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Flex Component instantiation life cycle | Flex组件实例化生命周期

2012-02-05 16:09 531 查看
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
<!-- 将非可视元素(例如服务、值对象)放在此处 -->
<s:Label text="Hello world"/>



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Group xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
width="400" height="300"
import com.cachetian.demo.utils.TraceUtil;

import mx.events.FlexEvent;

import spark.events.ElementExistenceEvent;

protected function group1_initializeHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
TraceUtil.info(this, "initialize invoked");

protected function group1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
TraceUtil.info(this, "creation complete invoked");

protected function group1_addedToStageHandler(event:Event):void
TraceUtil.info(this, "addedToStage invoked");

protected function group1_elementAddHandler(event:ElementExistenceEvent):void
TraceUtil.info(this, "elementAdd invoked");

protected function group1_frameConstructedHandler(event:Event):void
TraceUtil.info(this, "frameConstructed invoked");

protected function group1_preinitializeHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
TraceUtil.info(this, "preinitialize invoked");

protected function group1_valueCommitHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
TraceUtil.info(this, "valueCommit invoked");

protected function group1_updateCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
TraceUtil.info(this, "updateComplete invoked");

<!-- 将非可视元素(例如服务、值对象)放在此处 -->













About the component instantiation life cycle for MX components

The component instantiation life cycle describes the sequence of steps that occur when you create a component object from a component class. As part of that life cycle, Flex automatically calls component methods, dispatches events, and makes the component visible.

The following example creates a Button control in ActionScript and adds
it to a container:
// Create a Box container.
var boxContainer:Box = new Box();
// Configure the Box container.

// Create a Button control.
var b:Button = new Button()
// Configure the button control.
b.label = "Submit";
// Add the Button control to the Box container.

The following steps show what occurs when you execute the code to create the Button control, and add the control to the Box container:

You call the component’s constructor, as the following code shows:
// Create a Button control.
var b:Button = new Button()

You configure the component by setting its properties, as the following code shows:
// Configure the button control.
b.label = "Submit";

Component setter methods might call the invalidateProperties(), invalidateSize(), or invalidateDisplayList()methods.

You call the addChild() method to add the component to its parent, as the following code shows:
// Add the Button control to the Box container.

Flex then performs the following actions:

Sets the parent property for the component to reference its parent container.

Computes the style settings for the component.

Dispatches the preinitialize event on the component.

Calls the component’s createChildren() method.

Calls the invalidateProperties(), invalidateSize(), and invalidateDisplayList() methods to trigger later
calls to the commitProperties(), measure(), or updateDisplayList() methods during the next render event.

The only exception to this rule is that Flex does not call the measure() method when the user sets the height and width of the component.

Dispatches the initialize event on the component. At this time, all of the component’s children are initialized, but the component has not been sized or processed for layout. You can use this event to perform
additional processing of the component before it is laid out.

Dispatches the childAdd event on the parent container.

Dispatches the initialize event on the parent container.

During the next render event, Flex performs the following actions:

Calls the component’s commitProperties() method.

Calls the component’s measure() method.

Calls the component’s layoutChrome() method.

Calls the component’s updateDisplayList() method.

If steps 13 and 14 are not required, which is the most common scenario, dispatches the updateCompleteevent on the component.

Flex dispatches additional render events if the commitProperties(), measure(), or updateDisplayList() methods
call the invalidateProperties(), invalidateSize(), or invalidateDisplayList() methods.

After the last render event occurs, Flex performs the following actions:

Makes the component visible by setting the visible property to true.

Dispatches the creationComplete event on the component. The component is sized and processed for layout. This event is only dispatched once when the component is created.

Dispatches the updateComplete event on the component. Flex dispatches additional updateComplete events whenever the layout, position, size, or other visual
characteristic of the component changes and the component is updated for display.

Most of the work for configuring a component occurs when you add the component to a container by using theaddChild() method. That is because until you add the component to a container, Flex cannot determine
its size, set inheriting style properties, or draw it on the screen.

You can also define your application in MXML, as the following example shows:
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
<mx:Button label="Submit"/>

The sequence of steps that Flex executes when creating a component in MXML are equivalent to the steps described for ActionScript.

You can remove a component from a container by using the removeChild() method. If there are no references to the component, it is eventually deleted from memory by the garbage collection mechanism of Adobe®
Flash® Player or Adobe® AIR™.

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