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How to rebuild rdoc for all the installed gems?

2012-02-20 23:37 387 查看

ruby - How to rebuild rdoc for all the installed gems? - Stack Overflow

How to rebuild rdoc for all the installed gems?
');doc.write(unescape("%3Cscript%20type%3D%22text/javascript%22%20src%3D%22http%3A//static.adzerk.net/ados.js%22%3E%3C/script%3E%0A%3Cscript%20type%3D%22text/javascript%22%3E%0A%3C%21--%20load%20placement%20for%20account%3A%20New%20Relic%2C%20campaign%3A%20StackOverflow%2C%20flight%3A%20Q1%20Buy%2C%20creative%3A%20Lean%20Leaderboard%2C%20site%3A%20StackOverflow%2C%20size%3A%20Leaderboard%20--%3E%0Aados_loadInline%28451%2C%2013178%2C%204%29.setFlightCreativeId%2814658%29%3B%0Aados_load%28%29%3B%0A%3C/script%3E"));doc.write("");setTimeout(function() { doc.close(); }, 100);
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I have several gems installed in multiple locations.

What is the hard/easy way to generate/re-generate:

rdoc for all these installed gems, all at once?
yardoc for all these installed gems, all at once?

ruby rdoc yard
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edited Jun 30 '10 at 19:58

asked Jun 30 '10 at 19:47
82% accept rate

Related (but not identical) question: stackoverflow.com/questions/664651/… – Andrew Grimm Sep 15 '10 at 2:36
2 Answers
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up vote 1 down vote accepted

yard gems


sudo yard gems

should do the job. You may also want to use the --rebuild flag. If you want to run a local Yardoc server for your installed gems, then run

yard server -g

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answered Sep 14 '10 at 11:24
Christoph Petschnig

Is there any way to let yard store the gem object data somewhere else instead of the default .yardoc folder within the gem. The reason is that most of the IDEs while indexing the gems, are also indexing the data in .yardoc folder, which takes longer. I couldn't find a settings to exclude .yardoc pattern in any of the IDES. If I could have yard store this data somewhere like ~/.yardoc, would take care of the problem. – satynos Sep 15 '10 at 17:05
up vote 1 down vote

Have you tried one of these?

gem rdoc --all
gem rdoc --all --overwrite
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