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哈佛大学公开课《Positive Psychology 1504》学习笔记 - Goal Setting

2012-04-08 22:19 549 查看
1 Goal setting theory and practice

1. People who set goals generally, controlling from other factors, are more successful, whether it's in business, whether it's in other personal lives. Goals matter. They don't just matter though for the "hard currency". They also matter for the "ultimate
currency"- the currency of happiness.

1.1 Goals and Performance

1.1.1 Notes

2. Quite simply, people who set goals are generally, controlling for other things, more successful.

3. One of the main reasons is because what goals do is they focus us Very often, we are all over the place; we are not sure where we are going. And if we don't know where we are going, we are unlikely to get there .And the focus gets us directed. It brings
forth resources- external and internal resources- that are necessary to get there.

4. Also, goals contribute to performance and well-being because they strengthen our resilience. Those kids who were successful, despite difficult external circumstances, was the fact that they were resilient, and one of the distinguishing characteristics
was they set goals for themselves. They were future-oriented. Not only thinking about the past, being "learned helpless"- learning to be helpless, but focusing on the future.

5. When we have the what for, every how becomes possible. And we are much more likely to overcome difficulties and hardships, if we have a goal, a mission, something that we care about, something that we want to attain. What we are doing with goals with
declaring that we believe we are going to get something.

6. Setting goals makes it more likely to come true. Because our mind does not like when the reason inconsistency between what is inside and what is outside. It wants there to be match. And if I believe in a goal and I declare a goal, the outside is likely
to match that.

7. The other thing that's at work here is the power of the word: words create worlds. Words have power. They have meaning, especially when the words are meaningful to us when the goals that we declare are meaningful to us, they are much more likely to come

8. The connection between concept and conceive is also real. It creates an image in our mind and the mind doesn't know the difference between the imaginary and the real. And the mind wants consistency- that is what goals do. They help us create consistency.

1.1.2 Reflection



1.2 Goals and Happiness

1.2.1 Notes

9. What does lead to happiness? Understanding the proper role of goals. And understanding that it's not the attaining of a goal that leads to happiness, but the having of a goal that leads to happiness.

10. We need that goal- this outcome, this future orientation, so that we can enjoy the present more. The goals liberate us to enjoy the here and now.

11. The key is to learn, to enjoy the process. And one of the roles of the goals is to liberate us so that we can enjoy the process.

12. Again, happiness is not contingent on our status or the state of our bank account. It's contingent on our state of mind, of how we interpret our reality, of on what we choose to focus on And to be happier is the present that matters much more.

13. Having that commitment that matters. So if you chose certain path and now you regret it, remember, it really doesn't matter. You can be as happy in both paths as long as you are committed. Because when we are committed, that's when we can enjoy the journey.

1.2.2 Reflection


1.3 Self-Concordant Goals

1.3.1 Notes

14. Identify the things that you can do. And then out of those, identify the things that you want to do. And list them down. Make a list- long or short, whatever it is. Now out of the things you want to do, identify those things that you really want to do.
And then look at them, and out of those things, identify those that you really really want to do and then do them.

15. I think it's such an important component of happiness, is spirituality. Now the dictionary definition of spirituality is- one of the definitions is the real sense of significance of something. So if I see something as significant, as important, as meaningful,
I'm having a spiritual experience engaging in it.

16. So what is significant to me? What is important to me? And the thing to keep in mind is that it doesn't matter what I choose, what direction I go in. If I choose something that is self-concordant, that is aligned with my personal goals and mission, I
will lead a spiritual life.

17. Sometimes we need to delay gratification. The danger is that we enter this delayed gratification state for our entire lives. And that is what we need to be aware of.

18. The life is too short to do what you have to do, but long enough to do what you want to do. Seize the day, do what you want.

19. Setting self-concordant goals can potentially make us happier. When we’re pursing something we care about, it’s more likely to reinforce our enjoyment of the journey.

