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ClearCase当中add to source control出错解决

2012-06-08 11:52 134 查看

Delete the element accidently, fail to add

Error Message:

Error adding "Path/file.txt" to source control.

Error: duplicate name "file.txt" found in the directory version

Trigger "PRE_MKELEM" has refuse to let mkelem proceed.


Developer create file A in folder B. folder B is under source control. and then add file A into source control and continue work on it.

He delete (it should be rename according to CC) file A accidently. Now when you try to add the file A back to CC, PRE_MKELEM trigger prevent he to do it.


(1) 是先找到还有该file的activity,然后点击:Version Tree (在被删文件的上层包处)看那个右键后merge to, 并在点击圈和线的连接点处就可以出现这个叫:Merge Configration 的界面. 选中yes的那个merge the element graphically.



1. From the target view (where the file element or dir element was removed), click on the version tree of parent directory.

2. On the version tree find out which version have file element or dir element (where it was added)

3. right Click on the version from step2 and select merge to menu

4. Select the target view version (where eye was pointing)

5. Make sure you click the check box (In merge confirmation dialog box, select "Yes" and mark "merge the element graphically". CC ask "do you want to create the branch?, select "Yes")

6. Pls select the version that you want. If you can not make choice, pls click the selection with underscore. Then all selection will be enabled. While doing the merge, make sure, you get back those elements in the result windows

7. Save the merge and make sure the elements exist

8. Once confirmed, go ahead and check-in the parent dir



2,右键点击别人的分支,选择merge to, 然后鼠标变成把心,把鼠标指向自己分支上想添加文件的节点,然后点击,就开始merge了,然后多勾选一个merge the element graphically。

3,弹出的框,都选OK就好了,保存merge结果,然后check in一下,就把文件添加进来了。merge过来的文件,大小都是0字节,不知为啥,所以我都会用自己的文件再覆盖一下merge过来的文件。


4.1,clearcase当中显示眼睛看到的一般是branch上最后一个节点,这时要先把眼睛移到曾经做过merge操作的那个节点的上一个节点。办法是右键选checkout 在那个早先的节点上,这时眼睛就移到merge操作发生以前了。


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