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2012-04-05 13:08 211 查看

class Base{




int getBaseNum();

int baseNum;


class A:public Base{




float getBaseNum();


float baseNum;


Question1: What concept is represented(表现) by the sample code above?

Choice 1: Polymorphism(继承)

Choice 2: Inheritance(多态)

Choice 3: Function overloading(函数覆盖)

Choice 4: Recursion(递归)

Choice 4: Virtual Function(虚函数)



typedef const char* monthTable[3];

Question2:Referring to the code above, which one of the following choices creates two monthTable arrays and initializes one of the two?

Choice1: monthTable,winter, spring;

Choice2: monthTable winter,spring;

Choice3: monthTable(winter,spring={"March","April","May"});

Choice4: monthTable winter,spring={"March","April","May"};

Choice5: monthTable,winter,spring={"March","April","May"};


class myclass


int a;


myclass(int x);

int get();


myclass::myclass(int x){a=x;}

int myclass::get(){return a;}

int main()


myclass ob(120);

myclass *p;

p = &ob;

return 0;


Question3:Referring to the sample code above, how do you print the value of the object "ob"?

Choice1 cout << ob->get();

Choice2 cout << ob.get();

Choice3 cout << ob->&get();

Choice4 cout << p.get(ob);

Choice5 cout << get(ob.int a());


class C1{



C1(const C1& rhs){}

void sayHello(){ std::cout << "Hello";}


class C2: public C1{



C2(const C2& rhs){}

void sayHello1(C1& rhs){rhs.sayHello();};

void sayHello2(C1 c1){c1.sayHello();};


int main()


C2 c2;

C1 c1(c2);



return 0;


Question:From the sample code above,how many times are the copy constructors invoked;

Choice1: C1's copy constructor is invoked zero times.

C2's copy constructor is invoked one time.

Choice2: C1's copy constructor is invoked one time.

C2's copy constructor is invoked two times.

Choice3: C1's copy constructor is invoked two times.

C2's copy constructor is invoked zero times.

Choice4: C1's copy constructor is invoked two times.

C2's copy constructor is invoked one time.

Choice5: C1's copy constructor is invoked three times.

C2's copy constructor is invoked zero times.


void f()


int n = std::rand() % 3;

if (n == 1)

throw "1";

if (n == 2)

throw "2";

if (n == 3)

throw 4.5;


int main()





return 1;

}catch(int i){

return 2;

}catch(const char* cp){

return 3;



Question5 What is the result of executing the sample code above?

Choice1: It is unknown;it depends on the random number generated in "f()".

Choice2: The return code will always be a 1 since all exceptions will be caught at the first catch().

Choice3: The return code will always be a 2 since the random number generator was not seeded properly.

Choice4: It is unknown;it is implementation-specific.

Choice5: There is a syntax error because catch(...) is not the last catch clause.



int f(int i){

static int c=0;



case 1:return f(4); break;

case 2:return c; break;

case 3:break;return 0;

case 4:return f(5); break;

case 5:return f(7); break;

default: return c;


return f(2);


Question5: Referring to the sample code above, what is the return value for the function "f" when called for the first time with an initial value of 1?

Choice1: 1

Choice2: 2

Choice3: 3

Choice4: 4

Choice5: 5



Question7: Which one of the following declarations is legal C++?

Choice1: using::std;

Choice2: using namespace std::;

Choice3: using std namespace;

Choice4: using namespace ::std::rel_ops;

Choice5: using std::;


std::string s="abcdefabcabc";

Question8: Referring to the sample code shown above, which one of the following statements returns the position within "s" that marks the beginning of the last occurrence of "abc"?

Choice1: s.rfind("abc", std::string::npos);

Choice2: s.rfind("abc", 0, s.length());

Choice3: s.find_last_of("abc",std::string::npos,std::string::npos);

Choice4: s.find_last_of("abc",0,s.length());

Choice5: s.rfind("abc", 0, std::strlen("abc"));



int x = 1;

for (int i=1; i < 5; i++)


if (i = 3)


else if (i = 4)




Question9: What is true about the sample code above?

Choice1: At the end of the loop,"x" holds the value 1.

Choice2: At the end of the loop,"x" holds the value 2.

Choice3: At the end of the loop,"x" holds the value 3.

Choice4: At the end of the loop,"x" holds the value 4.

Choice5: "x" is never incremented.


class A




int i;


class B : public A




int j;


int f(A *p,int count)


int total = 0;

for (int i = 0; i< count; ++i)


total += p++->i;


return (total);


int main()


B b[11];

cout << f(b, 10);

return 0;


Question10: Given the sample code above, what is the output?

Choice1: 10

Choice2: 11

Choice3: 15

Choice4: The output is undefined.

Choice5: The code does not compile.


An error occurred when compiling the following code:

class Foo{


Foo(int i){}


class Bar : virtal Foo {




Bar b;

Question11:Referring to the scenario above,which one of the following changes allows the code to compile successfully?

Choice1: Adding "Foo(0)" to the "Bar::Bar" initializer list

Choice2: Adding "Foo(0)" to the "Bar" constructor

Choice3: Adding a constructor to "Bar" that takes an int parameter

Choice4: Adding a copy constructor to the "class Foo"

Choice5: Adding a virtual constructor to the "class Bar"




class Myclass{};

static Myclass* MyFunction(int*);

Question12: Refering to the sample code above, which one of the following is the correct declararion for a function pointer to MyFunction?

