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package com.cen.programmingas3.asciiArt



* 位图信息类:包含位图的相关信息;

* @author cen


public class ImageInfo



* constructor


public function ImageInfo()




* 类属性*/


public var fileName:String;


public var title:String;


public var whiteThreshold:uint;


public var blackThreshold:uint;




package com.cen.programmingas3.asciiArt


import flash.display.Bitmap;

import flash.display.BitmapData;

import flash.display.Loader;

import flash.events.Event;

import flash.events.EventDispatcher;

import flash.net.URLRequest;


* 位图图像类

* @author cen


public class Image extends EventDispatcher



* 私有变量*/

/*Loader 类可用于加载 SWF文件或图像(JPG、PNG 或 GIF)文件。使用 load()方法来启动加载。被加载的显示对象将作为 Loader对象的子级添加。*/

private var _loader:Loader;


* 公共属性*/


public var info:ImageInfo;


* constructor

* @param imageInfo


public function Image(imageInfo:ImageInfo)


this.info = imageInfo;


* 文件加载类*/

_loader = new Loader();

/*_loader.contentLoaderInfo[只读] 返回与正在加载的对象相对应的LoaderInfo对象;*/

_loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onCompleteHandler);


//////////////////////-public method-//////////////////////


* 加载图像文件


public function load():void{

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(AsciiArtBuilder.IMAGE_PATH+info.fileName);




* 获取位图BitmapData信息;

* @return


public function getBitmapData():BitmapData{

return Bitmap(_loader.content).bitmapData;


//////////////////////-Event Handling-//////////////////////


* 图像加载完成

* @param event


private function onCompleteHandler(event:Event):void{






package com.cen.programmingas3.asciiArt


import flash.display.BitmapData;


* 位图转换成字符图类

* about:Provides functionality(功能) for converting a bitmap image to an "ASCII Art" representation;

* @author cen


public class BitmapToAsciiConverter



* private vars*/


private static const _resolution:Number = .025;

/*Bitmap 对象的数据(像素)*/

private var _data:BitmapData;


private var _whiteThreshold:Number;


private var _blackThreshold:Number;


=>The characters in this string become increasingly(越来越) darker(深色);

=>This set of characters are the "grayscale(灰度) values" which are used to create the image;

=>There are 64 characters, meaning each character is used to represent four values in a common

256-value grayscale color palette (which has color values in the 0-255 range);

=>The characters are in order from darkest to lightest, so that their position (index)

in the string corresponds(对应) to a relative color value (with 0 = black).


private static const palette:String = "@#$%&8BMW*mwqpdbkhaoQ0OZXYUJCLtfjzxnuvcr[]{}1()|/?Il!i><+_~-;,. ";


* constructor

* @param image


public function BitmapToAsciiConverter(image:Image)


this._data = image.getBitmapData();

this._whiteThreshold = image.info.whiteThreshold;

this._blackThreshold = image.info.blackThreshold;


//////////////////////-public method-//////////////////////


* 转换

* @about_Parses(解析) the bitmap data associated with(与…相联系) this instance and converts it to its "ASCII Art"

* (String) representation;

* @return string_The String representation of the bitmap image;


public function parseBitmapData():String{


var rgbVal:uint;

var redVal:uint;

var greenVal:uint;

var blueVal:uint;


var grayVal:uint;

var index:uint;

var verticalResolution:uint = Math.floor(_data.height * _resolution);

var horizontalResolution:uint = Math.floor(_data.width * _resolution * 0.45);


var result:String = "";


* Loop through the rows of pixels top to bottom*/

for(var y:uint = 0; y<_data.height; y+=verticalResolution) {


* loop through the left to right*/

for(var x:uint = 0; x<_data.width; x+=horizontalResolution) {


* Extract(提取) individual(单个的) red, green, and blue values for the pixel*/

rgbVal = _data.getPixel(x,y);

redVal = (rgbVal & 0xFF0000) >> 16;

greenVal = (rgbVal & 0x00FF00) >> 8;

blueVal = rgbVal & 0x0000FF;


