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1> 要求对学生姓名、年龄、数学、英语成绩等信息进行管理;

2> 界面友好,能支持插入、删除、查询、修改等基本操作;

3> 用汇编实现。


读者看的时候可能会发现在一些 函数传参的时候,完全没有必要,因为参数是全局变量,在函数中可以直接用,没有必要额外传参,当然我这样做的目的只是为是体验高级语言下的传参的真正实现,更彻底的理解高级语言,这也是学汇编的原因。

我用的汇编器是visual studio里面的ML,链接器是masm615里面的,因为masm615里面的汇编器有些不足,还有这份代码要编译链接通过的话,还需要一个库文件,irvine32.lib和irvine32.inc 若是需要的朋友可以联系我(我也会上传源码文件,可以自行下载 ),


title Students infomation manage program  (StuInfoMag.asm)

comment !
this program is useing for manage student infomation.
it provide the function of inputing , insert , searvch ,
delete the student's infomation
(include name , age , math scores)......
------2012.3.27 22:39

include irvine32.inc
includelib irvine32.lib
includelib kernel32.lib
includelib user32.lib

;===========================operation const=================================
invalid_operation  equ   0
insert_std      equ      1
delete_std      equ      2
modify_std      equ      3
query_std       equ      4
count_std       equ      5
Print_all       equ      6
list_name       equ      7
exit_sym        equ      8
Rstart          equ      9
store_to_file   equ      10
name_length = 15

;=========================user define data struct============================
Info Struct
nname byte name_length+1 dup (0)  ; student's name
number dword 0 ; number
Age  byte 0     ; student's age
e_mark byte 0   ; english mark
m_mark byte 0   ; math_mark
c_mark byte 0   ; chinese_mark
Info ends

ListNode struct
stu Info <>
NextPtr dword 0
ListNode ends

interface_str byte 0dh,0ah
byte "================================================================================",0dh,0ah
byte "                            Student Management System                ",0dh,0ah
byte "                          Softwre promgramer: life_syill             ",0dh,0ah
byte "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------",0dh,0ah
byte "                               Operation Table                     ",0dh,0ah
byte "                              ------------------                   " ,0dh,0ah
byte "                             1.Insert Student Info                " ,0dh,0ah
byte "                             2.Delete Student Info                " ,0dh,0ah
byte "                             3.Modify Student Info                ",0dh,0ah
byte "                             4.Query  Student Info                ",0dh,0ah
byte "                             5.Count  Student Num                 ",0dh,0ah
byte "                             6.Print  All     Info                ",0dh,0ah
byte "                             7.List   Student Name                ",0dh,0ah
byte "                             8.Exit         System 			   ",0dh,0ah
byte "                             9.Restart      system                ",0dh,0ah
byte "                             10.store data to file                ",0dh,0ah
byte "================================================================================",0dh,0ah ,0

interface_strlen dword ($-interface_str)
str1 byte "please chose the operation acordding the operation table:",0
str2 byte "invalid operation code,please chose again....",0
str3 byte "failed to get the process memery heap handle.exit system....",0

str_name byte "student's name :",0
str_number byte "student's number: ",0
str_math byte "math scores:",0
str_English byte "English Scores:",0
str_chinese byte "chineese scores:",0

str_1 byte "input the name:",0
str_2 byte "Input the age:" ,0
str_3 byte "Input the math mark:",0
str_4 byte "Input the english mark:",0
str_5 byte "Input the chinese mark:",0
str_6 byte "Input the student's number:",0

str_q1 byte '===================Qury student information===================',0
str_d3 byte "=====================Delete Student's data====================",0
str_m1 byte "=====================Modify student's info======================",0

operation_index dword 0       ; operation code
Isvalid_operation byte 0        ; judge whether the inputing is valid operation code
Isfound dword 0                 ; judge whether found the student with the number when qury the student

;=============core data space==============
listHead ListNode < <> ,0>   ;list header
prePnode DWORD offset listHead     ; point to the previous Node
pcurrent DWORD 0                 ;point to the current Node user operation
hHeap dword 0    ; memery heap handle
stu_count dword 0
filename byte 40 dup(0)
hFile dword 0

