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2012-03-12 10:36 423 查看
SQL> alter session set events '10053 trace name context forever,level 1';

Session altered.

SQL> explain plan for select t1.* from t,t1 where t.x<100 and t.x=t1.x;


SQL> alter session set events '10053 trace name context off';

SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.SET_EV (<sid>, <serial#>, 10053, {1|2}, '')


SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.SET_EV (<sid>, <serial#>, 10053,0, '')


Predicate Move-Around (PM)


PM: Considering predicate move-around in SEL$1 (#0).

PM: Checking validity of predicate move-around in SEL$1 (#0).

CBQT: Validity checks failed for f5x7vjx0tm31y.

Query block (7000004cbff84c0) before join elimination:

SQL:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******

SELECT "T1"."X" "X","T1"."NAME" "NAME" FROM "AIKI"."T" "T","AIKI"."T1" "T1" WHERE "T"."X"<100 AND "T"."X"="T1"."X"

Query block (7000004cbff84c0) unchanged

CVM: Considering view merge in query block SEL$1 (#0)

Query block (7000004cbff84c0) before join elimination:

SQL:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******

SELECT "T1"."X" "X","T1"."NAME" "NAME" FROM "AIKI"."T" "T","AIKI"."T1" "T1" WHERE "T"."X"<100 AND "T"."X"="T1"."X"

Query block (7000004cbff84c0) unchanged

CBQT: Validity checks failed for f5x7vjx0tm31y.


Subquery Unnest


SU: Considering subquery unnesting in query block SEL$1 (#0)


Set-Join Conversion (SJC)


SJC: Considering set-join conversion in SEL$1 (#0).


Predicate Move-Around (PM)


PM: Considering predicate move-around in SEL$1 (#0).

PM: Checking validity of predicate move-around in SEL$1 (#0).

PM: PM bypassed: Outer query contains no views.

FPD: Considering simple filter push in SEL$1 (#0)

FPD: Current where clause predicates in SEL$1 (#0) :

"T"."X"<100 AND "T"."X"="T1"."X"

kkogcp: try to generate transitive predicate from check constraints for SEL$1 (#0)

predicates with check contraints: "T"."X"<100 AND "T"."X"="T1"."X" AND "T1"."X"<100

after transitive predicate generation: "T"."X"<100 AND "T"."X"="T1"."X" AND "T1"."X"<100

finally: "T"."X"<100 AND "T"."X"="T1"."X" AND "T1"."X"<100

FPD: Following transitive predicates are generated in SEL$1 (#0) :


apadrv-start: call(in-use=1064, alloc=16344), compile(in-use=35216, alloc=36536)


: call(in-use=1072, alloc=16344), compile(in-use=36432, alloc=36536)

kkoqbc-subheap (create addr=11049bba8)


Current SQL statement for this session:

explain plan for select t1.* from t,t1 where t.x<100 and t.x=t1.x



The following abbreviations are used by optimizer trace.

CBQT - cost-based query transformation

JPPD - join predicate push-down

FPD - filter push-down

PM - predicate move-around

CVM - complex view merging

SPJ - select-project-join

SJC - set join conversion

SU - subquery unnesting

OBYE - order by elimination

ST - star transformation

qb - query block

LB - leaf blocks

DK - distinct keys

LB/K - average number of leaf blocks per key

DB/K - average number of data blocks per key

CLUF - clustering factor

NDV - number of distinct values

Resp - response cost

Card - cardinality

Resc - resource cost

NL - nested loops (join)

SM - sort merge (join)

HA - hash (join)


IOTFRSPEED - I/O transfer speed

IOSEEKTIM - I/O seek time

SREADTIM - average single block read time

MREADTIM - average multiblock read time

MBRC - average multiblock read count

MAXTHR - maximum I/O system throughput

SL***ETHR - average slave I/O throughput

dmeth - distribution method

1: no partitioning required

2: value partitioned

4: right is random (round-robin)

512: left is random (round-robin)

