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2012-05-29 21:11 363 查看


An application usually containsmultiple activities.Each activity should be designed around a specific kind
of action the user canperform and can start other activities. For example, an email application mighthave one activity to show a list of new email. When the user selects an email,a new activity opens to view that email.


An activity can even start activities thatexist in other applications on the device. For example, if your applicationwants to send an email, you can define an intent to perform a "send"action
and include some data, such as an email address and a message. Anactivity from another application that declares itself to handle this kind ofintent then opens. In this case, the intent is to send an email, so an emailapplication's "compose" activity starts
(if multiple activitiessupport the same intent, then the system lets the user select which one touse). When the email is sent, your activity resumes and it seems as if theemail activity was part of your application. Even though the activities may befrom different
applications, Android maintains this seamlessuserexperience by keeping both activities in the same task.


A task is a collection of activities thatusers interact with when performing a certain job. The activities are arrangedin a stack (the"back stack"), in
the orderin which each activity is opened.


The device Home screen is the startingplace for most tasks. When the user touches an icon in the application launcher(or a shortcut on the Home screen), that application's task comes to theforeground.
If no task exists for the application (the application has not beenused recently), then a new task is created and the "main" activityfor that application opens as the root activity in the stack.


When the current activity starts another,the new activity is pushed on the top of the stack and takes focus. Theprevious activity remains in the stack, but is stopped. When an activity stops,the
system retains the current state of its user interface. When the userpresses the Back button, the current activity is popped from the topof the stack (the activity is destroyed) and the previous activity resumes (theprevious state of its UI is restored). Activities
in the stack are never rearranged,only pushed and popped from the stack—pushed onto the stack when started by thecurrent activity and popped off when the user leaves it usingthe Back button.
As such, the back stack operates as a "last in,first out" object structure. Figure 1 visualizes this behavior with atimeline showing the progress between activities along with the current backstack at each point in time.


If the user continues to press Back,then each activity in the stack is popped off to reveal the previous one, untilthe user returns to the Home screen (or to whichever activity was running
whenthe task began). When all activities are removed from the stack, the task nolonger exists.


A task is a cohesive unit that can move tothe "background" when users begin a new task or go to the Homescreen, via the Home button. While in the background, all the activitiesin the task
are stopped, but the back stack for the task remains intact—thetask has simply lost focus while another task takes place, as shown in figure2. A task can then return to the "foreground" so users can pick upwhere theyleft off. Suppose,
for example, that thecurrent task (Task A) has three activities in its stack—two under the currentactivity. The user presses the Home button, then starts a newapplication from the application launcher. When the Home screen appears, Task Agoes into the background.
When the new application starts, the system starts atask for that application (Task B) with its own stack of activities. Afterinteracting with that application, the user returns Home again and selects theapplication that originally started Task A. Now, Task
A comes to theforeground—all three activities in its stack are intact and the activity at thetop of the stack resumes. At this point, the user can also switch back to TaskB by going Home and selecting the application icon that started that task (orby touching
and holding the Home button to reveal recent tasks andselecting one). This is an example of multitasking on Android.

A就进入后台。当新的应用程序启动,系统为该应用程序启动一个新的task,并带有task它自己的栈。当用户完成对这个新的应用程序的使用,用户返回Home,启动之前的那个应用程序。于是Task A返回前台,三个activity都完整保存在栈中,并在屏幕上显示栈顶的那个activity。

Because the activities in the back stackare never rearranged, if your application allows users to start a particularactivity from more than one activity, a new instance of that activity iscreated
and pushed onto the stack (rather than bringing any previous instanceof the activity to the top). As such, one activity in your application might beinstantiated multiple times (even from different tasks), as shown in figure 3.As such, if the user navigates
backward using the Back button, eachinstance of the activity is revealed in the order they were opened (each withtheir own UI state). However, you can modify this behavior if you do not wantan activity to be instantiated more than once. How to do so is discussed
in thelater section about ManagingTasks.

由于保存在栈中的activity是不可操作的,如果你的应用程序允许用户从不止一个activity中去启动同一个指定的activity,那么它每次都会创建一个这个指定activity的实例,并放入栈中(而不是将之前的栈中的activity放置到栈顶)。你可以修改这种行为,如果你不希望一个activity被创建多个实例,查看 ManagingTasks.。

to summarize the default behavior foractivities and tasks:

When Activity A starts Activity B, ActivityA is stopped, but the system retains its state (such as scroll position andtext entered into forms). If the user presses the Back button whilein
Activity B, Activity A resumes with its state restored.

当Activity A启动Activity B,Activity A停止,但是系统会保持Activity A的状态,例如滚动条的位置,是form中输入的文字。当用户按下返回键,可以从Activity B返回到Activity A

When the user leaves a task by pressingthe Home button, the current activity is stopped and its task goesinto the background. The system retains the state of every activity in thetask. If
the user later resumes the task by selecting the launcher icon thatbegan the task, the task comes to the foreground and resumes the activity atthe top of the stack.


If the user pressesthe Back button, the current activity is popped from the stack anddestroyed. The previous activity in the stack is resumed. When an activity isdestroyed, the system does
not retain the activity's state.


Activities can be instantiated multipletimes, even from other tasks.

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