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* 程序的版权和版本声明部分
* Copyright (c) 2012, 烟台大学计算机学院学生
* Copyright (c) 2012, 烟台大学计算机学院学生
* All rights reserved.
* 文件名称:
* 作    者:        李瑞
* 完成日期:  2012 年5 月26 日
* 版 本 号:        v1.0
* 对任务及求解方法的描述部分
* 输入描述:……
* 问题描述:……
* 程序输出:……
* 程序头部的注释结束


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Student
Student(int n,double s, string na, int a){num = n;score = s;name = na;age= a;next = NULL;}
Student *next;
int num;
double score;
string name;
int age;

class MyList
MyList(){head = NULL;}
MyList(int n,double s, string na, int a){head = new Student(n, s, na, a);} //以Student(n,s)作为单结点的链表
int display();  //输出链表,返回值为链表中的结点数
void insert(int n,double s, string na, int a);  //插入:将Student(n,s)结点插入链表,该结点作为第一个结点
void append(int n,double s, string na, int a);  //追加:将Student(n,s)结点插入链表,该结点作为最后一个结点
void cat(MyList &il); //将链表il连接到当前对象的后面
int length();  //返回链表中的结点数
Student *head;

int MyList::display()
Student *p = head;
int num = length();

cout << "num" << '\t' << "score" << '\t' << "name" <<  '\t' << "age" << endl;

for(int i = 1; i <= num; ++i)
cout << p->num << '\t' << p->score << '\t' << p->name << '\t' << p->age << endl;
p = p->next;
return length();

void MyList::insert(int n, double s, string na, int a)
if(head == NULL)
head = new Student(n, s, na, a);
Student *p = head;

head = new Student(n, s, na, a);
head->next = p;

int MyList::length()
int num = 0;

Student *p = head;

while(p != NULL)
p = p->next;

return num;

void MyList::cat(MyList &il)
Student *p = head, *q;

while(p != NULL)
q = p;
p = p->next;

q->next = il.head;
il.head = NULL;

void MyList::append(int n,double s, string na, int a)
if(head == NULL)
head = new Student(n, s, na, a);
head->next = NULL;
Student *p = head, *q;

while(p != NULL)
q = p;
p = p->next;

q->next = new Student(n, s, na, a);
p = q->next;
p->next = NULL;

int main()
int n;
double s;
string na;
int a;
MyList head1;

cout << "input head1: " << endl;  //输入head1链表

for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
cin >> n >> s >> na >> a;
head1.insert(n, s, na, a);  //通过“插入”的方式

cout << "head1: " << endl;


MyList head2(1001, 95.6, "li", 21);  //建立head2链表
head2.append(1002, 73.5, "wang", 21);  //通过“追加”的方式增加结点
head2.append(1003, 91.2, "liu", 21);
head2.append(1004, 93.7, "zhao", 21);

cout << "head2: " << endl;



cout << "length of head2 after cat: " << head2.length() << endl;
cout << "head2 after cat: " << endl;   //显示追加后的结果


return 0;

input head1:
1004 100 aoty 21
1005 100 aotk 21
1006 100 aotj 21
num     score   name    age
1006    100     aotj    21
1005    100     aotk    21
1004    100     aoty    21
num     score   name    age
1001    95.6    li      21
1002    73.5    wang    21
1003    91.2    liu     21
1004    93.7    zhao    21
length of head2 after cat: 7
head2 after cat:
num     score   name    age
1001    95.6    li      21
1002    73.5    wang    21
1003    91.2    liu     21
1004    93.7    zhao    21
1006    100     aotj    21
1005    100     aotk    21
1004    100     aoty    21
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