20. Having self-concordant goals resolve internal conflicts, it help us to deal with anxiety, with uncertainty, with existential questions – What am I about? What am I doing? Why am I here? Self-concordant goal can do away with depression, We’re focus on
the things really really what to do.

21. Self-concordant goals increase the likelihood of success. We’re more motivated, we’re more likely to work hard, we’re pursing the passion on doing something.

22. Do it better with pleasure. We do do it better with pleasure if we pursue our passions.

23. Self-concordant goals have a positive effect on other areas in your life. Even though they’re not related at all. Because overall, you’re more motivated, you’re more excited, you’re more interested, and you enjoy your life as a whole more in positive
emotions have a trickle effect.

24. Choosing to do things what we really want to do has also health benefits. Too easy is not necessarily good.

25. The freedom to choose contributes to happiness.

1.3.2 Reflection



1.4 Values in action

1.4.1 Notes

26. If we have a self-concordant end and a self-concordant journey, this is what happiness is. Both present benefit (journey), as well as future benefit (outcome).

27. When self-concordant goals and values in action go together, we’re more likely to experience a complete experience of happiness, of fulfilment.

28. As yourself when do I feel the most myself? What’s the real me?

29. Applying the VIA - Building capacity, identifying the character strengths and then pursing them.

A. Identify your character strengths

- Take the online test (www.viastrengths.org)

- From the top 10, choose the 5 that best fulfill the “Strengths Criteria”

B. Choose one character strengths and for the following week use the strength in a new way every day.

C. Each night, briefly describe how you used your strength in a new way today and how you intend to use the strength in a new way tomorrow.

D. After that, choose another character in your top 5 character strengths and pursing them.

30. Appling VIA – For problem solving

A. Identify your character strengths

B. Identify a problem with which you are dealing

C. How can you apply your character strengths to solving the problem?

31. What’s your fate? What’s your calling? What’s your destiny? Just listen to the voice that suggests your vocation. Just listen to the call that guides you to the calling. The most noble thing is to listen to that inner voice. Because when we purse our
passion, when we purse a self-concordant goal and self-concordant journey, that’s when we come alive, and that’s also when we make the world a better place.

32. If you want the world to be a better place, begin with yourself.

33. Instead of focusing on what we can ‘live with,’ we should be thinking about what we can’t live without.

1.4.2 Reflection

如果我们所追求的目标的结果以及这个所追求的过程本身,都是我们想要的,我们会更容易感受到完整的快乐和成就感。Both present benefit (journey), as well as future benefit (outcome).


1.5 Tips about setting goals

1.5.1 Notes

34. First, write the goals down. Writing them down is making a commitment, much more the commitment than just saying them even.

35. Second, set lifelines. Dates by which we hope to achieve those goals.

36. Make them specific. Specific lifelines as well as specific project. For example, I’m going to increase sales 5% by December 31, 2008.

37. People have goals and then did not achieve these goals, or achieve these goals and did not set new goals, they felt enervated, and very often uninspired.

38. Have a long term goal, and then break it down to short term goal or medium term goal. And them make plans and them create rituals based on these plans.

39. Step by step, breaking down achievement. Much more likely to believe that’s possible, and consequently much more likely to actually get there.

1.5.2 Reflection


2 Dealing with stress

2.1 Ritualizing Work and Recovery

2.1.1 Notes

When dealing with stress, what we need to do is take time out.

40. The cost of stress:

A. Psychological health

B. Physical health

C. Reduced productivity and creativity

41. To be successful and lead a healthy and happy life:

A. Set rituals for ourselves.

B. Set rituals for both work and recovery.

42. Stress is actually not a problem, it’s good for us. The stress actually cultivated resilience, strength and helped us be happier in the long run.

43. The problem is lack of recovery. If we don’t take breaks, we will pay a price – on the physical level, we get injured, on the psychological level, we experience anxiety, ultimately, potentially depression. Stress is good if we also have recovery.

