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MongoDb Architecture(index)-------MongoDb的体系结构(索引)

2012-06-05 15:23 351 查看



2.不像RDBMS 那样所有的记录都存储在必须与表模式相一致的表内。任何结构的MangoDB文件都可以存储在同一个集合内。






Major difference from RDBMS
MongoDb differs from RDBMS in the following way

Unlike an RDBMS record which is "flat" (a fixed number of simple data type), the basic unit of MongoDb is "document" which is "nested" and can contain multi-value fields (arrays, hash).
Unlike RDBMS where all records stored in a table must be confined to the table schema, documents of any structure can be stored in the same collection.
There is no "join" operation in the query. Overall, data is encouraged to be organized in a more denormalized manner and the more burden of ensuring data consistency is pushed to the application developers

There is no concept of "transaction" in MongoDb. "Atomicity" is guaranteed only at the document level (no partial update of a document will occurred).
There is no concept of "isolation", any data read by one client may have its value modified by another concurrent client.
By removing some of those features that a classical RDBMS will provide, MongoDb can be more light-weight and be more scalable in processing big data.



Query processing
MongoDb belongs to the type of document-oriented DB. In this model, data is organized as JSON document, and store into a collection. Collection can be thought for equivalent to Table and Document is equivalent to records in RDBMS world.


# create a doc and save into a collection

> p = {firstname:"Dave", lastname:"Ho"}

> db.person.save(p)

> db.person.insert({firstname:"Ricky", lastname:"Ho"})

# Show all docs within a collection

> db.person.find()

# Iterate result using cursor

> var c = db.person.find()

> p1 = c.next()

> p2 = c.next()

To specify the search criteria, an example document containing the fields that needs to match against need to be provided.




> p3 = db.person.findone({lastname:"Ho"})

Notice that in the query, the value portion need to be determined before the query is made (in other words, it cannot be based on other attributes of the document). For example, lets say if we have a collection of "Person", it
is not possible to express a query that return person whose weight is larger than 10 times of their height.



To speed up the query, index can be used. In MongoDb, index is stored as a BTree structure (so range query is automatically supported). Since the document itself is a tree, the index can be specified as a path and drill into
deep nesting level inside the document.


# To build an index for a collection
> db.person.ensureIndex({firstname:1})

# To show all existing indexes
> db.person.getIndexes()

# To remove an index
> db.person.dropIndex({firstname:1})

# Index can be build on a path of the doc.
> db.person.ensureIndex({"address.city":1})

# A composite key can be used to build index
> db.person.ensureIndex({lastname:1, firstname:1})

Index can also be build on an multi-valued attribute such as an array. In this case, each element in the array will have a separate node in the BTree.


Building an index can be done in both offline foreground mode or online background mode. Foreground mode will proceed much faster but the DB cannot be access during the build index period. If the system is running in a replica set (describe below), it is recommended
to rotate each member DB offline and build the index in foreground.


When there are multiple selection criteria in a query, MongoDb attempts to use one single best index to select a candidate set and then sequentially iterate through them to evaluate other criteria.


When there are multiple indexes available for a collection. When handling a query the first time, MongoDb will create multiple execution plans (one for each available index) and let them take turns (within certain number of ticks)
to execute until the fastest plan finishes. The result of the fastest executor will be returned and the system remembers the corresponding index used by the fastest executor. Subsequent query will use the remembered index until certain number of updates has
happened in the collection, then the system repeats the process to figure out what is the best index at that time.



Since only one index will be used, it is important to look at the search or sorting criteria of the query and build additional composite index to match the query better. Maintaining an index is not without cost as index need
to be updated when docs are created, deleted and updated, which incurs overhead to the update operations. To maintain an optimal balance, we need to periodically measure the effectiveness of having an index (e.g. the read/write ratio) and delete less efficient




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