBUG" />指明当前是DEBUG模式,如果改为<level value="RELEASE" />,则不会输出log内容。

9、 再次运行程序,点击Button1,在bin目录下出现log文件"TestLog4Net.net",内容如下:

DEBUG 2006-08-12 18:02:40,753 TestLog4Net.Form1 - Button1_Click Debug 2396

ERROR 2006-08-12 18:02:40,763 TestLog4Net.Form1 - Button1_Click Error 2396

FATAL 2006-08-12 18:02:40,763 TestLog4Net.Form1 - Button1_Click Fatal 2396

INFO 2006-08-12 18:02:40,763 TestLog4Net.Form1 - Button1_Click Info 2396


DEBUG 2006-08-12 18:02:40,753 TestLog4Net.Form1 - Button1_Click Debug 2396

ERROR 2006-08-12 18:02:40,763 TestLog4Net.Form1 - Button1_Click Error 2396

FATAL 2006-08-12 18:02:40,763 TestLog4Net.Form1 - Button1_Click Fatal 2396

INFO 2006-08-12 18:02:40,763 TestLog4Net.Form1 - Button1_Click Info 2396

DEBUG 2006-08-12 18:03:53,508 TestLog4Net.Form1 - Button1_Click Debug 2396

ERROR 2006-08-12 18:03:53,508 TestLog4Net.Form1 - Button1_Click Error 2396

FATAL 2006-08-12 18:03:53,508 TestLog4Net.Form1 - Button1_Click Fatal 2396

INFO 2006-08-12 18:03:53,508 TestLog4Net.Form1 - Button1_Click Info 2396


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