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HOJ 3087 Discover's Problem I

2012-03-11 22:25 344 查看

Discover's Problem I

Submitted : 31, Accepted : 14

Given a sequence , how to find the longest increasing subsequence? I think, almost all of you will think it's a piece of cake. Here comes a question about the increasing subsequence, and I think you will like it. Now you don't need to pay attention to the
length but to the sum of its elements. You should find out the increasing subsequence that the sum of its elements is max and print the sum of this increasing subsequence’s elements.


The first line contains a integer T, indicating there a T cases(T<=10). Every case begin with a integer n, which is the length of the sequence. ( 1<=n<=10^5).The next line comes the elements . The values of it's elements are positive integers that no more
than 2^31-1.


For every case, print the answer in a single line.

Sample Input

100 1 2 2 3
9 3 4 10 5

Sample output



分析:树状数组+DP 或则 线段树+DP现在我们先讲一下:树状数组+DP实际上状态转移方程是很容易想出的,dp[i]=max(dp[j])+a[i](其中0<j<i)关键是如何降低复杂度来实现快速的寻找最大的前i-1项中的最大上升和子序列。现在来说明一下如何用树状数组来实现快速的查询:按数的大小从小到大的排一下序,然后再按照数字的大小插入这样就保证了已经插入的就一定比插入的小,那么单调递增就能保证了,现在还一个需要确保,就是先后问题。由于树状数组如果按照排序前的序号插入的话,那么我们只统计他们的序号前面的就同样可以保证先后问题,仔细想一想其实没那么难的。








* File: main.cpp

* Author: Administrator


* Created on 2012年3月11日, 下午6:21


#include <cstdlib>

#include <cstdio>

#include <iostream>

#include <algorithm>

#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

const int MAX = 100001;

long long a[MAX];

long long dp[MAX];


* 这个是DP的思想,但是要实现DP还需一定的技巧


int lowbit(int x) {

return x & (-x);


void add(int x, long long p) {

while (x < 100001) {

a[x] = max(p, a[x]);

x += lowbit(x);



long long sum(int x) {

long long res = 0;

while (x) {

res = max(res, a[x]);

x -= lowbit(x);


return res;


struct node {

int pos;

int element;

bool operator<(const node & a)const {

if (element != a.element) {

return element < a.element;


return pos > a.pos;


} Node[MAX];

int main() {

int T;

int n;

while (scanf("%d", &T) != EOF) {

while (T--) {

scanf("%d", &n);

memset(dp, 0, sizeof (dp));

memset(a, 0, sizeof (a));

for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {

scanf("%d", &Node[i].element);

Node[i].pos = i;


sort(Node + 1, Node + n + 1);

for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {

dp[Node[i].pos] = sum(Node[i].pos) + (long long)(Node[i].element);

add(Node[i].pos, dp[Node[i].pos]);


long long res = 0;

for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {

res = max(dp[i], res);


printf("%lld\n", res);



return 0;

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