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mit 计算机科学及编程导论(3)

2012-06-07 22:28 351 查看

fill out , bunch , template , verbal , descriptive , hygiene , generalize , quote , generically , initialize , construct , flow chart , stencil , tuck , nerd , rectangle , eventually , trapezoid , flipper , in essence , encapsulate , cursor , trick , dumb
, catastrophe , due in , darn , haunt , exhaustive enumeration , parameter , divisor , conceptualize , placeholder , sling , sneak , generate , handout , compound , tuple , immutable , bracket , slice , comma


1、common patterns of code(iterative coding) that tackle certain classes of problems(can be solved by exhaustive enumeration)

2、tools that help you to do that (flow chart , simulate code by simple values , defensive programming)


1、defensive programming : assume that a , user's inputs are incorrect ; b , you will use a bad code programmed by a bad programmer . so you need to consider all the situations especially bad ones and defend them to crash your program down.

2、这次课上,professor 说了一句 the fundamental basics of computation are just captured in these set of mechanism . with these sets of constructs , anything you can describe algorithmical you can compute .

3、从这次课可以看出前3次课的脉络。第一次课讲了课程的本意:to teach you how to think like computer science , do computational thinking 。第二次课讲了编程所需的基本要素,data , operation , command 。 第三次课就是要说明使用这些编程要素就可以任意组合出解决某类问题的程序。由此可以看出上课的严密思维。那么后面的课干嘛呢,professor 说了 how to build constructs out of
this that tackle particular problems
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