44. What we need to do is change our perception of our day from being marathon runners to being sprinters, from going on and on to sprinting, recovery, sprinting, recovery.

45. Have 60 to 120 minutes, so around 90 minutes of sprint, work, concentrate, focus hard, go for it. And then after that, after your sprint, with as little distraction as possible, have 15 minutes or so of recovery.

46. When we have a day structured with sprint, recovery, sprint, recovery, what’s when we can sustain, when we have higher levels of energy, when we get the most done and when we are happiest.

47. The key of doing it is maintaining flexibility, as there’re some other things. For example, ten 90 minutes sessions a week. Another example, breaking down 45 minutes yoga sessions to three 15 minutes sessions.

48. The key is to attain multi-level of recovery. First recovery: on the micro level. E.g. 15 minutes meditation, one hour of gym, a lunch break. Middle: mezzo level recovery and that’s a good night sleep. A day off during the week. Evan god need a day off.
And finally, those vacations. Recreation leads to creation.

49. The other thing that happens when we’re constantly on the run is that we miss the beauty all round us and within us. We miss the real potential for happiness, for joy, for appreciation that surrounds us day in and day out. And that’s why we take things
for granted. Because we don’t take time to appreciate, to savor. The key is to introduce this natural recovery periods into our lives.

2.1.2 Reflection





2.2 Focus

2.2.1 Notes

50. Focus on both work as well as recovery. Work hard and play hard, you’ll get much more done and much better.

51. First of all, in recovery, focus on recovery. If we have lunch, while at the same time on the phone, talking about business, in fact there would be more stress. If we have just lunch and focus on our eating and enjoy it, or just spend time with people
we love, that’s recovery.

52. In work, focus on work and reduce multi-tasks. Doing less – and when you do less, you get so much more done. Creativity goes up, productivity goes up, work satisfaction goes up. Because if we distracted at work by multi-tasks, there can’t be too much
of a good thing.

53. Really the key thing is not to do additional things, but to do less, or rather to identify the things that you really, really what to do with your life and do them.

54. Too much of a good thing. Quantify dose affect quality.

2.2.2 Reflection



2.3 Simplify

2.3.1 Notes

55. When to say no and when to say yes? By simply asking what I really, really want to do.

56. Simplifying – doing less, rather than doing more. The key though is to reach optimum levels of simplicity. Because we don’t want to simplify too much and go to the other extreme. If we do less, we’re certainly not productive, not creative, not happy.

57. Each person has his optimum level. And this is the high level of productivity, creativity and happiness.

58. What we’re about is sustainable growth, it means it want to grow, however, in a sustainable way. We take out of ourselves, we exert, we stress ourselves, and we replenish through recovery just enough, so this is just sustainable. Because if we don’t
replenish, that’s not sustainable, and then we begin to experience anxiety, depression, burn-out and so on.

2.3.2 Reflection


3 From material to happiness perception

3.1 Overcoming Procrastination

3.1.1 Notes

59. First, most important one, simple, easy to implement and it works, is “The 5 minutes take off” – Just do it. We first need to start acting, behaviour, then that will affect our attitude. Because once we start, we’re on a roll. Not through the heart,
not through the mind, it’s thought the action.

60. Reward yourself. Once you completed a goal or task or work hard for some time, do remember to reward yourself.

61. Go public. Tell people what you’re going to achieve, as once you public it, you had to start to work, no matter you like it or not.

62. The team approach. For most people, doing it with other people actually helps.

63. To write down – this is a commitment. Write down goals, divide and conquer. Break down the achievement. Make a list.

64. And finally, permission to recreate. What it means give yourself the permission to be human, give yourself the permission to procrastinate at times as well, give yourself permission to recovery. We’re not the machine.

3.1.2 Reflection



3.2 From material perception to happiness perception

3.2.1 Notes

3.2.2 Reflection
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