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The Core Objects of Your App

2011-12-07 09:18 369 查看
Core App Objects


UIKit provides the infrastructure for all apps but it is your custom objects that define the specific behavior of your app. Your app consists of a handful of specific UIKit objects that manage the event loop and the primary interactions with iOS. Through a
combination of subclassing, delegation, and other techniques, you modify the default behaviors defined by UIKit to implement your app.


In addition to customizing the UIKit objects, you are also responsible for providing or defining other key sets of objects. The largest set of objects is your app’s data objects, the definition of which is entirely your responsibility. You must also provide
a set of user interface objects, but fortunately UIKit provides numerous classes to make defining your interface easy. In addition to code, you must also provide the resources and data files you need to deliver a shippable app.


The Core Objects of Your App


From the time your app is launched by the user, to the time it exits, the UIKit framework manages much of the app’s core behavior. At the heart of the app is the UIApplication object, which receives events from the system and dispatches them to your custom
code for handling. Other UIKit classes play a part in managing your app’s behavior too, and all of these classes have similar ways of calling your custom code to handle the details.


To understand how UIKit objects work with your custom code, it helps to understand a little about the objects make up an iOS app. Figure 2-1 shows the objects that are most commonly found in an iOS app, and Table 2-1 describes the roles of each object. As you
can see from the diagram, iOS apps are organized around the model-view-controller design pattern. This pattern separates the data objects in the model from the views used to present that data. This separation promotes code reuse by making it possible to swap
out your views as needed and is especially useful when creating universal apps—that is, apps that can run on both iPad and iPhone.

为了理解UIKit对象如何与你的用户代码工作,它有助于理解一些对象组织起一个iOS app. 下图显示了在一个iOS app中经常出现的对象,下面的表描述了每个对象的角色。正如你可以从图表中看到的,iOS apps由MVC组织。这个模式从view中分离了数据对象。这个分离促进了代码复用,通过使他在view中被交换出,当创建一个通用的app的时候很有用,让app可以运行在iPad和iPhone上。



Data Objects<---->Document<------------

^ |

| |

V |

Controller | View

UIApplication---->Application Delegate-|------------> UIWindow

| | | |

| | | |

V V <---| V

Event Loop View Controller<---------------->Views and UI Object

用户对象:Application Delegate

系统对象:UIApplication UIWindow

既是系统又是用户对象:Data Objects, Document, View Controller, Views and UI Objects.

表2-1 在一个iOS app中的对象的角色

UIApplication object:

You use the UIApplication object essentially as is—that is, without subclassing. This controller object manages the app event loop and coordinates other high-level app behaviors. Your own custom app-level logic resides in your app delegate object, which works
in tandem with this object.


App delegate object:

The app delegate is a custom object created at app launch time, usually by the UIApplicationMain function. The primary job of this object is to handle state transitions within the app. For example, this object is responsible for launch-time initialization
and handling transitions to and from the background. For information about how you use the app delegate to manage state transitions, see “Managing App State Changes.”

In iOS 5 and later, you can use the app delegate to handle other app-related events. The Xcode project templates declare the app delegate as a subclass of UIResponder. If the UIApplication object does not handle an event, it dispatches the event to your app
delegate for processing. For more information about the types of events you can handle, see UIResponder Class Reference.

应用程序委托是一个用户对象,在应用程序启动的时候建立。通常由UIApplicationMain函数。这个对象的主要工作是处理app的状态转换。举例,这个对象在启动时负责初始化和处理转换到或者转换出后台。关于如何使用应用程序委托的信息参考"Managing App State Changes"

在iOS 5或者更新的系统中,你可以使用app delegate来处理其他的应用程序有关事件。Xcode工程模板把app delegate声明为一个UIResponder的子类。如果UIApplication对象没有处理某个事件,它把这个事件分发到你的应用程序委托来处理。关于你可以处理的事件类型参考"UIResponder Class Reference"

Documents and data model objects:

Data model objects store your app’s content and are specific to your app. For example, a banking app might store a database containing financial transactions, whereas a painting app might store an image object or even the sequence of drawing commands that led
to the creation of that image. (In the latter case, an image object is still a data object because it is just a container for the image data.)

Apps can also use document objects (custom subclasses of UIDocument) to manage some or all of their data model objects. Document objects are not required but offer a convenient way to group data that belongs in a single file or file package. For more information
about documents, see “Defining a Document-Based Data Model.”


apps也能够使用文档对象(UIDocument的用户子类)来管理一些或者全部数据模型。文档对象不是必须的,但是它提供了一个方便的方法来组织在一个单独文件或者文件包中的对象。关于文档的信息参考"Defining a Document-Based Data Model"

View controller objects

View controller objects manage the presentation of your app’s content on screen. A view controller manages a single view and its collection of subviews. When presented, the view controller makes its views visible by installing them in the app’s window.

The UIViewController class is the base class for all view controller objects. It provides default functionality for loading views, presenting them, rotating them in response to device rotations, and several other standard system behaviors. UIKit and other frameworks
define additional view controller classes to implement standard system interfaces such as the image picker, tab bar interface, and navigation interface.

For detailed information about how to use view controllers, see View Controller Programming Guide for iOS.



关于如何使用视图控制器的更多信息请参考"View Controller Pogramming Guide for iOS"

UIWindow object

A UIWindow object coordinates the presentation of one or more views on a screen. Most apps have only one window, which presents content on the main screen, but apps may have an additional window for content displayed on an external display.

To change the content of your app, you use a view controller to change the views displayed in the corresponding window. You never replace the window itself.

In addition to hosting views, windows work with the UIApplication object to deliver events to your views and view controllers.




View control and layer objects

Views and controls provide the visual representation of your app’s content. A view is an object that draws content in a designated rectangular area and responds to events within that area. Controls are a specialized type of view responsible for implementing
familiar interface objects such as buttons, text fields, and toggle switches.

The UIKit framework provides standard views for presenting many different types of content. You can also define your own custom views by subclassing UIView (or its descendants) directly.

In addition to incorporating views and controls, apps can also incorporate Core Animation layers into their view and control hierarchies. Layer objects are actually data objects that represent visual content. Views use layer objects intensively behind the scenes
to render their content. You can also add custom layer objects to your interface to implement complex animations and other types of sophisticated visual effects.




What distinguishes one iOS app from another is the data it manages (and the corresponding business logic) and how it presents that data to the user. Most interactions with UIKit objects do not define your app but help you to refine its behavior. For example,
the methods of your app delegate let you know when the app is changing states so that your custom code can respond appropriately.


For information about the specific behaviors of a given class, see the corresponding class reference. For more information about how events flow in your app and information about your app’s responsibilities at various points during that flow, see “App States
and Multitasking.”

关于所给类的具体行为,参考相关类的参考。对于应用程序中的事件流和应用程序的责任在事件流中的多个重点,参考"App States and Multitasking"
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