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AD开发中OU组织机构的属性、 Group的属性

2011-12-30 11:04 274 查看
属性的含义:   属性名:objectClass,属性值: top

属性的含义:   属性名:objectClass,属性值: organizationalUnit

属性的含义:   属性名:ou,属性值: 电力系统设计部

属性的含义:   属性名:distinguishedName,属性值: OU=电力系统设计部,OU=勘察设计研究院,DC=zdrmoss,DC=com

属性的含义:   属性名:instanceType,属性值: 4

属性的含义:   属性名:whenCreated,属性值: 2008-11-23 4:29:39

属性的含义:   属性名:whenChanged,属性值: 2008-11-23 4:29:39

属性的含义:   属性名:uSNCreated,属性值: System.__ComObject

属性的含义:   属性名:uSNChanged,属性值: System.__ComObject

属性的含义:   属性名:name,属性值: 电力系统设计部

属性的含义:   属性名:objectGUID,属性值: System.Byte[]

属性的含义:   属性名:objectCategory,属性值: CN=Organizational-Unit,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=zdrmoss,DC=com

属性的含义:   属性名:nTSecurityDescriptor,属性值: System.__ComObject



The cn (or Common-Name) is a single-value property that is the object's relative distinguished name. The cn is the name of the group in Active Directory. As with all other objects, the cn of a group must be unique among the sibling objects in the
container containing the group.


The member property is a multi-value property that contains the list of distinguished names for the user, group, and contact objects that are members of the group. Each item in the list is a linked reference to the object that represents
the member; therefore, Active Directory automatically updates the distinguished names in the member property when a member object is moved or renamed


The groupType property is a single-value property that is an integer that specifies the group type and scope using the following bit flags:
The first three flags specify the group scope.
The ADS_GROUP_TYPE_SECURITY_ENABLED flag indicates the type of the group. If this flag is set, the group is a security group. If this flag is not set, the group is a distribution group.


The memberOf property is a multi-value property that contains the list of distinguished names for groups that contain the group as a member. This property lists the groups beneath which the group is directly nested—it does not contain the
recursive list of nested predecessors. For example, if group D were nested in group C and group B and group B were nested in group A, the membersOf property of group D would list group C and group B but not group A.


The objectGUID property is a single-value property that is the unique identifier for the object. This property is a GUID (Globally Unique Identifier). When an object is created in the directory, Active Directory generates a
GUID and assigns it to the object's objectGUID property. The GUID is unique across the enterprise and anywhere else.
The objectGUID is a 128-bit GUID structure stored as an OctetString.

6、objectSid (Object-Sid)

The objectSid property is a single-value property that specifies the security identifier (SID) of the group. The SID is a unique value used to identify the group as a security principal. It is a binary value that the system sets when the group
is created.
Each group has a unique SID that the Windows NT®/Windows® 2000 Server domain issues that is stored in the objectSid property of the group object in the directory. Each time a user logs on, the system retrieves the SID for the
groups of which the user is a member and places it in the user's access token. The system uses the SIDs in the user's access token to identify the user and his/her group memberships in all subsequent interactions with Windows NT/Windows 2000 security.
When a SID has been used as the unique identifier for a user or group, it cannot ever be used again to identify another user or group.


The sAMAccountName property is a single-value property that is the logon name used to support clients and servers from a previous version (Windows® 95, Windows® 98, and LAN Manager). The sAMAccountName should
be less than 20 characters to support clients and servers from a previous version.
The sAMAccountName must be unique among all security principal objects within a domain.







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