8: broadcast right and partition left

16: broadcast left and partition right

32: partition left using partitioning of right

64: partition right using partitioning of left

128: use hash partitioning dimension

256: use range partitioning dimension

2048: use list partitioning dimension

1024: run the join in serial

0: invalid distribution method

sel - selectivity

ptn - partition


Peeked values of the binds in SQL statement








_pga_max_size = 1340000 KB

cursor_sharing = similar

optimizer_index_cost_adj = 31


Bug Fix Control Environment


fix 4611850 = enabled

fix 4663804 = enabled

fix 4663698 = enabled

fix 4545833 = enabled

fix 3499674 = disabled

fix 4584065 = enabled

fix 4602374 = enabled

fix 4569940 = enabled

fix 4631959 = enabled

fix 4519340 = enabled

fix 4550003 = enabled

fix 4488689 = enabled

fix 3118776 = enabled

fix 4519016 = enabled

fix 4487253 = enabled

fix 4556762 = 15

fix 4728348 = enabled

fix 4723244 = enabled

fix 4554846 = enabled

fix 4175830 = enabled

fix 4722900 = enabled

fix 5094217 = enabled

fix 4904890 = enabled

fix 4483286 = disabled

fix 4969880 = disabled

fix 4711525 = enabled

fix 4717546 = enabled

fix 4904838 = enabled

fix 5005866 = enabled

fix 4600710 = enabled

fix 5129233 = enabled

fix 5195882 = enabled

fix 5084239 = enabled

fix 4595987 = enabled

fix 4134994 = enabled

fix 5104624 = enabled

fix 4908162 = enabled

fix 5015557 = enabled

fix 5263572 = enabled

fix 4483240 = enabled

fix 5099909 = enabled

fix 5650477 = enabled

fix 4273361 = enabled

fix 5694984 = enabled

fix 5449488 = enabled

fix 5236908 = enabled

fix 5618040 = enabled

fix 5634346 = enabled

fix 5220356 = enabled

fix 5611962 = enabled

fix 5741121 = enabled

fix 5547058 = enabled

fix 5762598 = enabled

fix 5509293 = enabled

fix 5396162 = enabled

fix 5891471 = enabled

fix 4872602 = disabled

fix 5882954 = enabled

fix 5884780 = enabled

fix 5680702 = enabled

fix 5240607 = enabled

fix 4924149 = enabled

fix 4752814 = enabled

fix 4583239 = enabled

fix 5949981 = enabled

fix 5096560 = enabled

fix 5838613 = enabled

fix 5482831 = enabled

fix 5624216 = enabled

fix 5976822 = enabled

fix 5741044 = enabled

fix 5385629 = enabled

fix 5705630 = disabled

fix 5483301 = enabled

fix 6122894 = enabled

fix 5842686 = disabled

fix 6006300 = disabled

fix 6070954 = enabled

fix 2492766 = enabled

fix 6042205 = enabled

fix 5302124 = enabled

fix 6051211 = enabled

fix 5620485 = enabled

fix 4545802 = enabled

fix 4716096 = enabled

fix 5259048 = enabled

fix 6163564 = enabled

fix 6082745 = enabled

fix 5944076 = enabled

fix 4878299 = enabled

fix 5288623 = enabled

fix 5570494 = enabled

fix 5387148 = enabled

fix 4605810 = enabled

fix 4704779 = enabled

fix 5547895 = enabled

fix 6188881 = enabled

fix 5872956 = enabled

fix 4708389 = enabled

fix 3151991 = enabled

fix 3426050 = enabled

fix 599680 = enabled

fix 5505157 = enabled

fix 5996801 = enabled

fix 5765456 = 0

fix 6494943 = enabled

fix 6251917 = enabled

fix 6087237 = enabled

fix 6239971 = enabled

fix 6062266 = enabled

fix 5520732 = 0

fix 6151963 = enabled

fix 4567767 = enabled

fix 6007259 = enabled

fix 6694548 = enabled




optimizer_mode_hinted = false

optimizer_features_hinted = 0.0.0

parallel_execution_enabled = true

parallel_query_forced_dop = 0

parallel_dml_forced_dop = 0

parallel_ddl_forced_degree = 0

parallel_ddl_forced_instances = 0

_query_rewrite_fudge = 90

optimizer_features_enable =

_optimizer_search_limit = 5

cpu_count = 16

active_instance_count = 1

parallel_threads_per_cpu = 2

hash_area_size = 131072

bitmap_merge_area_size = 1048576

sort_area_size = 65536

sort_area_retained_size = 0

_sort_elimination_cost_ratio = 0

_optimizer_block_size = 16384

_sort_multiblock_read_count = 2

_hash_multiblock_io_count = 0

_db_file_optimizer_read_count = 25

_optimizer_max_permutations = 2000

pga_aggregate_target = 6700032 KB

_query_rewrite_maxdisjunct = 257

_smm_auto_min_io_size = 48 KB

_smm_auto_max_io_size = 240 KB

_smm_min_size = 1024 KB

_smm_max_size = 670000 KB

_smm_px_max_size = 3350016 KB

_cpu_to_io = 0

_optimizer_undo_cost_change =

parallel_query_mode = enabled

parallel_dml_mode = disabled

parallel_ddl_mode = enabled

optimizer_mode = all_rows

sqlstat_enabled = false

_optimizer_percent_parallel = 101

_always_anti_join = choose

_always_semi_join = choose

_optimizer_mode_force = true

_partition_view_enabled = true

_always_star_transformation = false

_query_rewrite_or_error = false

_hash_join_enabled = true

_b_tree_bitmap_plans = true

star_transformation_enabled = false

_optimizer_cost_model = choose

_new_sort_cost_estimate = true

_complex_view_merging = true

_unnest_subquery = true

_eliminate_common_subexpr = true

_pred_move_around = true

