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2012-06-08 22:29 190 查看

snooker / billiard  台球

bowling 保龄球

softball  垒球

volleyball 排球

 rugby 橄榄球

field hockey 曲棍球

badminton / shuttlecock 羽毛球 

field/pitch 足球场

basketball court 篮球场

Olympic trail 奥运选拔赛

Olympic Anthem 奥运会会歌

Olympic delegation 奥运代表团

mascot  吉祥物

opening / closing ceremony 开闭幕式

referee 裁判

starter  发令员

timekeeper 计时员

scorer 记分员

cheerleader 拉拉队长

径赛项目  event on track /track event

sprint 短跑 middle distance race 中距离跑 long distance race 长跑

100-meter dash 100米跑

200-meter dash 

400-meter relay 400 米接力

800-meter race 800米跑

the marathon race 马拉松

walking race 竞走

100-meter low hurdle 100米低栏

田赛项目 event in field / field event

jumping and throwing 跳跃和投掷

pole vault 撑杆跳

the high jump 跳高

the long jump 跳远

the discus throw 掷铁饼

the shot-put 推铅球

javelin throw 掷标枪

throwing the hammer 掷链锤

a track and field competition 田径比赛


flagrant foul 恶意犯规

personal foul 个人犯规

team foul 全队累计犯规

double foul 双方犯规

charging foul 撞人犯规

holding foul 阻挡犯规

pushing foul 推人犯规

foul out / disqualification 犯满离场

technical foul 技术犯规


breast stroke 蛙泳

back stroke 仰泳

side stroke 侧泳

butterfly stroke 蝶泳

balance beam 平衡木

off-job training 脱产培训 

in-job training 在职培训


from north to south 从南到北 而不是从北到南

back and forth 来来往往

sweet  and sour 酸甜苦乐

right and left 从左到右

old and new 新旧

rich and poor 贫富

ebb and flow 潮起潮落

will a duck swim 那还用问吗?/ 当然愿意啦

how goes the enemy ?几点了

what are you smoking ?你这是什么意思

what cooking?出什么事了?

what‘s eating you?你怎么了?
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标签:  distance training