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QTP - 23 (Working with MS Excel) QTP与Excel交互

2012-01-30 16:03 330 查看

23 Working with MS Excel


Excel provides methods for automation by COM interface.

Application – The Main object which references the Excelapplication itself.

Workbooks – The object references a collection of currentlyopened Excel Workbooks

Workbook – The object references a single open Excelworkbook

The same way to Worksheets & Worksheet.

The Excel Automation Object Model:


Workbooks (Workbook)

Names (Name)

Worksheets (Worksheet)

Names (Name)



0.Example -- Add or open an Excel File

'Add or open an Excel File

Dim xlApp, sSourceFile, fso

sSourceFile = "C:\frank.xls"

Set fso =CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

bFileExsit = fso.FileExists(sSourceFile)

print "File Exsit : " & sSourceFile &"=="& bFileExsit

Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

xlApp.Visible = True

If bFileExsit Then

SetxlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(sSourceFile)


SetxlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add

End If

'Add new worksheet like: Set xlWorkSheet = xlWorkBook.Worksheets.Add

‘Or Open a worksheet

Set xlWorkSheet = xlWorkBook.Worksheets("Sheet1")

xlWorkSheet.Cells(1,2) = "This is new addedcontent"

If bFileExsit Then




End If


xlApp.Quit 'Terminalthe Excel instance

Set xlWorkBook = Nothing

Set xlWorkSheet = Nothing

Set xlApp = Nothing 'Destroythe Excel instance


1. Example – Access all non-blank row values in aspecific column

Thereare 2 methods to do it.

Method 1 : loop each cell in a selected column and stop when a blank valueis encountered.

While xlWorkSheet.Cells(i,1) <>""


i= i + 1


Method 2: to get the count of all non-blank values in the selected column


2. 'Search for a text string and update another cell's value

Set objFind =xlWorkSheet.Range("A:A").Find("Name8")

If objFind is Nothing Then

print"Name8 not found"


iRowNum= objFind.Row

xlWorkSheet.Cells(iRowNum,2)= "123456"

End If


3. 'Allow user to select a file to be opened

sExcelFileName = xlApp.GetOpenFilename("ExcelFiles","*.xls", , "Select the Excel File")

If sExcelFileNameThen

print"File Selected"


print"No File Selected"

End If


4. 'Converting VBA to VBS

Notice: The constant in Excel(VBS), e,g, xlSolid, notavaiable in QTP. You should search the value and define yourself


5. Access an Excel spreadsheet embedded in IE

Use following statement to access the document object:

Set objDoc = Browser(“CreationTime : = 0”).object.document

But the above statement cause “General run error” exception”

Use the following function to access IE’s COM interfacethrough its window’s handle:


'Access an Excel spreadsheet embedded in IE

hwnd =Browser("CreationTime:=0").GetROProperty("hwnd")

Set ieBrowser = GetIEObjectFromhwnd(hwnd)

Set objDocument = ieBrowser.document 'This objDocument can be any embeddeddocument, like word, PPT or more

Set objWWorkbook = objDocument

Function GetIEObjectFromhwnd(ByVal hwnd)

Dim objShell,objShellWindows

SetobjShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") 'Create shelll object

SetobjShellWindows = objShell.Windows 'Getthe collection of all open explorer windows

If (NotobjShellWindows Is Nothing) Then


ForEach objEnumItems In objShellWindows

IfobjEnumItems.hwnd = hwnd Then

SetGetIEObjectFromhwnd = objEnumItems 'returnthe object whose hwnd meet



SetGetIEObjectFromhwnd = Nothing 'Noobject found



End If

SetobjShellWindows = Nothing

SetobjShell = Nothing

End Function


6. Performance Enhancement:

Each QTP call to an Excel object has its cost, like

For i = 0 To 1000

xlworksheet.cell(I,1)= i


QTP make 1000 calls, so reduce call can improve runtimeperformance.

Dim iArray

ReDim iArray (999,6)

For i = 1 To 1000

For j= 1To 7

iArrary(i-1,j-1) = I*j



xlworksheet.Range(“A1:”& GetCoumnName(j-1)&(i-1))=iArrary

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