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2012-05-03 18:52 453 查看

private void StartZip(string fileName, string sourceFolderPath, string targetPath)




// linkLabel1.Text = "";

string tempDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + "\\";

string tempFilename = "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + fileName.Trim();

using (ZipOutputStream zipStream = new ZipOutputStream(File.Create(tempDirectory + tempFilename)))


// store only


// Disable Zip64 for Mac compatibility

zipStream.UseZip64 = UseZip64.Off;

string path = sourceFolderPath;

// This setting will strip the leading part of the folder path in the entries, to

// make the entries relative to the starting folder.

// To include the full path for each entry up to the drive root, assign folderOffset = 0.

int folderOffset = path.Length + (path.EndsWith("\\") ? 0 : 1);

AddZipEntry(path, zipStream, folderOffset);




FileInfo zipFile = new FileInfo(tempDirectory + tempFilename);

if (zipFile.Exists)


string destDirectory = targetPath;

if (!destDirectory.EndsWith("\\"))


destDirectory += "\\";


string destFile = fileName;

_zipDestPath = destDirectory + destFile;


//linkLabel1.Text = "Completed. Click here to show zip file.";

//linkLabel1.Click += new EventHandler(linkLabel1_Click);



catch (Exception ex)


//linkLabel1.Text = "Errors encountered. Cannot continue. " + ex.InnerException;



private void AddZipEntry(string path, ZipOutputStream zipStream, int folderOffset)


string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(path);

foreach (string filename in files)


FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(filename);

string entryName = filename.Substring(folderOffset); // Makes the name in zip based on the folder

entryName = ZipEntry.CleanName(entryName); // Removes drive from name and fixes slash direction

ZipEntry newEntry = new ZipEntry(entryName);

newEntry.DateTime = fi.LastWriteTime; // Note the zip format stores 2 second granularity

newEntry.Size = fi.Length;

newEntry.CompressionMethod = CompressionMethod.Stored;


// Zip the file in buffered chunks

// the "using" will close the stream even if an exception occurs

byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];

using (FileStream streamReader = File.OpenRead(filename))


StreamUtils.Copy(streamReader, zipStream, buffer);




string[] folders = Directory.GetDirectories(path);

foreach (string folder in folders)


AddZipEntry(folder, zipStream, folderOffset);




using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;

using System.IO;

using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip;

using System.Diagnostics;

using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Core;

namespace TestConsole


class Program


static string path = @"H:\New folder\folder\";

static void Main()


CreateZipFile(@"H:\New folder\folder", @"H:\New folder\folder.zip");



private static void CreateZipFile(string filesPath, string zipFilePath)


ZipOutputStream u = new ZipOutputStream(File.Create(zipFilePath)); //新建压缩文件流 “ZipOutputStream”

AddZipEntry(filesPath, u, out u); //向压缩文件流加入内容

u.Finish(); // 结束压缩



//添加压缩项目:p 为需压缩的文件或文件夹; u 为现有的源ZipOutputStream; out j为已添加“ZipEntry”的“ZipOutputStream”

public static void AddZipEntry(string p, ZipOutputStream u, out ZipOutputStream j)


string s = p;

if (Directory.Exists(s)) //文件夹的处理


DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(s);

var tempd = di.GetDirectories();


if (tempd.Length <= 0) //没有子目录


ZipEntry z = new ZipEntry(ShortDir(p) + "//"); //末尾“//”用于文件夹的标记




foreach (DirectoryInfo tem in tempd) //获取子目录


ZipEntry z = new ZipEntry(ShortDir(tem.FullName)); //末尾“//”用于文件夹的标记

//u.PutNextEntry(z); //此句不可少,否则空目录不会被添加

s = tem.FullName;

AddZipEntry(s, u, out u); //递归


var t = di.GetFiles();

foreach (FileInfo temp in t) //获取此目录的文件


s = temp.FullName;

AddZipEntry(s, u, out u); //递归



else if (File.Exists(s)) //文件的处理


u.SetLevel(0); //压缩等级

FileStream f = File.OpenRead(s);

byte[] b = new byte[f.Length];

f.Read(b, 0, b.Length); //将文件流加入缓冲字节中

ZipEntry z = new ZipEntry(ShortDir(s));

u.PutNextEntry(z); //为压缩文件流提供一个容器

u.Write(b, 0, b.Length); //写入字节



j = u; //返回已添加数据的“ZipOutputStream”


private static string ShortDir(string s)



string d = s.Replace(path, "");

return d;





using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip;
using System.IO;
namespace DRMEncryption
    /// ;summary;
    /// UnZip 类用于解压缩一个 zip 文件。
    /// ;/summary;
    public class UnZipDir
        public static Boolean UNZipFile(string FileToZip, string ZipedFile)
                FastZip fastZip = new FastZip();
                fastZip.ExtractZip(FileToZip, ZipedFile, "");
                return true;
            catch { 
                return false; 
using System;
using System.IO;
using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Checksums;
using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip;
using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.GZip;

namespace DRMEncryption
    public class ZipClass
public static Boolean ZipFile(string FileToZip, string ZipedFile)
                FastZip fastZip = new FastZip();
                bool recurse = true;
               //压缩后的文件名,压缩目录 ,是否递归          
             fastZip.CreateZip(FileToZip, ZipedFile, recurse, "");
                return true;
            catch { return false; }
解压缩:UnZipDir.UNZipFile(文件名, 路径);
压缩:ZipClass.ZipFile(文件名, 路径);
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