_convert_set_to_join = false

_push_join_predicate = true

_push_join_union_view = true

_fast_full_scan_enabled = true

_optim_enhance_nnull_detection = true

_parallel_broadcast_enabled = true

_px_broadcast_fudge_factor = 100

_ordered_nested_loop = true

_no_or_expansion = false

optimizer_index_caching = 0

_system_index_caching = 0

_disable_datalayer_sampling = false

query_rewrite_enabled = true

query_rewrite_integrity = enforced

_query_cost_rewrite = true

_query_rewrite_2 = true

_query_rewrite_1 = true

_query_rewrite_expression = true

_query_rewrite_jgmigrate = true

_query_rewrite_fpc = true

_query_rewrite_drj = true

_full_pwise_join_enabled = true

_partial_pwise_join_enabled = true

_left_nested_loops_random = true

_improved_row_length_enabled = true

_index_join_enabled = true

_enable_type_dep_selectivity = true

_improved_outerjoin_card = true

_optimizer_adjust_for_nulls = true

_optimizer_degree = 0

_use_column_stats_for_function = true

_subquery_pruning_enabled = true

_subquery_pruning_mv_enabled = false

_or_expand_nvl_predicate = true

_like_with_bind_as_equality = false

_table_scan_cost_plus_one = true

_cost_equality_semi_join = true

_default_non_equality_sel_check = true

_new_initial_join_orders = true

_oneside_colstat_for_equijoins = true

_optim_peek_user_binds = true

_minimal_stats_aggregation = true

_force_temptables_for_gsets = false

workarea_size_policy = auto

_smm_auto_cost_enabled = true

_gs_anti_semi_join_allowed = true

_optim_new_default_join_sel = true

optimizer_dynamic_sampling = 2

_pre_rewrite_push_pred = true

_optimizer_new_join_card_computation = true

_union_rewrite_for_gs = yes_gset_mvs

_generalized_pruning_enabled = true

_optim_adjust_for_part_skews = true

_force_datefold_trunc = false

statistics_level = typical

_optimizer_system_stats_usage = true

skip_unusable_indexes = true

_remove_aggr_subquery = true

_optimizer_push_down_distinct = 0

_dml_monitoring_enabled = true

_optimizer_undo_changes = false

_predicate_elimination_enabled = true

_nested_loop_fudge = 100

_project_view_columns = true

_local_communication_costing_enabled = true

_local_communication_ratio = 50

_query_rewrite_vop_cleanup = true

_slave_mapping_enabled = true

_optimizer_cost_based_transformation = linear

_optimizer_mjc_enabled = true

_right_outer_hash_enable = true

_spr_push_pred_refspr = true

_optimizer_cache_stats = false

_optimizer_cbqt_factor = 50

_optimizer_squ_bottomup = true

_fic_area_size = 131072

_optimizer_skip_scan_enabled = true

_optimizer_cost_filter_pred = false

_optimizer_sortmerge_join_enabled = true

_optimizer_join_sel_sanity_check = true

_mmv_query_rewrite_enabled = true

_bt_mmv_query_rewrite_enabled = true

_add_stale_mv_to_dependency_list = true

_distinct_view_unnesting = false

_optimizer_dim_subq_join_sel = true

_optimizer_disable_strans_sanity_checks = 0

_optimizer_compute_index_stats = true

_push_join_union_view2 = true

_optimizer_ignore_hints = false

_optimizer_random_plan = 0

_query_rewrite_setopgrw_enable = true

_optimizer_correct_sq_selectivity = true

_disable_function_based_index = false

_optimizer_join_order_control = 3

_optimizer_cartesian_enabled = true

_optimizer_starplan_enabled = true

_extended_pruning_enabled = true

_optimizer_push_pred_cost_based = true

_sql_model_unfold_forloops = run_time

_enable_dml_lock_escalation = false

_bloom_filter_enabled = true

_update_bji_ipdml_enabled = 0

_optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing = udo

_dm_max_shared_pool_pct = 1

_optimizer_cost_hjsmj_multimatch = true

_optimizer_transitivity_retain = true

_px_pwg_enabled = true

optimizer_secure_view_merging = true

_optimizer_join_elimination_enabled = true

flashback_table_rpi = non_fbt

_optimizer_cbqt_no_size_restriction = true

_optimizer_enhanced_filter_push = true

_optimizer_filter_pred_pullup = true

_rowsrc_trace_level = 0

_simple_view_merging = true

_optimizer_rownum_pred_based_fkr = true

_optimizer_better_inlist_costing = all

_optimizer_self_induced_cache_cost = false

_optimizer_min_cache_blocks = 10

_optimizer_or_expansion = depth

_optimizer_order_by_elimination_enabled = true

_optimizer_outer_to_anti_enabled = true

_selfjoin_mv_duplicates = true

_dimension_skip_null = true

_force_rewrite_enable = false

_optimizer_star_tran_in_with_clause = true

_optimizer_complex_pred_selectivity = true

_optimizer_connect_by_cost_based = true

_gby_hash_aggregation_enabled = true

_globalindex_pnum_filter_enabled = true

_fix_control_key = 0

_optimizer_skip_scan_guess = false

_enable_row_shipping = false

_row_shipping_threshold = 80

_row_shipping_explain = false

_optimizer_rownum_bind_default = 10

_first_k_rows_dynamic_proration = true

