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The gSOAP toolkit is an open source C and C++ software development toolkit forSOAP/XML Web services and generic (non-SOAP)C/C++ XML data bindings. The toolkit analyzes WSDLs and XML schemas (separately or as a
combined set) and maps the XML schema types and the SOAP messaging protocols to easy-to-use and efficient C and C++ code. It also supports exposing (legacy) C and C++ applications as SOAP/XML Web services by auto-generating XML serialization code and WSDL
specifications. Or you can simply use it toautomatically convert XML to/from C and C++ data. The toolkit supports options to generate pure ANSI C or C++ with or without STL.



gSOAP编译工具提供了一个SOAP/XML 关于C/C++ 语言的实现,从而让C/C++语言开发web服务或客户端程序的工作变得轻松了很多。绝大多数的C++web服务工具包提供一组API函数类库来处理特定的SOAP数据结构,这样就使得用户必须改变程序结构来适应相关的类库。与之相反,gSOAP利用编译器技术提供了一组透明化的SOAP API,并将与开发无关的SOAP实现细节相关的内容对用户隐藏起来。


gsoap通常带有两个工具: wsdl2h 和 soapcpp2。 wsdl2h主要是用来生成头文件的,而soapcpp2主要是利用wsdl2h生成的头文件来生成C文件或C++文件。

命令: wsdl2h 【-】 -o 头文件名 wsdl文件名或者url
例 : wsdl2h -o quote.h http://services.xmethods.net/soap/urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes.wsdl
Usage: wsdl2h [-a] [-c] [-d] [-e] [-f] [-g] [-h] [-I path] [-j] [-l] [-m] [-n name] [-N name] [-p] [-q name] [-r proxyhost:port] [-s] [-t typemapfile.dat] [-u]

[-v] [-w] [-x] [-y] [-z] [-o outfile.h] infile.wsdl infile.xsd http://www... ...

-o 文件名,指定输出头文件
-n 名空间前缀 代替默认的ns
-c 产生纯C代码,否则是C++代码
-s 不要使用STL代码
-t 文件名,指定type map文件,默认为typemap.dat
-e 禁止为enum成员加上名空间前缀
type map文件用于指定SOAP/XML中的类型与C/C++之间的转换规则,比如在wsmap.dat里写。

关于typemap.dat,在下载的gsoap中是有另外一个,叫:WS-typemap.dat。 如果有多个wsdl文档,建议使用这个。

wsdl2h针对多个文档: wsdl2h.exe -sc -t WS-typemap.dat -o quote.h a.wsdl b.wsdl c.wsdl


命令: soapcpp2 【】 头文件名 【-I】 import路径

例 : soapcpp2 -L -c quote.h -I E:\gsoap-2.8\gsoap\import


-C 仅生成客户端代码
-S 仅生成服务端代码
-c 产生纯C代码,否则是C++代码
-L 不要产生soapClientLib.c和soapServerLib.c文件
-I 指定import路径
-x 不要产生XML示例文件
-i 生成C++包装,客户端为xxxxProxy.h(.cpp),服务器端为xxxxService.h(.cpp)。

soapcpp2针对多个文档: soapcpp2 -L -c quote.h -I E:\gsoap-2.8\gsoap\import

附: 工具命令

Usage: wsdl2h [-a] [-c] [-d] [-e] [-f] [-g] [-h] [-I path] [-j] [-l] [-m] [-n name] [-N name] [-p] [-q name] [-r proxyhost:port] [-s] [-t typemapfile.dat] [-u]

[-v] [-w] [-x] [-y] [-z] [-o outfile.h] infile.wsdl infile.xsd http://www... ...

-a generate indexed struct names for local elements with anonymous types

-c generate C source code

-d use DOM to populate xs:any and xsd:anyType elements

-e don't qualify enum names

-f generate flat C++ class hierarchy

-g generate global top-level element declarations

-h display help info

-Ipath use path to find files

-j don't generate SOAP_ENV__Header and SOAP_ENV__Detail definitions

-l include license information in output

-m use xsd.h module to import primitive types

-nname use name as the base namespace prefix instead of 'ns'

-Nname use name as the base namespace prefix for service namespaces

-ofile output to file

-p create polymorphic types with C++ inheritance with base xsd__anyType

-qname use name for the C++ namespace for all service declarations

-rhost:port /* ??? 暂没理解 */

connect via proxy host and port

-s don't generate STL code (no std::string and no std::vector)

-tfile use type map file instead of the default file typemap.dat

-u don't generate unions

-v verbose output

-w always wrap response parameters in a response struct (<=1.1.4 behavior)

-x don't generate _XML any/anyAttribute extensibility elements

-y generate typedef synonyms for structs and enums

-z generate pointer-based arrays for backward compatibility < gSOAP 2.7.6e
infile.wsdl list of input sources (if none: use stdin)

Usage: soapcpp2 [-1|-2] [-C|-S] [-L] [-a] [-c] [-d path] [-e] [-h] [-i] [-I path;path;...] [-l] [-m] [-n] [-p name] [-s] [-t] [-v] [-w] [-x] [infile]

-1 generate SOAP 1.1 bindings

-2 generate SOAP 1.2 bindings

-C generate client-side code only

-S generate server-side code only

-L don't generate soapClientLib/soapServerLib

-a use value of SOAPAction HTTP header to dispatch method at server side

-c generate C source code

-dpath use path to save files

-e generate SOAP RPC encoding style bindings

-h display help info

-i generate service proxies and objects inherited from soap struct

-Ipath use path(s) for #import

-l generate linkable modules (experimental)

-m generate Matlab(tm) code for MEX compiler

-n use service name to rename service functions and namespace table

-pname save files with new prefix name instead of 'soap'

-s generate deserialization code with strict XML validation checks

-t generate code for fully xsi:type typed SOAP/XML messaging

-v display version info

-w don't generate WSDL and schema files

-x don't generate sample XML message files

infile header file to parse (or stdin)

http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4900f3fb0100j94p.html http://gsoap2.sourceforge.net/ http://blog.csdn.net/Ocean2006/article/details/5490928
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