* 灰度计算公式

* Calculate(计算) the gray value of the pixel:

* The formula(公式) for grayscale(灰度) conversion(转换): (Y = gray): Y = 0.3*R + 0.59*G + 0.11*B*/

grayVal = Math.floor(0.3*redVal + 0.59*greenVal + 0.11*blueVal);


* 根据阀值确定灰度值:

* The white threshold and black threshold values (read from the "images.txt" file)

* determine the grayscale values that are the cut-off(界限) limits for white and black.

* Values outside the threshold will be "rounded" to pure(纯) white or black.*/

if(grayVal > _whiteThreshold) {

grayVal = 0xFF;

}else if(grayVal < _blackThreshold) {

grayVal = 0x00;

}else {


* 灰度值居中时:

* Normalize(使标准化) the grayscale value along the relative scale between the white threshold

* and the black threshold. In other words(换句话说), adjust(调整) the palette so that

* the black threshold acts as the "0x00" value and the white threshold acts as the "0xFF(白)" value,*/

grayVal = Math.floor(0xFF * ((grayVal - _blackThreshold)/(_whiteThreshold - _blackThreshold)));



* 获取此像素下标值:

* The value is now a gray value in the 0-255 range, which needs to be converted

* to a value in the 0-64 range (since that's the number of available "shades of gray*/

index = Math.floor(grayVal/4);

result += palette.charAt(index);



result += "\n";


return result;





package com.cen.programmingas3.asciiArt


import flash.events.Event;

import flash.events.EventDispatcher;

import flash.net.URLLoader;

import flash.net.URLRequest;

import com.cen.programmingas3.asciiArt.ImageInfo;

import com.cen.programmingas3.asciiArt.Image;

import com.cen.programmingas3.asciiArt.BitmapToAsciiConverter;


* 字符图(AsciiArt)创建类

* about:Provides application-level functionality for the AsciiArt sample;

* @author cen


public class AsciiArtBuilder extends EventDispatcher



* private vars*/


private const DATA_TARGET:String = "public/txt/ImageData.txt";


private var _imageInfoLoader:URLLoader;


private var _imageStack:Array;


private var _currentImageIndex:uint;


* public properties*/


public static const IMAGE_PATH:String = "public/img/";


public var asciiArtText:String = "";


public function get currentImage():Image{

return _imageStack[_currentImageIndex];



* constructor


public function AsciiArtBuilder()


_imageStack = new Array;


* 加载位图信息文本文件*/

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(DATA_TARGET);

_imageInfoLoader = new URLLoader();

_imageInfoLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onImageInfoCompleteHandler);



//////////////////////-Event Handlers-//////////////////////


* 位图信息文本文件加载完成后触发

* @param event


private function onImageInfoCompleteHandler(event:Event):void{


var allImageInfo:Array = parseImageInfo();




private function onImageCompleteHandler(event:Event):void{




* 分发“初始化加载位图”完成

* notify(通知) any listeners that the application has finished its initial loading*/

var readyEvent:Event = new Event("ready");





* 字符串首字母大写处理

* @param word

* @return


private function capitalizeFirstLetter(word:String):String{

switch(word) {

case "and":

case "the":

case "in":

case "an":

case "or":

case "at":

case "of":

case "a":

// don't do anything to these words;



var firstLetter:String = word.substr(0,1);

firstLetter = firstLetter.toUpperCase();

var otherLetters:String = word.substring(1);

word = firstLetter + otherLetters;


return word;



* 处理标题信息

* @param title

* @return


private function normalizeTitle(title:String):String{

var words:Array = title.split(" ");

var len:uint = words.length;

for(var i:uint=0; i<len; i++) {

words[i] = capitalizeFirstLetter(words[i]);


return words.join(" ");



* 解析位图信息文件_将位图信息文本字符串转换成位图信息数组;

* Each line of text contains info about one image, separated by tab (\t) characters;

* in this order:

* - file name

* - title

* - white threshold

* - black threshold

* Note that we skip the first line, since it only contains column headers.