_main proc
call GetProcessHeap     ;Get the process default memeery heap
;	handle for alloc memery when insert student
mov hHeap ,eax

jne start

mov edx ,offset str3
call WriteString
jmp quit

mov eax ,28
call SetTextColor
call clrscr
push offset interface_str
call showface_chose 	; display the operation table and read the user input of operation index

push offset str1
call WaitingForOperate
call compare_operation	 ;compare operation according user inputing
;and return the Isvalid_operation true or false

cmp Isvalid_operation ,invalid_operation
je invalid_opt

cmp operation_index ,insert_std
je Insert ;;;
cmp operation_index ,delete_std
je Delete ;;;
cmp operation_index ,modify_std
je Modify ;;;
cmp operation_index ,query_std
je Qury ;;;
cmp operation_index ,count_std
je count ;;;
cmp operation_index ,Print_all
je Print ;;;
cmp operation_index ,list_name
je Listname ;;;
cmp operation_index ,exit_sym
je Exitsym  ;;;
cmp operation_index ,Rstart
je Restart ;;;
cmp operation_index ,store_to_file
je Store_file
jmp operate

mov edx ,offset str2
call WriteString               ;display errcor operation infomation
jmp operate

;==============================================================function Call=========================================================================================
call InsertStu
jmp operate
call Count_stu
jmp operate

push offset str_q1
push offset listhead
push stu_count
call Qury_stu
jmp operate
push offset listHead
push stu_count
call _list_name
jmp operate

push offset ListHead
push stu_count
call _Print_all
jmp operate
call _delete
jmp operate
push offset Listhead
push stu_count
call _Modify
jmp operate
push offset listhead
push stu_count
call freememHeap
jmp start

push offset listhead
push stu_count
call _Store_data_to_file
jmp operate

push offset listHead
push stu_count
call freeMemHeap
_main endp
;==================================================================Function to implement==================================================================================
showface_chose proc
push ebp
mov ebp ,esp
push edx
mov edx ,[ebp+8]
call WriteString
pop edx
pop ebp
ret 4
showface_chose endp
WaitingForOperate proc
push ebp
mov ebp ,esp
push edx
mov edx ,[ebp+8]
call WriteString
call ReadInt
mov operation_index ,eax
pop edx
pop ebp
ret 4
WaitingForOperate endp

compare_operation proc
push ebp
mov ebp ,esp
push eax

mov eax ,operation_index

cmp eax ,1
jb quit
cmp eax ,10
ja quit
mov Isvalid_operation ,1
jmp rtn
mov Isvalid_operation ,0
pop eax
pop ebp
compare_operation endp
InsertStu proc
str_I1 byte "====================Insert New Student======================",0
mov eax ,30
call SetTextColor
mov edx ,offset str_I1
call WriteString
call Crlf
mov eax ,28
call SetTextColor

INVOKE HeapAlloc, hHeap ,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY ,type ListNode
mov pcurrent ,eax
mov edi ,eax

mov edx , offset str_1
call WriteString
mov ecx ,name_length
mov edx , edi               ;offset (ListNode ptr[edi]).stu.nname
call ReadString

mov edx ,offset str_6
call WriteString
call ReadInt
mov (ListNode ptr[edi]).stu.number , eax

mov edx ,offset str_2
call WriteString
call ReadInt
mov (ListNode ptr[edi]).stu.age ,al

mov edx ,offset str_3
call WriteString
call ReadInt
mov (ListNode ptr[edi]).stu.m_mark ,al

mov edx ,offset str_4
call WriteString
call ReadInt
mov (ListNode ptr[edi]).stu.e_mark ,al

mov edx ,offset str_5
call WriteString
call ReadInt
mov (ListNode ptr[edi]).stu.c_mark ,al

call Crlf
call Crlf

mov esi ,prePnode
mov (ListNode ptr[esi]).NextPtr ,edi
mov prePnode ,edi
inc stu_count
insertStu endp