_px_ual_serial_input = true

_optimizer_native_full_outer_join = off

_optimizer_star_trans_min_cost = 0

_optimizer_star_trans_min_ratio = 0

_optimizer_fkr_index_cost_bias = 10

_optimizer_connect_by_combine_sw = true

_optimizer_use_subheap = true

_optimizer_or_expansion_subheap = true

_optimizer_sortmerge_join_inequality = true

_optimizer_use_histograms = true

_optimizer_enable_density_improvements = false


Bug Fix Control Environment


fix 4611850 = enabled

fix 4663804 = enabled

fix 4663698 = enabled

fix 4545833 = enabled

fix 3499674 = disabled

fix 4584065 = enabled

fix 4602374 = enabled

fix 4569940 = enabled

fix 4631959 = enabled

fix 4519340 = enabled

fix 4550003 = enabled

fix 4488689 = enabled

fix 3118776 = enabled

fix 4519016 = enabled

fix 4487253 = enabled

fix 4556762 = 15

fix 4728348 = enabled

fix 4723244 = enabled

fix 4554846 = enabled

fix 4175830 = enabled

fix 4722900 = enabled

fix 5094217 = enabled

fix 4904890 = enabled

fix 4483286 = disabled

fix 4969880 = disabled

fix 4711525 = enabled

fix 4717546 = enabled

fix 4904838 = enabled

fix 5005866 = enabled

fix 4600710 = enabled

fix 5129233 = enabled

fix 5195882 = enabled

fix 5084239 = enabled

fix 4595987 = enabled

fix 4134994 = enabled

fix 5104624 = enabled

fix 4908162 = enabled

fix 5015557 = enabled

fix 5263572 = enabled

fix 4483240 = enabled

fix 5099909 = enabled

fix 5650477 = enabled

fix 4273361 = enabled

fix 5694984 = enabled

fix 5449488 = enabled

fix 5236908 = enabled

fix 5618040 = enabled

fix 5634346 = enabled

fix 5220356 = enabled

fix 5611962 = enabled

fix 5741121 = enabled

fix 5547058 = enabled

fix 5762598 = enabled

fix 5509293 = enabled

fix 5396162 = enabled

fix 5891471 = enabled

fix 4872602 = disabled

fix 5882954 = enabled

fix 5884780 = enabled

fix 5680702 = enabled

fix 5240607 = enabled

fix 4924149 = enabled

fix 4752814 = enabled

fix 4583239 = enabled

fix 5949981 = enabled

fix 5096560 = enabled

fix 5838613 = enabled

fix 5482831 = enabled

fix 5624216 = enabled

fix 5976822 = enabled

fix 5741044 = enabled

fix 5385629 = enabled

fix 5705630 = disabled

fix 5483301 = enabled

fix 6122894 = enabled

fix 5842686 = disabled

fix 6006300 = disabled

fix 6070954 = enabled

fix 2492766 = enabled

fix 6042205 = enabled

fix 5302124 = enabled

fix 6051211 = enabled

fix 5620485 = enabled

fix 4545802 = enabled

fix 4716096 = enabled

fix 5259048 = enabled

fix 6163564 = enabled

fix 6082745 = enabled

fix 5944076 = enabled

fix 4878299 = enabled

fix 5288623 = enabled

fix 5570494 = enabled

fix 5387148 = enabled

fix 4605810 = enabled

fix 4704779 = enabled

fix 5547895 = enabled

fix 6188881 = enabled

fix 5872956 = enabled

fix 4708389 = enabled

fix 3151991 = enabled

fix 3426050 = enabled

fix 599680 = enabled

fix 5505157 = enabled

fix 5996801 = enabled

fix 5765456 = 0

fix 6494943 = enabled

fix 6251917 = enabled

fix 6087237 = enabled

fix 6239971 = enabled

fix 6062266 = enabled

fix 5520732 = 0

fix 6151963 = enabled

fix 4567767 = enabled

fix 6007259 = enabled

fix 6694548 = enabled





Column Usage Monitoring is ON: tracking level = 1





select t1.* from t,t1 where t.x<100 and t.x=t1.x




qb name was generated

signature (optimizer): qb_name=SEL$1 nbfros=2 flg=0

fro(0): flg=0 objn=1896491 hint_alias="T"@"SEL$1"

fro(1): flg=0 objn=1896493 hint_alias="T1"@"SEL$1"





CPUSPEED: 1190 millions instruction/sec

IOTFRSPEED: 4096 bytes per millisecond (default is 4096)

IOSEEKTIM: 10 milliseconds (default is 10)




Table Stats::

Table: T1 Alias: T1 (NOT ANALYZED)

#Rows: 1964 #Blks: 12 AvgRowLen: 100.00

Column (#1): X(NUMBER) NO STATISTICS (using defaults)

AvgLen: 13.00 NDV: 61 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.016293


Table Stats::

Table: T Alias: T

#Rows: 365354 #Blks: 286 AvgRowLen: 4.00

Column (#1): X(NUMBER)

AvgLen: 5.00 NDV: 365354 Nulls: 0 Density: 2.7371e-06 Min: 33 Max: 364916

Index Stats::

Index: IND_T Col#: 1

LVLS: 1 #LB: 401 #DK: 364949 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 276.00




BEGIN Single Table Cardinality Estimation


Table: T Alias: T

Card: Original: 365354 Rounded: 67 Computed: 67.09 Non Adjusted: 67.09


END Single Table Cardinality Estimation


Access Path: TableScan

Cost: 96.55 Resp: 96.55 Degree: 0

Cost_io: 92.00 Cost_cpu: 75857264

Resp_io: 92.00 Resp_cpu: 75857264

Access Path: index (index (FFS))

Index: IND_T

resc_io: 128.00 resc_cpu: 65948225

ix_sel: 0.0000e+00 ix_sel_with_filters: 1

Access Path: index (FFS)

Cost: 131.96 Resp: 131.96 Degree: 1

Cost_io: 128.00 Cost_cpu: 65948225

Resp_io: 128.00 Resp_cpu: 65948225

Access Path: index (IndexOnly)

Index: IND_T

resc_io: 2.00 resc_cpu: 33086

ix_sel: 1.8382e-04 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.8382e-04

