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修改订单号数据类型4:复制订阅的主键限制 修改后

2012-05-18 15:07 429 查看
select db,sch,tbl,col,



use ['+publisher_db+']

exec sp_dropsubscription @publication = N'''+publication+''', @article = N'''+article+'''

, @subscriber = N''all'', @destination_db = N''all''

exec sp_droparticle @publication = N'''+publication+''', @article = N'''+source_object+''', @force_invalidate_snapshot = 1

' as dropscripts,



use ['+publisher_db+']

exec sp_addarticle @publication = N'''+publication+''', @article = N'''+article+''',

@source_owner = N'''+source_owner+''', @source_object = N'''+source_object+''', @type = N''logbased'',

@description = N'''', @creation_script = N'''', @pre_creation_cmd = N''drop'', @schema_option = 0x000000000803509F,

@identityrangemanagementoption = N'''+

(case when exists(

select 1 from sys.all_columns t1

inner join sys.index_columns t2 on t1.object_id=t2.object_id and t1.column_id=t2.column_id

inner join sys.indexes t3 on t3.object_id=t2.object_id and t3.index_id=t2.index_id

and t1.is_identity=1 and t3.is_primary_key=1

where t1.object_id=object_id(quotename(aa.source_owner)+'.'+quotename(aa.source_object)) )

then 'manual' else 'none' end)

+''', @destination_table = N'''+destination_object+'''

, @destination_owner = N'''+isnull(destination_owner,source_owner)+''', @status = 24,

@vertical_partition = N''false'', @ins_cmd = N''CALL [dbo].[sp_MSins_dbo'+source_object+']''

, @del_cmd = N''CALL [dbo].[sp_MSdel_dbo'+source_object+']'',

@upd_cmd = N''SCALL [dbo].[sp_MSupd_dbo'+source_object+']''

' as addscripts




SELECT a.article,a.publisher_db,b.publication,a.source_owner,a.source_object,a.destination_object,a.destination_owner,


FROM [distribution].[dbo].[MSarticles] a inner join

[distribution].[dbo].[MSpublications] b

on a.publication_id=b.publication_id

inner join



select distinct db_name() as db, c.name sch,sp.name tbl,sc.name col from dbo.sysindexes si INNER JOIN

dbo.sysindexkeys sik ON si.id = sik.id AND si.indid = sik.indid INNER JOIN

dbo.syscolumns sc ON sc.id = sik.id AND sc.colid = sik.colid INNER JOIN

dbo.sysobjects so ON so.name = si.name AND so.xtype = 'PK'

inner join sys.sysobjects sp on so.parent_obj=sp.id

inner join sys.schemas c on c.schema_id=sp.uid



select db,sch,tbl,col from master.dbo.UnionALL

) s

on a.publisher_db=s.db and a.source_owner=s.sch and a.source_object=s.tbl)


--select * from sys.all_columns a

--inner join sys.index_columns b on a.object_id=b.object_id and a.column_id=b.column_id

--inner join sys.indexes c on b.object_id=c.object_id and b.index_id=c.index_id

--and a.is_identity=1 and c.is_primary_key=1

--where a.object_id=object_id('OrderFlow.BackChangeApply')

--(case when exists(

--select 1 from sys.all_columns a

--inner join sys.index_columns b on a.object_id=b.object_id and a.column_id=b.column_id

--inner join sys.indexes c on b.object_id=c.object_id and b.index_id=c.index_id

--and a.is_identity=1 and c.is_primary_key=1

--where a.object_id=object_id(quotename(a.source_owner)+'.'+quotename(a.source_object))

--then '' else '' end)
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