FreeMemHeap proc
push ebp
mov ebp ,esp
push ecx
push edi

mov ecx ,[ebp+8]
cmp ecx ,0
jbe rt1
mov edi ,[ebp+12]
mov ecx ,[ebp+8]
push ecx
mov edi ,(ListNode ptr[edi]).NextPtr
INVOKE HeapFree , hHeap ,1 ,edi
dec stu_count
pop ecx
loop lp01
pop edi
pop ecx
pop ebp
ret 8
FreeMemHeap endp
Count_Stu proc

str_c1 byte "the total of student number: ",0
str_c2 byte "=================Count total student=======================",0
mov eax ,30
call SetTextColor
mov edx ,offset str_c2
call WriteString
call crlf
mov eax ,28
call SetTextColor

mov edx ,offset str_c1
call WriteString
mov eax ,stu_count
call WriteDec
call Crlf
Count_Stu endp
Qury_stu proc       ;reuurn the listNode adress in eax and the previous listnode adress in ebx if found and write the Isfound to judge whether found the data
str_q2 byte "Enter the student's number you want to qury:",0
str_q3 byte "Found student:",0dh,0ah,0
str_q5 byte "no student with the number: ",0
stu_number dword 0
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push esi
push edx

mov edx ,[ebp+16]

mov eax ,30
call SetTextColor
call WriteString
call crlf
mov eax ,28
call SetTextColor

mov edx ,offset str_q2
call WriteString
call ReadInt
mov stu_number ,eax

mov ecx ,[ebp+8]
mov esi ,[ebp+12]
mov ebx ,esi
mov esi ,(ListNode ptr[esi]).NextPtr
cmp eax , (ListNode ptr[esi]).stu.number
je ok_q1
loop lp02
jmp rt_q

mov edx ,offset str_q3
call WriteString
call crlf

mov edx ,offset str_name
call WriteString
mov edx ,esi
call WriteString
call Crlf

mov edx ,offset str_number
call WriteString
mov eax ,(ListNode ptr[esi]).stu.number
call WriteDec
call Crlf

mov edx ,offset str_math
call WriteString
movzx eax ,(ListNode ptr[esi]).stu.m_mark
call WriteDec
call Crlf

mov edx ,offset str_english
call WriteString
movzx eax,(ListNode ptr[esi]).stu.e_mark
call WriteDec
call Crlf

mov edx,offset str_chinese
call WriteString
movzx eax ,(ListNode ptr[esi]).stu.c_mark
call WriteDec
call Crlf
call crlf
call crlf
mov eax ,esi
mov Isfound ,1
jmp ed

mov edx ,offset str_q5
call WriteString
mov eax ,stu_number
call WriteDec
mov Isfound ,0
call Crlf
call crlf
call crlf
pop edx
pop esi
pop ebp
ret 12
qury_stu endp

_list_name proc
str_l1 byte "there is no students in database.",0
str_l2 byte "==================List all student's name===================",0
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push eax
push ecx
push edx

mov eax ,30
call SetTextColor
mov edx ,offset str_l2
call WriteString
call Crlf
mov eax ,28
call SetTextColor

mov edx,[ebp+12]
mov ecx,[ebp+8]
mov eax ,1
cmp ecx ,0
je rtl1
call WriteDec
inc eax
mov edx,(ListNode ptr[edx]).NextPtr
call WriteString
call crlf
loop lpl1

call Crlf
call Crlf
jmp edl1
mov edx ,offset str_l1
call WriteString
call Crlf
call crlf
pop edx
pop ecx
pop eax
pop ebp
ret 8
_list_name endp

_Print_all proc

str_p1 byte "=================Print all stu info=====================",0
str_p2 byte "student  ",0ah,0
str_p3 byte "---------------",0
str_p4 byte "there is no student in database.",0
push ebp
mov ebp ,esp
push eax
push ecx
push edi
push edx

mov eax ,30
call SetTextColor
mov edx ,offset str_p1
call WriteString
call Crlf
mov eax ,28
call SetTextColor

mov ecx ,[ebp+8]
mov edi ,[ebp+12]
mov eax ,1
cmp ecx ,0
je rtp1
push ecx
mov edi,(ListNode ptr[edi]).NextPtr

mov edx ,offset str_p2
call WriteString

call WriteDec
inc eax
call Crlf

push eax
mov edx ,offset str_name
call WriteString
mov edx ,edi
call WriteString
call Crlf

mov edx ,offset str_number
call WriteString
mov eax ,(ListNode ptr[edi]).stu.number
call WriteDec
call crlf

mov edx ,offset str_math
call WriteString
movzx eax ,(ListNode Ptr[edi]).stu.m_mark
call WriteDec
call Crlf
jmp lpp13
jmp lpp1
mov edx ,offset str_english
call WriteString
movzx eax ,(ListNode ptr[edi]).stu.e_mark
call WriteDec
call Crlf

mov edx ,offset str_chinese
call WriteString
movzx eax ,(ListNode ptr[edi]).stu.c_mark
call WriteDec
call Crlf

mov edx ,offset str_p3
call WriteString
call Crlf

pop eax
pop ecx
loop lpp12
call crlf
call crlf
jmp enp
mov edx ,offset str_p4
call WriteString
call Crlf
call crlf
pop edx
pop edi
pop ecx
pop eax
pop ebp
ret 8
_print_all endp

