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Windows Azure Learning Note (1)

2011-12-18 22:02 375 查看
Package Software


Infrustruction As Service

unit:box=>Amazon EC2

Platfrom As Service

unit:Application=> Windows Azure

Software As Service



Session 01: Windows Azure Overview

Session 02: Introduction to Compute

Session 03: Windows Azure Lifecycle, Part 1

Session 04: Windows Azure Lifecycle, Part 2

Session 05: Windows Azure Storage, Part 1

Session 06: Windows Azure Storage, Part 2

Session 07: Introduction to SQL Azure

Session 08: Windows Azure Diagnostics

Session 09: Windows Azure Security, Part 1

Session 10: Windows Azure Security, Part 2

Session 11: Scalability, Caching & Elasticity, Part 1

Session 12: Scalability, Caching & Elasticity, Part 2,and Q&A

Windows Azure Lifecycle


-it isright tool for right purpose?

-scalability, reliability, availability

-Design for SCALE

-the cloud is about scaling out

-design for multiple instance


-Which part is going to cloud

-Which part is remain on premise

-Define Roles




-Communicationand protocols


-Choosestorage technology


-Diagnostic& Management

-Design for price

-Design for Scale


-Nonsupport technology













-Buildapp on premise

-Deploy Storage to Cloud & Test

-Deploy Compute to Cloud & Test


-Package& Deploy

-config=> Fabric

-app=> Cloud




-Emulator vs real Cloud different

-Type of testing

-SystemIntegration Testing

-UserAcceptance Testing


-Stress test

-Recovery test

-Security test



-Automaticallyvis API Rest Based





-Takepackage deploy and run


-Allmanagement task









-Web Deploy vis IIS


-Fault& Upgrade domain


-Whenyour app down. Fabric controler : if have more than one instance


-Whenyou upgrading. upgrade by upgrade domain

-VIP swap

-extenalIP and virtual IP

Windows Azure Storage

No-relational Windows Azure Storage

-Don't forcedata integrity

Relational Storage - SQL Azure Storage

Affinity group



Storage Security

Windows Azure Abstractions


-Account/Container/Blob/Pagesor Blocks



-Optimistic Concurrency via ETags



-Optimisticor Pessimistic (locking) concurrency via leases

-Shared access signature

-CDN(Content Delivery Network)

-Files and large object


-NTFSVirtual Hard Disk


-Tables:entity, property


-same partition same server

-Entity Group Transaction

-Massively scalable structured storage

-Queue:FIFO,Communication channel, distribution mechanise

-Loosely Coupled Workflow

-Reliable Delivery

-Order not guarantee

-Poison Message

-Item puter operation

-Addaccount $500 ->NO

-Setaccount to $500 ->YES

-Reliabledelivery of message

Azure: Operation System for the cloud

OS -provides computing power => role

-information handling => storage

-information management => diagnostic

SQL Azure





-Architecture:scalable, reliable, available


-*3(disaster policy)

-Workingwith primary one

-Sharding,SQL Azure Federation

-Connect toSQL Azure via TDS (Tabular Data Stream) service

-Logic vsPhysical Administration

-Logical=> SQL Azure Focus on Logical Administration



-Securitymanagement (login, user, role)




-Automaticallyprovide HA

-Affinity group


-viaMSF - microsoft sychonazation framework

-Onpremise <-> Azure

-Azure<-> Azure in different/same data center

-Script from onpremise to SQL Azure need to convert

Diagnostic(using System.Diagnostic)



-Troubleshootingand debugging


-Quality ofService Metrics





How diagnostic work

-Role Instance start

-Diagnostic Monitor start

-Monitor configured

-Monitor buffer data locally

-User interface to storage



How to implement

-Deploy Diagnostic Manager class

-Role Instance Diagnostic Manger class

-Diagnostic Monitor class



Security (protect any attack)

-Layer of security

-Human security

-Application security


-Auditand logging

-Authenticationand authorization

-Identity- who you are, collection of attribute of entity



-Identityonly has name, if need more information, need to go to identity provider likeActive Directory


-Token,colletion of claims, the full set of information is a token, authorization is base on if a claim allowyou to do then you can do this

-SecurityToken Service issue token, I trust service. service trust me, it is the real one. I will take this token, trust these information and use it

-Identity provider tell security token service what to put into token

-Windows Identity Framework

-Build new or reference existing STS

-Easy to implement claim base Identity

-just need to Add STS reference

-Network security (microsoft better)

-OS\DB security(microsoft better)

-physical security(microsoft better

-Windows azure AppFabric: Access Control Service

-similar infrustructure : OpenID

-Shared Access Sinature

-Table& Queue need to access via storage account

-Blobcan be access from Web Browser


Scalability, Caching & Elasticity


-Do more work at the same amount of time, more thoughtput

-Vertical Scale Up - simple to implement

-biggerbox, more cpu, more resource

-Horizonal Scale Out

-more boxes


e.g:Session in process vs. in sql server

-How to improve?

-lessshare resource




-Improve performance and scalablility



-Readoften data


-ClinetCaching - ETags


-preventsclient downloading un-necesary data


-stillreuqire to round trip to server

-CDN,Blob Storage






-Primary metric(actual work done)

-request per sec

-queue messages process/ interval

-Secondary metric


-Queue Length

-Response time

-Derivative metrics

-reateof change of queue length
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