* @return An Array of ImageInfo instances.


private function parseImageInfo():Array{

var result:Array = new Array();


var lines:Array = _imageInfoLoader.data.split("\n");

var numLines:uint = lines.length;


* 忽略第一行内容:因为那是标题行*/

for(var i:uint=1; i<numLines; i++) {

var imageInfoRaw:String = lines[i];


* 去除首尾的空白

* trim(修剪) leading(开头) or trailing(结尾) white space from the current line*/

imageInfoRaw = imageInfoRaw.replace(/^ *(.*) *$/, "$1");

if(imageInfoRaw.length>0) {// 去除空行;

/*位图信息类_create a new image info record and add it to the array of image info*/

var imageInfo:ImageInfo = new ImageInfo();


* 处理每行以及提值、赋值

* split the current line into values (separated by tab (\t) characters)

* and extract the individual properties*/

var imageProperties:Array = imageInfoRaw.split("\t");

imageInfo.fileName = imageProperties[0];

imageInfo.title = normalizeTitle(imageProperties[1]);// 首字母大写处理;

imageInfo.whiteThreshold = parseInt(imageProperties[2], 16);

imageInfo.blackThreshold = parseInt(imageProperties[3], 16);




return result;



* 创建位图数组

* @param imageInfo


private function buildImageStack(imageInfo:Array):void{


var image:Image;


var oneImageInfo:ImageInfo;


var listenerAdded:Boolean = false;

var numImages:uint = imageInfo.length;

for(var i:uint = 0; i<numImages; i++) {

_currentImageIndex = 0;

oneImageInfo = imageInfo[i];

image = new Image(oneImageInfo);


if(!listenerAdded) {

image.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onImageCompleteHandler);

listenerAdded = true;






* (完成)Advances the image stack to the next image, and populates the asciiArtText property

* with that image's ASCII Art representation.


public function next():void{


if(_currentImageIndex == _imageStack.length) {

_currentImageIndex = 0;



* 获取位图字符图字符串*/

var imageConverter:BitmapToAsciiConverter = new BitmapToAsciiConverter(this.currentImage);

this.asciiArtText = imageConverter.parseBitmapData();





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600"





import com.cen.programmingas3.asciiArt.AsciiArtBuilder;

import com.cen.programmingas3.asciiArt.ImageInfo;

import mx.events.FlexEvent;


private var asciiArt:AsciiArtBuilder;


* 页面创建完成


protected function creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void


asciiArt = new AsciiArtBuilder();


* 监听初始化是否完成*/

asciiArt.addEventListener("ready", imageReady);



* Called when the AsciiArtBuilder has loaded the image data and is ready to display an image.


private function imageReady(event:Event):void{




* Updates the image preview display, including title and image, using the current image in the asciiArt object.


private function updatePreview():void{


var imageInfo:ImageInfo = asciiArt.currentImage.info;


img.load(AsciiArtBuilder.IMAGE_PATH + imageInfo.fileName);


sourceImage.title = imageInfo.title;


asciiArtText.text = asciiArt.asciiArtText;



* 按钮单击事件


private function onNextBtnClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{



/*update the image preview*/






<s:HGroup verticalAlign="bottom"

horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0">

<s:Panel id="sourceImage" height="100%"

backgroundColor="#b7babc" borderAlpha="1" borderColor="#666">

<s:VGroup width="100%" height="100%" verticalAlign="middle" horizontalAlign="center">

<mx:Image id="img" width="400" height="300"/>



<s:Spacer width="90%"/>

<s:Button id="nextBtn" buttonMode="true" useHandCursor="true"

label="NextImage" click="onNextBtnClickHandler(event)"/>



<s:TextArea id="asciiArtText" fontSize="8" fontFamily="_typewriter"

width="550" height="450"/>


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