_delete proc
;str_d1 byte "Enter the student's number:",0
str_d2 byte " deleted the student.",0
str_num DWORD 0
push eax
push edx
push ebx
push offset str_d3
push offset listhead
push stu_count
call qury_stu
call Crlf
cmp Isfound ,0
je rtd1

mov edx,(ListNode ptr[eax]).NextPtr
mov (ListNode ptr[ebx]).NextPtr,edx
INVOKE HeapFree ,hHeap ,1 ,eax
mov edx,offset str_d2
call WriteString
call crlf
call crlf
call crlf
dec stu_count
pop ebx
pop edx
pop eax
_delete endp


_Modify proc

str_m2 byte "Input The new data for the student:",0
str_m3 byte "OK!,the new data is stored to database.",0
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push eax
push ecx
push esi
push edx

push offset str_m1
push [ebp+12]
push [ebp+8]
call Qury_stu

cmp Isfound ,0
je rtm1

mov esi ,eax
mov edx ,offset str_m2
call WriteString

mov edx ,offset str_1
call WriteString
mov edx ,esi
mov ecx ,name_length
call ReadString

mov edx ,offset str_6
call WriteString
call ReadInt
mov (ListNode ptr[esi]).stu.number ,eax

mov edx ,offset str_2
call WriteString
call ReadInt
mov (ListNode ptr[esi]).stu.age ,al

mov edx ,offset str_3
call WriteString
call ReadInt
mov (ListNode ptr[esi]).stu.m_mark ,al

mov edx ,offset str_4
call WriteString
call ReadInt
mov (ListNode ptr[esi]).stu.e_mark ,al

mov edx ,offset str_5
call WriteString
call ReadInt
mov (ListNode ptr[esi]).stu.c_mark ,al

mov edx,offset str_m3
call WriteString
call Crlf
call crlf
call crlf
pop edx
pop esi
pop ecx
pop eax
pop ebp
ret 8
_Modify endp

_store_data_to_file proc
str_dt1 byte "======================Store data to file=====================",0
str_dt2 byte "Enter the file name(absolute path)to store data:",0
str_dt3 byte "failed to create file....",0
str_dt4 byte "OK ,succesed to store data to file",0

str_demo byte "this program is useing for manage student infomation.it provide the function of inputing , insert , searvch ,delete the student's infomation (include name , age , math scores......)------programer:life_still(钟)------2012.3.27 22:39 ",0
demo_len dword ($-str_demo)

str_dt_f1 byte "          ",0
str_len_f1 dword ($-str_len_f1)

push ebp
mov ebp ,esp

mov eax ,30
call SetTextColor
mov edx ,offset str_dt1
call WriteString
call crlf
mov eax ,28
call SettextColor

mov edx ,offset str_dt2
call WriteString

mov edx ,offset filename
mov ecx ,39
call ReadString

mov edx ,offset filename
call CreateOutputFile
mov hfile ,eax
je hfile_error

mov eax ,hfile
mov edx ,offset interface_str
mov ecx ,interface_strlen
call WriteToFile

mov eax ,hfile
mov edx ,offset str_demo
mov ecx ,demo_len
call writetofile

mov ecx ,[ebp+8]
mov edi, [ebp+12]
cmp ecx ,0
je rt_dt
push ecx
push edi
mov edi ,(ListNode ptr[edi]).NextPtr

mov eax ,hfile
mov ecx ,16
mov edx ,edi
call WriteTofile

mov edx ,offset str_dt_f1
mov ecx ,str_len_f1
call WriteTofile

pop edi
pop ecx
loop lp_dt

call closefile
mov edx ,offset str_dt4
call WriteString
call crlf
call Crlf
call crlf
jmp rt_dt

mov edx ,offset str_dt3
call WriteString
call crlf
call crlf
call crlf

pop ebp
ret 8
_store_data_to_file endp
end _main

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