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FFmpeg编译出错undefined reference to `img_convert’的解决方法

2012-02-04 15:47 597 查看
刚准备拿FFmpeg做点东西,在Ubuntu上安装了最新的FFmpeg v0.6.1,找了一段实例程序(见文末)来编译,结果出现了一下编译错误:
test.c:212: warning: implicit declaration of function 'img_convert' /tmp/cc3q7gsX.o: In function `main': test.c:(.text+0xbf0): undefined reference to `img_convert' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

这段程序以前在FFmpeg v0.4.9版本上是可以编译的,无奈在Ubuntu上装不上v0.4.9版,只好根据CSDN论坛版友的提示来修改一下程序。




用来缩放的基本函数是sws_scale。但一开始,必需建立一个SwsContext的概念。这将进行想要的转换,然后把它传递给 sws_scale函数。类似于在SQL中的预备阶段或者是在Python中编译的规则表达式regexp。要准备这个上下文,使用 sws_getContext函数,它需要源的宽度和高度,我们想要的宽度和高度,源的格式和想要转换成的格式,同时还有一些其它的参数和标志。然后我们像使用img_convert一样来使用sws_scale函数,唯一不同的是我们传递给的是SwsContext。


// Convert the image from its native format to RGB img_convert((***Picture *)pFrameRGB, PIX_FMT_RGB24,                 (***Picture*)pFrame, pCodecCtx->pix_fmt, pCodecCtx->width,                 pCodecCtx->height);

#include <ffmpeg/swscale.h> // other codes static struct SwsContext *img_convert_ctx; // other codes img_convert_ctx = sws_getContext(pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height,  pCodecCtx->pix_fmt, pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height,  PIX_FMT_RGB24, SWS_BICUBIC, NULL, NULL, NULL); // other codes // Convert the image from its native format to RGB sws_scale(img_convert_ctx, (const uint8_t* const*)pFrame->data, pFrame->linesize,  0, pCodecCtx->height, pFrameRGB->data, pFrameRGB->linesize);


// tutorial01.c // Code based on a tutorial by Martin Bohme (<a href="mailto:boehme@inb.uni-luebeckREMOVETHIS.de">boehme@inb.uni-luebeckREMOVETHIS.de</a>) // Tested on Gentoo, CVS version 5/01/07 compiled with GCC 4.1.1 // A small sample program that shows how to use libavformat and libavcodec to // read video from a file. // // Use // // gcc -o tutorial01 tutorial01.c -lavformat -lavcodec -lz // // to build (assuming libavformat and libavcodec are correctly installed // your system). // // Run using // // tutorial01 myvideofile.mpg // // to write the first five frames from "myvideofile.mpg" to disk in PPM // format. #include <ffmpeg/avcodec.h> #include <ffmpeg/avformat.h> #include <stdio.h> void SaveFrame(***Frame *pFrame, int width, int height, int iFrame) {   FILE *pFile;   char szFilename[32];   int  y;     // Open file   sprintf(szFilename, "frame%d.ppm", iFrame);   pFile=fopen(szFilename, "wb");   if(pFile==NULL)     return;     // Write header   fprintf(pFile, "P6\n%d %d\n255\n", width, height);     // Write pixel data   for(y=0; y<height; y++)     fwrite(pFrame->data[0]+y*pFrame->linesize[0], 1, width*3, pFile);     // Close file   fclose(pFile); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {   ***FormatContext *pFormatCtx;   int             i, videoStream;   ***CodecContext  *pCodecCtx;   ***Codec         *pCodec;   ***Frame         *pFrame;   ***Frame         *pFrameRGB;   ***Packet        packet;   int             frameFinished;   int             numBytes;   uint8_t         *buffer;     if(argc < 2) {     printf("Please provide a movie file\n");     return -1;   }   // Register all formats and codecs   av_register_all();     // Open video file   if(av_open_input_file(&pFormatCtx, argv[1], NULL, 0, NULL)!=0)     return -1; // Couldn't open file     // Retrieve stream information   if(av_find_stream_info(pFormatCtx)<0)     return -1; // Couldn't find stream information     // Dump information about file onto standard error   dump_format(pFormatCtx, 0, argv[1], 0);     // Find the first video stream   videoStream=-1;   for(i=0; i<pFormatCtx->nb_streams; i++)     if(pFormatCtx->streams[i]->codec->codec_type==CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO) {       videoStream=i;       break;     }   if(videoStream==-1)     return -1; // Didn't find a video stream     // Get a pointer to the codec context for the video stream   pCodecCtx=pFormatCtx->streams[videoStream]->codec;     // Find the decoder for the video stream   pCodec=avcodec_find_decoder(pCodecCtx->codec_id);   if(pCodec==NULL) {     fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported codec!\n");     return -1; // Codec not found   }   // Open codec   if(avcodec_open(pCodecCtx, pCodec)<0)     return -1; // Could not open codec     // Allocate video frame   pFrame=avcodec_alloc_frame();     // Allocate an ***Frame structure   pFrameRGB=avcodec_alloc_frame();   if(pFrameRGB==NULL)     return -1;     // Determine required buffer size and allocate buffer   numBytes=avpicture_get_size(PIX_FMT_RGB24, pCodecCtx->width,          pCodecCtx->height);   buffer=(uint8_t *)av_malloc(numBytes*sizeof(uint8_t));     // Assign appropriate parts of buffer to image planes in pFrameRGB   // Note that pFrameRGB is an ***Frame, but ***Frame is a superset   // of ***Picture   avpicture_fill((***Picture *)pFrameRGB, buffer, PIX_FMT_RGB24,    pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height);     // Read frames and save first five frames to disk   i=0;   while(av_read_frame(pFormatCtx, &packet)>=0) {     // Is this a packet from the video stream?     if(packet.stream_index==videoStream) {       // Decode video frame       avcodec_decode_video(pCodecCtx, pFrame, &frameFinished,       packet.data, packet.size);             // Did we get a video frame?       if(frameFinished) {  // Convert the image from its native format to RGB  img_convert((***Picture *)pFrameRGB, PIX_FMT_RGB24,                     (***Picture*)pFrame, pCodecCtx->pix_fmt, pCodecCtx->width,                     pCodecCtx->height);    // Save the frame to disk  if(++i<=5)    SaveFrame(pFrameRGB, pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height,       i);       }     }         // Free the packet that was allocated by av_read_frame     av_free_packet(&packet);   }     // Free the RGB image   av_free(buffer);   av_free(pFrameRGB);     // Free the YUV frame   av_free(pFrame);     // Close the codec   avcodec_close(pCodecCtx);     // Close the video file   av_close_input_file(pFormatCtx);     return 0; }
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