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导出数据库数据,转换时间格式----mysqldump SCP python

2012-05-18 04:38 731 查看

1, Firstly ,I get the unixtime (start_timekey and end_timekey)use a

python file named timekey.py

timekey.py code:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import time

import datetime

#print time.ctime(1329053580)

#print time.ctime()

s = '(2012-05-14 00:00:00)'

s = s.lstrip('(').rstrip(')')

d = datetime.datetime.strptime(s,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

print time.mktime(d.timetuple())

s = '(2012-05-14 23:59:00)'

s = s.lstrip('(').rstrip(')')

d = datetime.datetime.strptime(s,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

print time.mktime(d.timetuple())

2, Secondly, I export the data what I want :

mysqldump -uroot -p meteo

sdata --where="timekey > start_timekey and timekey < end_timekey and

sensorid =11 and fieldid = 0 " > Temp20120514.txt

注: mysql> select * from mfield; 可以查看气象数据对应的fieldid

3,scp username@IP:/home/cvo/Temp20120514.txt /home/yuxin 传输文件

scp -r username@IP:/home/cvo/xyx/bootes4a_etcrts2/ /home/xyx 传输文件夹

4,delete the content except the raw data in the TXT file.

5, use the python named file.py to convert unixtime to normal date-time


file.py code:

#!/usr/bin/env python


import sys

import os

import time

import datetime

def unixtime(s):

return time.ctime(s)

f = open(sys.argv[1])

fw = open(sys.argv[2],'w')

fw.writelines(" Date Temperature\n")

x = f.readline()


for j in range(len(a)/4):




line = a[0+j*4]+' '+a[3+j*4]+'\n'

print line







Date/time Temperature

Mon May 14 00:01:00 2012 10.2871

Mon May 14 00:02:00 2012 10.2778

Mon May 14 00:03:00 2012 10.2778

Mon May 14 00:04:00 2012 10.2778

Mon May 14 00:05:00 2012 10.2778

Mon May 14 00:06:00 2012 10.2778

Mon May 14 00:07:00 2012 10.2778

Mon May 14 00:08:00 2012 10.2778

Mon May 14 00:09:00 2012 10.2963

Mon May 14 00:10:00 2012 10.2778

Mon May 14 00:11:00 2012 10.3241

Mon May 14 00:12:00 2012 10.3147

Mon May 14 00:13:00 2012 10.3185

Mon May 14 00:14:00 2012 10.3092

Mon May 14 00:15:00 2012 10.2833

Mon May 14 00:16:00 2012 10.2778

Mon May 14 00:17:00 2012 10.2778

Mon May 14 00:18:00 2012 10.2778

Mon May 14 00:19:00 2012 10.2704

Mon May 14 00:20:00 2012 10.2407

Mon May 14 00:21:00 2012 10.2222

Mon May 14 00:22:00 2012 10.2222

Mon May 14 00:23:00 2012 10.2129

Mon May 14 00:24:00 2012 10.2037
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