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流媒体Helix Server详细linux安装,配置

2012-01-18 00:56 351 查看
流媒体Helix Server详细linux安装,配置

<<流媒体Helix Server详细安装,配置>>


[root@rhel ~]# cd helixserver/

[root@rhel helixserver]# tar xzvf setup.tar.gz

[root@rhel helixserver]# chmod +x helix-server-retail-11.01-rhel4-setup.bin

[root@rhel helixserver]# ./helix-server-retail-11.01-rhel4-setup.bin

Extracting files for Helix installation........................

Welcome to the Helix Server 11.0 ( Setup for UNIX

Setup will help you get Helix Server running on your computer.

[ Press [Enter] to continue... ]

If a Helix Server license key file has been sent to you,

please enter its directory path below. If you have not

received a Helix Server license key file, then this server

WILL NOT OPERATE until a license key file is placed in

the server's License directory. Please obtain a free

Basic Helix Server license or purchase a commercial license

from our website at [url]http://www.real.com/. If you need

further assistance, please visit our on-line support area

at http://service.real.com/.
License Key File: []: [ 这个是要许可证,可以先放下,等安装完再将许可证文件放入 ]

Installation and use of Helix Server requires

acceptance of the following terms and conditions:

Press [Enter] to display the license text... [ 回车,然后....有兴趣就读一读吧^_^... ]

Choose "Accept" to accept the terms of this

license agreement and continue with Helix Server setup.

If you do not accept these terms, enter "No"

and installation of Helix Server will be cancelled.

I accept the above license: [Accept]: [ 此处回车默认即可 ]

Enter the complete path to the directory where you want

Helix Server to be installed. You must specify the full

pathname of the directory and have write privileges to

the chosen directory.

Directory: [/root/helixserver]: /usr/helixserver [ 更改安装路径 ]

Please enter a username and password that you will use

to access the web-based Helix Server Administrator and monitor.

Username []: [ 设置远程管理用户名 ]

Username []:Password []: [ 设置密码 ]

Confirm Password []:

Please enter a port on which Helix Server will listen for

RTSP connections. These connections have URLs that begin

with "rtsp://"

Port [554]: [ 此处回车默认即可 ]

Please enter a port on which Helix Server will listen for

HTTP connections. These connections have URLs that begin

with "http://"

Port [80]:8080 [ 更改http传输端口,为避免和apache冲突,建议更改 ]

Please enter a port on which Helix Server will listen for

MMS connections. These connections have URLs that begin

with "mms://"

Port [1755]: [ 此处回车默认即可 ]

Helix Server will listen for Administrator requests on the

port shown. This port has been initialized to a random value

for security. Please verify now that this pre-assigned port

will not interfere with ports already in use on your system;

you can change it if necessary.

Port [11012]:11111 [ 更改远程管理访问的端口,系统默认的有时难以记住,可更改为好记的 ]

You have selected the following Helix Server configuration:

Admin User/Password: traveller2/****

ncoder User/Password: traveller2/****

Monitor Password: ****

RTSP Port: 554

HTTP Port: 8080

MMS Port: 1755

Admin Port: 11111

Destination: /usr/helixserver

Enter [F]inish to begin copying files, or [P]revious to go

back to the previous prompts: [F]:

[ 如果以上设置你没意见,此处回车默认即可,否则按P重新设置 ]

Copying Helix Server files....

Helix Server installation is complete.

If at any time you should require technical

assistance, please visit our on-line support area

at [url]http://service.real.com/.

Cleaning up installation files...


[ 安装完成 ]

[root@rhel helixserver]# ls

crack HelixServerConfig.pdf

HelixAdministrator helix-server-retail-11.01-rhel4-setup.bin

HelixProxyAdmin.pdf HelixServerUnlimited11_Linux.zip

HelixProxyConfig.pdf setup.tar.gz


[root@rhel helixserver]# cp -a HelixAdministrator/ /usr/helixserver/HelixAdministrator_zh/ [汉化]  [root@rhel helixserver]# cp crack/DistributedLicensing.lic /usr/helixserver/License/ [破解过程??^_^ ]

[root@rhel helixserver]#cd /usr/helixserver

[root@rhel helixserver]# mv HelixAdministrator HelixAdministrator_en

[ 为默认的英文语言包重命名,这样做的主要目的是,万一某一刻你突然感觉英文看着很爽,依然可以将管理界面换回英文 ]

[root@rhel helixserver]# ln -s HelixAdministrator HelixAdministrator_zh/

[root@rhel helixserver]# ./Bin/rmserver rmserver.cfg & [ 启动服务器进程并让它在后台执行, ]

[root@rhel helixserver]# ps -aux |grep rmserver

Warning: bad syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See /usr/share/doc/procps-3.2.3/FAQ

root 2918 0.1 1.0 7000 2096 pts/0 S 18:17 0:00 ./Bin/rmserver rmserver.cfg

root 2919 7.9 61.5 324136 117592 ? Ssl 18:17 0:02 ./Bin/rmserver rmserver.cfg

root 2920 0.0 1.0 7004 2100 ? Ss 18:17 0:00 ./Bin/rmserver rmserver.cfg

[ 检查服务是否已正常启动 ]







Helix Server Unlimited v11.0.1.1884已经将以前放在 "服务器设置中"的"媒体演示"功能也挪到,了右上角,和帮助等放在了一起,这样的更改的确更合理,你可以转到"媒体演示"页面进行服务器测试.这时你的流媒体服务器已基本能满足要求.
内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息
标签:  linux 职场 流媒体