Cost: 1.00 Resp: 1.00 Degree: 1

Best:: AccessPath: IndexRange Index: IND_T

Cost: 1.00 Degree: 1 Resp: 1.00 Card: 67.09 Bytes: 0




BEGIN Single Table Cardinality Estimation


*** 2012-03-12 09:20:26.444

** Performing dynamic sampling initial checks. **

** Dynamic sampling initial checks returning TRUE (level = 2).

** Dynamic sampling updated table stats.: blocks=12

*** 2012-03-12 09:20:26.444

** Generated dynamic sampling query:

query text :


*** 2012-03-12 09:20:26.461

** Executed dynamic sampling query:

level : 2

sample pct. : 100.000000

actual sample size : 9999

filtered sample card. : 99

orig. card. : 1964

block cnt. table stat. : 12

block cnt. for sampling: 12

max. sample block cnt. : 64

sample block cnt. : 12

ndv C3 : 9999

scaled : 9999.00

nulls C4 : 0

scaled : 0.00

min. sel. est. : 0.05000000

** Dynamic sampling col. stats.:

Column (#1): X(NUMBER) Part#: 0

AvgLen: 22.00 NDV: 9999 Nulls: 0 Density: 1.0001e-04

** Using dynamic sampling NULLs estimates.

** Using dynamic sampling NDV estimates.

Scaled NDVs using cardinality = 9999.

** Using dynamic sampling card. : 9999

** Dynamic sampling updated table card.

** Using single table dynamic sel. est. : 0.00990099

Table: T1 Alias: T1

Card: Original: 9999 Rounded: 99 Computed: 99.00 Non Adjusted: 99.00


END Single Table Cardinality Estimation


Access Path: TableScan

Cost: 6.13 Resp: 6.13 Degree: 0

Cost_io: 6.00 Cost_cpu: 2118695

Resp_io: 6.00 Resp_cpu: 2118695

Best:: AccessPath: TableScan

Cost: 6.13 Degree: 1 Resp: 6.13 Card: 99.00 Bytes: 0






Considering cardinality-based initial join order.

Permutations for Starting Table :0


Join order[1]: T[T]#0 T1[T1]#1


Now joining: T1[T1]#1


NL Join

Outer table: Card: 67.09 Cost: 1.00 Resp: 1.00 Degree: 1 Bytes: 4

Inner table: T1 Alias: T1

Access Path: TableScan

NL Join: Cost: 263.52 Resp: 263.52 Degree: 1

Cost_io: 255.00 Cost_cpu: 141962792

Resp_io: 255.00 Resp_cpu: 141962792

Best NL cost: 263.52

resc: 263.52 resc_io: 255.00 resc_cpu: 141962792

resp: 263.52 resp_io: 255.00 resp_cpu: 141962792

Join Card: 67.09 = outer (67.09) * inner (99.00) * sel (0.010101)

Join Card - Rounded: 67 Computed: 67.09

SM Join

Outer table:

resc: 1.00 card 67.09 bytes: 4 deg: 1 resp: 1.00

Inner table: T1 Alias: T1

resc: 6.13 card: 99.00 bytes: 17 deg: 1 resp: 6.13

using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1

SORT resource Sort statistics

Sort width: 3924 Area size: 1048576 Max Area size: 686080000

Degree: 1

Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 29 Total Rows: 99

Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0

Total IO sort cost: 0 Total CPU sort cost: 16683383

Total Temp space used: 0

SM join: Resc: 8.13 Resp: 8.13 [multiMatchCost=0.00]

SM cost: 8.13

resc: 8.13 resc_io: 7.00 resc_cpu: 18812334

resp: 8.13 resp_io: 7.00 resp_cpu: 18812334

HA Join

Outer table:

resc: 1.00 card 67.09 bytes: 4 deg: 1 resp: 1.00

Inner table: T1 Alias: T1

resc: 6.13 card: 99.00 bytes: 17 deg: 1 resp: 6.13

using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1

Cost per ptn: 0.50 #ptns: 1

hash_area: 0 (max=128) Hash join: Resc: 7.63 Resp: 7.63 [multiMatchCost=0.00]

HA cost: 7.63

resc: 7.63 resc_io: 7.00 resc_cpu: 10475808

resp: 7.63 resp_io: 7.00 resp_cpu: 10475808

Best:: JoinMethod: Hash

Cost: 7.63 Degree: 1 Resp: 7.63 Card: 67.09 Bytes: 21


Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 1.0006 card: 67.0865 bytes: 268

Table#: 1 cost: 7.6290 card: 67.0865 bytes: 1407


Join order[2]: T1[T1]#1 T[T]#0


Now joining: T[T]#0


NL Join

Outer table: Card: 99.00 Cost: 6.13 Resp: 6.13 Degree: 1 Bytes: 17

Inner table: T Alias: T

Access Path: TableScan

NL Join: Cost: 9357.07 Resp: 9357.07 Degree: 1

Cost_io: 8906.00 Cost_cpu: 7511987799

Resp_io: 8906.00 Resp_cpu: 7511987799

Access Path: index (index (FFS))

Index: IND_T

resc_io: 126.05 resc_cpu: 65948225

ix_sel: 0.0000e+00 ix_sel_with_filters: 1

Inner table: T Alias: T

Access Path: index (FFS)

NL Join: Cost: 12877.16 Resp: 12877.16 Degree: 1

Cost_io: 12485.00 Cost_cpu: 6530992958

Resp_io: 12485.00 Resp_cpu: 6530992958

kkofmx: index filter:"T"."X"<100

Access Path: index (AllEqJoinGuess)