Choice1: Myclass* (*f)(int*);

Choice2: (static Myclass*) (*f)(int*);

Choice3: (Myclass* f)(int*);

Choice4: Myclass* (*f)int*;

Choice5: Myclass* (*f(int*));



std::string something;


if ("STRING LITERAL" == something)

std::cout << "String are Equal" << std::endl;

Question13: How does a C++ compiler interpret(解释说明)the == operator in the sample code above?

Choice1: As the == operator overloaded by the string class

Choice2: As a built-in operator

Choice3: As a cast(投掷) from std::string to (char*) followed by a comparison(比较).

Choice4: As an overloaded == operator.

Choice5: As a syntax error.



Question14: Which one of the following expressions is an example of a definition?

Choice1: namespace mystd = std;

Choice2: extern int i;

Choice3: typedef unsigned char byte;

Choice4: byte f();

Choice5: struct mystruct;


Choice5 这个显然不成立,应该struct mystruct aa;才算定义。


for (int i=0,r = std::strlen(buf)-1;i < r;i++,r--)


buf[i]= buf[r]^buf[i];

buf[r]= buf[r]^buf[i];

buf[i]= buf[r]^buf[i];


Question15: Referring to the sample code above, what are the contents of "buf" after the code is executed?

Choice1: The original content of "buf" has been reversed.

Choice2: The buffer has remained unchanged.

Choice3: Each member of the array "buf" has been incremented by 10.

Choice4: Each member of the array "buf" has been set to zero.

Choice5: The buffer has been ciphered using a caesar cipher algorithm.



char* p = "hello";

char p2[] = "world";

char *p3 = new char[12];


std::strcpy(p3+5," ");




Question16: Referring to the sample code above, which numbered line of code causes a runtime error?

Choice1: Line5

Choice2: Line6

Choice3: Line7

Choice4: Line8

Choice5: Line9



A function threw an exception of type std::unexpected.

Question17:Referring to the scenario(想定)above,what is a logical(必然合乎逻辑)cause?

Choice1: An exception was thrown in which the type was not in the function's exception specification.

Choice2: An exception thrown is not yet caught and the destructor for an object throws an exception during the stack unwinding.

Choice3: An exception of type std::unexpected can never be thrown in a well-formed C/C++ program.

Choice4: The application was targeting one operating system,but another operating system is being used,which generated the exception.

Choice5: There was no catch all enabled in scope closest to the function call.


class X{


const X& operator=(const X& rhs){

this->n = rhs.n;

return *this;


const X& operator+(const X& rhs){

this->n += rhs.n;

return *this;


const X& operator+(const int m){

this->n += m;

return *this;



int n;


int main()


X a,b,c;

//statement goes here.


Question18: Given the sample code above, which, if any, of the following statements CANNOT be performed?

Choice 1: a = b;

Choice 2: a = b + c;

Choice 3: a = b + 5;

Choice 4: a = b + c + 5;

Choice 5: They are all legal.



Question 19: Which one of the following statements replaces all elements in an integer sequence that is delimited by start and end and in which the value is less than 10 with 10?

Choice 1: std::replace_if(start, end, std::bind2nd(std::less<int>(),10),10);

Choice 2: std::replace(start, end, std::bind2nd(std::less<int>(),10),10);

Choice 3: std::replace_if(start, end, std::bind2nd(std::less<int>,10),10);

Choice 4: std::replace(start, end, std::bind2nd(std::less<>(10)),10);

Choice 5: std::replace_if(start, end, std::bind2nd(std::less(10)),10);



class A



A(int j=0):i(j){}

A(const A& that) : i(that.i){}

A& operator=(const A& that)


i = that.i; return (*this);


friend class B;


int i;


class B : public A



B(const B& that){std::cout << that.i;}


Question20: Given the class declaration shown above, what is the purpose of the friend declatation?

Choice 1: It serves no purpose and is unnecessary.

Choice 2: It gives "A" access to "that.i" in the copy constructor for "A"

Choice 3: It gives "B" access to "that.i" in the copy constructor for "B"

Choice 4: It gives "B" access to "A()"

Choice 5: It gives "A" access to "that.i" in the assignment operator for "A".



//do something that generates an exception



// ???


Question 21: Referring to the sample code above, which statement shall replace "//???" in order to send the caught(捕捉) exception to the next handler?

Choice 1: raise;

Choice 2: rethrow();

Choice 3: throw;

Choice 4: throw();

Choice 5: throw(...);


class A


virtual void Func(){}


class B : virtual A


void Func(int i = 0){}


class C : virtual B


void Func(int i = 0){}


int main()


C c;


return 0;


Question 22: Given the above sample code, which one of the following statements it true?

Choice 1: A::Func() is visible through class C.

Choice 2: B::Func() overrides A::Func();

Choice 3: C::Func() overrides B::Func();

Choice 4: A::Func() is visible using a class B variable.

Choice 5: C::Func() overrides A::Func();


1: int i;

2: long double d;

3: unsigned float f;

4: char const *s;

5: signed const int *p;

Question 23:Referring to the sample code above, which one of the following definitions is NOT valid?(有充分证据的)

Choice 1: Line 1

Choice 2: Line 2

Choice 3: Line 3

Choice 4: Line 4

Choice 5: Line 5
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