Index: IND_T

resc_io: 1.00 resc_cpu: 10793

ix_sel: 2.7401e-06 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.0314e-10

NL Join: Cost: 36.84 Resp: 36.84 Degree: 1

Cost_io: 36.69 Cost_cpu: 2451463

Resp_io: 36.69 Resp_cpu: 2451463

Best NL cost: 36.84

resc: 36.84 resc_io: 36.69 resc_cpu: 2451463

resp: 36.84 resp_io: 36.69 resp_cpu: 2451463

Join Card: 67.09 = outer (99.00) * inner (67.09) * sel (0.010101)

Join Card - Rounded: 67 Computed: 67.09

SM Join

Outer table:

resc: 6.13 card 99.00 bytes: 17 deg: 1 resp: 6.13

Inner table: T Alias: T

resc: 1.00 card: 67.09 bytes: 4 deg: 1 resp: 1.00

using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1

SORT resource Sort statistics

Sort width: 3924 Area size: 1048576 Max Area size: 686080000

Degree: 1

Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 29 Total Rows: 99

Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0

Total IO sort cost: 0 Total CPU sort cost: 16683383

Total Temp space used: 0

SORT resource Sort statistics

Sort width: 3924 Area size: 1048576 Max Area size: 686080000

Degree: 1

Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 15 Total Rows: 67

Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0

Total IO sort cost: 0 Total CPU sort cost: 16672125

Total Temp space used: 0

SM join: Resc: 9.13 Resp: 9.13 [multiMatchCost=0.00]

SM cost: 9.13

resc: 9.13 resc_io: 7.00 resc_cpu: 35484459

resp: 9.13 resp_io: 7.00 resp_cpu: 35484459

HA Join

Outer table:

resc: 6.13 card 99.00 bytes: 17 deg: 1 resp: 6.13

Inner table: T Alias: T

resc: 1.00 card: 67.09 bytes: 4 deg: 1 resp: 1.00

using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1

Cost per ptn: 0.50 #ptns: 1

hash_area: 0 (max=128) Hash join: Resc: 7.63 Resp: 7.63 [multiMatchCost=0.00]

HA cost: 7.63

resc: 7.63 resc_io: 7.00 resc_cpu: 10477408

resp: 7.63 resp_io: 7.00 resp_cpu: 10477408

Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost


(newjo-stop-1) k:0, spcnt:0, perm:2, maxperm:2000


Number of join permutations tried: 2


(newjo-save) [1 0 ]

Final - All Rows Plan: Best join order: 1

Cost: 7.6290 Degree: 1 Card: 67.0000 Bytes: 1407

Resc: 7.6290 Resc_io: 7.0000 Resc_cpu: 10475808

Resp: 7.6290 Resp_io: 7.0000 Resc_cpu: 10475808

kkoipt: Query block SEL$1 (#0)

******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******

SELECT "T1"."X" "X","T1"."NAME" "NAME" FROM "AIKI"."T" "T","AIKI"."T1" "T1" WHERE "T"."X"<100 AND "T"."X"="T1"."X" AND "T1"."X"<100

kkoqbc-subheap (delete addr=11049bba8, in-use=24376, alloc=26624)


: call(in-use=20376, alloc=65448), compile(in-use=39680, alloc=40552)

apadrv-end: call(in-use=20376, alloc=65448), compile(in-use=40624, alloc=44568)


Current SQL statement for this session:

explain plan for select t1.* from t,t1 where t.x<100 and t.x=t1.x


Plan Table



| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost | Time |


| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | | 8 | |

| 1 | HASH JOIN | | 67 | 1407 | 8 | 00:00:01 |

| 2 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | IND_T | 67 | 268 | 1 | 00:00:01 |

| 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | T1 | 99 | 1683 | 6 | 00:00:01 |


Predicate Information:


1 - access("T"."X"="T1"."X")

2 - access("T"."X"<100)

3 - filter("T1"."X"<100)

Content of other_xml column


db_version :

parse_schema : AIKI

dynamic_sampling: yes

plan_hash : 1857101565

Outline Data:





OPT_PARAM('optimizer_index_cost_adj' 31)



INDEX(@"SEL$1" "T"@"SEL$1" ("T"."X"))

FULL(@"SEL$1" "T1"@"SEL$1")

LEADING(@"SEL$1" "T"@"SEL$1" "T1"@"SEL$1")

USE_HASH(@"SEL$1" "T1"@"SEL$1")



Optimizer environment:

optimizer_mode_hinted = false

optimizer_features_hinted = 0.0.0

parallel_execution_enabled = true

parallel_query_forced_dop = 0

parallel_dml_forced_dop = 0

parallel_ddl_forced_degree = 0

parallel_ddl_forced_instances = 0

_query_rewrite_fudge = 90

optimizer_features_enable =

_optimizer_search_limit = 5

cpu_count = 16

active_instance_count = 1

parallel_threads_per_cpu = 2

hash_area_size = 131072

bitmap_merge_area_size = 1048576

sort_area_size = 65536

sort_area_retained_size = 0

_sort_elimination_cost_ratio = 0

_optimizer_block_size = 16384

_sort_multiblock_read_count = 2

_hash_multiblock_io_count = 0

_db_file_optimizer_read_count = 25

_optimizer_max_permutations = 2000

pga_aggregate_target = 6700032 KB

_pga_max_size = 1340000 KB

_query_rewrite_maxdisjunct = 257

_smm_auto_min_io_size = 48 KB

_smm_auto_max_io_size = 240 KB

_smm_min_size = 1024 KB

_smm_max_size = 670000 KB

_smm_px_max_size = 3350016 KB

_cpu_to_io = 0

_optimizer_undo_cost_change =

parallel_query_mode = enabled

parallel_dml_mode = disabled

parallel_ddl_mode = enabled

optimizer_mode = all_rows

sqlstat_enabled = false

_optimizer_percent_parallel = 101

_always_anti_join = choose

_always_semi_join = choose

_optimizer_mode_force = true

_partition_view_enabled = true

_always_star_transformation = false

_query_rewrite_or_error = false

_hash_join_enabled = true

cursor_sharing = similar

_b_tree_bitmap_plans = true

star_transformation_enabled = false

_optimizer_cost_model = choose

_new_sort_cost_estimate = true

_complex_view_merging = true

_unnest_subquery = true

_eliminate_common_subexpr = true

_pred_move_around = true

_convert_set_to_join = false

_push_join_predicate = true

_push_join_union_view = true

_fast_full_scan_enabled = true

_optim_enhance_nnull_detection = true

_parallel_broadcast_enabled = true

_px_broadcast_fudge_factor = 100

_ordered_nested_loop = true

_no_or_expansion = false

optimizer_index_cost_adj = 31

optimizer_index_caching = 0

_system_index_caching = 0

_disable_datalayer_sampling = false

query_rewrite_enabled = true

query_rewrite_integrity = enforced

_query_cost_rewrite = true

_query_rewrite_2 = true

_query_rewrite_1 = true

_query_rewrite_expression = true

_query_rewrite_jgmigrate = true

_query_rewrite_fpc = true

_query_rewrite_drj = true

_full_pwise_join_enabled = true

_partial_pwise_join_enabled = true

_left_nested_loops_random = true

_improved_row_length_enabled = true

_index_join_enabled = true

_enable_type_dep_selectivity = true

_improved_outerjoin_card = true

_optimizer_adjust_for_nulls = true

_optimizer_degree = 0

_use_column_stats_for_function = true

_subquery_pruning_enabled = true

_subquery_pruning_mv_enabled = false

_or_expand_nvl_predicate = true

_like_with_bind_as_equality = false

_table_scan_cost_plus_one = true

_cost_equality_semi_join = true

_default_non_equality_sel_check = true

_new_initial_join_orders = true

_oneside_colstat_for_equijoins = true

_optim_peek_user_binds = true

_minimal_stats_aggregation = true

_force_temptables_for_gsets = false

workarea_size_policy = auto

_smm_auto_cost_enabled = true

_gs_anti_semi_join_allowed = true

_optim_new_default_join_sel = true

optimizer_dynamic_sampling = 2

_pre_rewrite_push_pred = true

_optimizer_new_join_card_computation = true

_union_rewrite_for_gs = yes_gset_mvs

_generalized_pruning_enabled = true

_optim_adjust_for_part_skews = true

_force_datefold_trunc = false

statistics_level = typical

_optimizer_system_stats_usage = true

skip_unusable_indexes = true

_remove_aggr_subquery = true

_optimizer_push_down_distinct = 0

_dml_monitoring_enabled = true

_optimizer_undo_changes = false

_predicate_elimination_enabled = true

_nested_loop_fudge = 100

_project_view_columns = true

_local_communication_costing_enabled = true

_local_communication_ratio = 50

_query_rewrite_vop_cleanup = true

_slave_mapping_enabled = true

_optimizer_cost_based_transformation = linear

_optimizer_mjc_enabled = true

_right_outer_hash_enable = true

_spr_push_pred_refspr = true

_optimizer_cache_stats = false

_optimizer_cbqt_factor = 50

_optimizer_squ_bottomup = true

_fic_area_size = 131072

_optimizer_skip_scan_enabled = true

_optimizer_cost_filter_pred = false

_optimizer_sortmerge_join_enabled = true

_optimizer_join_sel_sanity_check = true

_mmv_query_rewrite_enabled = true

_bt_mmv_query_rewrite_enabled = true

_add_stale_mv_to_dependency_list = true

_distinct_view_unnesting = false

_optimizer_dim_subq_join_sel = true

_optimizer_disable_strans_sanity_checks = 0

_optimizer_compute_index_stats = true

_push_join_union_view2 = true

_optimizer_ignore_hints = false

_optimizer_random_plan = 0

_query_rewrite_setopgrw_enable = true

_optimizer_correct_sq_selectivity = true

_disable_function_based_index = false

_optimizer_join_order_control = 3

_optimizer_cartesian_enabled = true

_optimizer_starplan_enabled = true

_extended_pruning_enabled = true

_optimizer_push_pred_cost_based = true

_sql_model_unfold_forloops = run_time

_enable_dml_lock_escalation = false

_bloom_filter_enabled = true

_update_bji_ipdml_enabled = 0

_optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing = udo

_dm_max_shared_pool_pct = 1

_optimizer_cost_hjsmj_multimatch = true

_optimizer_transitivity_retain = true

_px_pwg_enabled = true

optimizer_secure_view_merging = true

_optimizer_join_elimination_enabled = true

flashback_table_rpi = non_fbt

_optimizer_cbqt_no_size_restriction = true

_optimizer_enhanced_filter_push = true

_optimizer_filter_pred_pullup = true

_rowsrc_trace_level = 0

_simple_view_merging = true

_optimizer_rownum_pred_based_fkr = true

_optimizer_better_inlist_costing = all

_optimizer_self_induced_cache_cost = false

_optimizer_min_cache_blocks = 10

_optimizer_or_expansion = depth

_optimizer_order_by_elimination_enabled = true

_optimizer_outer_to_anti_enabled = true

_selfjoin_mv_duplicates = true

_dimension_skip_null = true

_force_rewrite_enable = false

_optimizer_star_tran_in_with_clause = true

_optimizer_complex_pred_selectivity = true

_optimizer_connect_by_cost_based = true

_gby_hash_aggregation_enabled = true

_globalindex_pnum_filter_enabled = true

_fix_control_key = 0

_optimizer_skip_scan_guess = false

_enable_row_shipping = false

_row_shipping_threshold = 80

_row_shipping_explain = false

_optimizer_rownum_bind_default = 10

_first_k_rows_dynamic_proration = true

_px_ual_serial_input = true

_optimizer_native_full_outer_join = off

_optimizer_star_trans_min_cost = 0

_optimizer_star_trans_min_ratio = 0

_optimizer_fkr_index_cost_bias = 10

_optimizer_connect_by_combine_sw = true

_optimizer_use_subheap = true

_optimizer_or_expansion_subheap = true

_optimizer_sortmerge_join_inequality = true

_optimizer_use_histograms = true

_optimizer_enable_density_improvements = false


Bug Fix Control Environment


fix 4611850 = enabled

fix 4663804 = enabled

fix 4663698 = enabled

fix 4545833 = enabled

fix 3499674 = disabled

fix 4584065 = enabled

fix 4602374 = enabled

fix 4569940 = enabled

fix 4631959 = enabled

fix 4519340 = enabled

fix 4550003 = enabled

fix 4488689 = enabled

fix 3118776 = enabled

fix 4519016 = enabled

fix 4487253 = enabled

fix 4556762 = 15

fix 4728348 = enabled

fix 4723244 = enabled

fix 4554846 = enabled

fix 4175830 = enabled

fix 4722900 = enabled

fix 5094217 = enabled

fix 4904890 = enabled

fix 4483286 = disabled

fix 4969880 = disabled

fix 4711525 = enabled

fix 4717546 = enabled

fix 4904838 = enabled

fix 5005866 = enabled

fix 4600710 = enabled

fix 5129233 = enabled

fix 5195882 = enabled

fix 5084239 = enabled

fix 4595987 = enabled

fix 4134994 = enabled

fix 5104624 = enabled

fix 4908162 = enabled

fix 5015557 = enabled

fix 5263572 = enabled

fix 4483240 = enabled

fix 5099909 = enabled

fix 5650477 = enabled

fix 4273361 = enabled

fix 5694984 = enabled

fix 5449488 = enabled

fix 5236908 = enabled

fix 5618040 = enabled

fix 5634346 = enabled

fix 5220356 = enabled

fix 5611962 = enabled

fix 5741121 = enabled

fix 5547058 = enabled

fix 5762598 = enabled

fix 5509293 = enabled

fix 5396162 = enabled

fix 5891471 = enabled

fix 4872602 = disabled

fix 5882954 = enabled

fix 5884780 = enabled

fix 5680702 = enabled

fix 5240607 = enabled

fix 4924149 = enabled

fix 4752814 = enabled

fix 4583239 = enabled

fix 5949981 = enabled

fix 5096560 = enabled

fix 5838613 = enabled

fix 5482831 = enabled

fix 5624216 = enabled

fix 5976822 = enabled

fix 5741044 = enabled

fix 5385629 = enabled

fix 5705630 = disabled

fix 5483301 = enabled

fix 6122894 = enabled

fix 5842686 = disabled

fix 6006300 = disabled

fix 6070954 = enabled

fix 2492766 = enabled

fix 6042205 = enabled

fix 5302124 = enabled

fix 6051211 = enabled

fix 5620485 = enabled

fix 4545802 = enabled

fix 4716096 = enabled

fix 5259048 = enabled

fix 6163564 = enabled

fix 6082745 = enabled

fix 5944076 = enabled

fix 4878299 = enabled

fix 5288623 = enabled

fix 5570494 = enabled

fix 5387148 = enabled

fix 4605810 = enabled

fix 4704779 = enabled

fix 5547895 = enabled

fix 6188881 = enabled

fix 5872956 = enabled

fix 4708389 = enabled

fix 3151991 = enabled

fix 3426050 = enabled

fix 599680 = enabled

fix 5505157 = enabled

fix 5996801 = enabled

fix 5765456 = 0

fix 6494943 = enabled

fix 6251917 = enabled

fix 6087237 = enabled

fix 6239971 = enabled

fix 6062266 = enabled

fix 5520732 = 0

fix 6151963 = enabled

fix 4567767 = enabled

fix 6007259 = enabled

fix 6694548 = enabled

Query Block Registry:


SEL$1 0xcbff84c0 (PARSER) [FINAL]

Optimizer State Dump: call(in-use=29056, alloc=65448), compile(in-use=73312, alloc=122328)
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