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Implementing Enumerable & Enumerator in Ruby

2011-12-06 20:31 639 查看
由本人初译,欢迎(comment)大刀,千万别手下留情。 原文地址:http://practicingruby.com/articles/shared/ggcwduoyfqmz

初遇Ruby,Enumerable module提供的杀手级功能给我留下了最深刻的印象。我最终也爱上了Enumerator,即使我花了很长一段时间来弄清楚它是什么,什么人可使用它。

When I first came to Ruby, one of the things that impressed me the most was the killer features provided by the Enumerable module. I eventually also came to love Enumerator, even though it took me a long time to figure out what it was and what one might use
it for.

作为一个初学者,我一直认为这些功能是来自Ruby解析器内部,通过一些黑暗魔法形式工作。有很多学习只是为了提高生产力,我推迟了学习引擎盖下是怎么回事的细节。一段时间后,我为这个决定感到后悔,谢谢David A.Black.

As a beginner, I had always assumed that these features worked through some dark form of magic that was buried deep within the Ruby interpreter. With so much left to learn just in order to be productive, I was content to postpone learning the details about
what was going on under the hood. After some time, I came to regret that decision, thanks to David A. Black.

David 教Ruby向无经验的初学者们不久展示给他们Enumerable能做什么,同时也使他们实现他们自己的版本!这是一个很好的深刻锻炼,因为他揭开了神奇的面纱:如果你不懂yield, 你能创建所有的方便在Enumerable里。同样,如果你用Ruby的Fiber构造体,Enumerator有趣的功能能够很容易的实施。

David teaches Ruby to raw beginners not only by showing them what Enumerable can do, but also by making them implement their own version of it! This is a profoundly good exercise, because it exposes how nonmagical the features are: if you understand yield,
you can build all the methods in Enumerable. Similarly, the interesting features of Enumerator can be implemented fairly easily if you use Ruby's Fiber construct.


In this article, we're going to work through the exercise of rolling your own subset of the functionality provided by Enumerable and Enumerator, discussing each detail along the way. Regardless of your skill level, an understanding of the elegant design of
these constructs will undoubtedly give you a great source of inspiration that you can draw from when designing new constructs in your own programs.

Setting the stage with some tests(设置一些测试阶段)


I've selected a small but representative subset of the features that Enumerable and Enumerator provide and written some t
ests to nail down their behavior. These tests will guide my implementations throughout the rest of this article and serve as a roadmap for
you if you'd like to try out the exercise on your own.


If you have some time to do so, try to get at least some of the tests to go green before reading my implementation code and explanations, as you'll learn a lot more that way. But if you're not planning on doing that, at least read through the tests carefully
and think about how you might go about implementing the features they describe.

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   1 class SortedList

   2   include FakeEnumerable


   4   def initialize

   5     @data = []

   6   end


   8   def <<(new_element)

   9     @data << new_element

  10     @data.sort!


  12     self

  13   end


  15   def each

  16     if block_given?

  17       @data.each { |e| yield(e) }

  18     else

  19       FakeEnumerator.new(self, :each)

  20     end

  21   end

  22 end


  24 require "minitest/autorun"


  26 describe "FakeEnumerable" do

  27   before do

  28     @list = SortedList.new


  30     # will get stored interally as 3,4,7,13,42

  31     @list << 3 << 13 << 42 << 4 << 7

  32   end


  34   it "supports map" do

  35     @list.map { |x| x + 1 }.must_equal([4,5,8,14,43])

  36   end


  38   it "supports sort_by" do

  39     # ascii sort order

  40     @list.sort_by { |x| x.to_s }.must_equal([13, 3, 4, 42, 7])

  41   end


  43   it "supports select" do

  44     @list.select { |x| x.even? }.must_equal([4,42])

  45   end


  47   it "supports reduce" do

  48     @list.reduce(:+).must_equal(69)

  49     @list.reduce { |s,e| s + e }.must_equal(69)

  50     @list.reduce(-10) { |s,e| s + e }.must_equal(59)

  51   end

  52 end


  54 describe "FakeEnumerator" do

  55   before do

  56     @list = SortedList.new


  58     @list << 3 << 13 << 42 << 4 << 7

  59   end


  61   it "supports next" do

  62     enum = @list.each


  64     enum.next.must_equal(3)

  65     enum.next.must_equal(4)

  66     enum.next.must_equal(7)

  67     enum.next.must_equal(13)

  68     enum.next.must_equal(42)


  70     assert_raises(StopIteration) { enum.next }

  71   end


  73   it "supports rewind" do

  74     enum = @list.each


  76     4.times { enum.next }

  77     enum.rewind


  79     2.times { enum.next }

  80     enum.next.must_equal(7)

  81   end


  83   it "supports with_index" do

  84     enum     = @list.map

  85     expected = ["0. 3", "1. 4", "2. 7", "3. 13", "4. 42"]


  87     enum.with_index { |e,i| "#{i}. #{e}" }.must_equal(expected)

  88   end

  89 end


If you do decide to try implementing these features yourself, get as close to the behavior that Ruby provides as you can, but don't worry if your implementation is different from what Ruby really uses. Just think of this as if it's a new problem that needs
solving, and let the tests guide your implementation. Once you've done that, read on to see how I did it.

Implementing the FakeEnumerable module(实现FakeEnumerable module)


Before I began work on implementing FakeEnumerable, I needed to get its tests to a failure state rather than an error state. The following code does exactly that:

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   1 module FakeEnumerable

   2   def map

   3   end


   5   def select

   6   end


   8   def sort_by

   9   end


  11   def reduce(*args)

  12   end

  13 end


I then began working on implementing the methods one by one, starting with map. The key thing to realize while working with Enumerable is that every feature will build on top of the each method in some way, using it in combination with yield to produce its
results. The map feature is possibly the most straightforward nontrivial combination of these operations, as you can see in this implementation:

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   1 def map

   2   out = []


   4   each { |e| out << yield(e) }


   6   out

   7 end


Here we see that map is simply a function that builds up a new array by taking each element and replacing it with the return value of the block you provide to it. We can clean this up to make it a one liner using Object#tap, but I'm not sure if I like that
approach because it breaks the simplicity of the implementation a bit. That said, I've included it here for your consideration and will use it throughout the rest of this article, just for the sake of brevity.

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   1 def map

   2   [].tap { |out| each { |e| out << yield(e) } }

   3 end


Implementing select is quite easy as well. It builds on the same concepts used to implement map but adds a conditional check to see whether the block returns a true value. For each new yielded element, if the value returned by the block is logically true, the
element gets added to the newly built array; otherwise, it does not.

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   1 def select

   2   [].tap { |out| each { |e| out << e if yield(e) } }

   3 end


Implementing sort_by is a little more tricky. I cheated and looked at the API documentation, which (perhaps surprisingly) describes how the method is implemented and even gives a reference implementation in Ruby. Apparently, sort_by uses a Schwartzian transform
to convert the collection we are iterating over into tuples containing the sort key and the original element. It then uses Array#sort to put these in order, and it finally uses map on the resulting array to convert the array of tuples back into an array of
the elements from the original collection. That's definitely more confusing to explain than it is to implement in code, so just look at the following code for clarification:

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   1 def sort_by

   2   map { |a| [yield(a), a] }.sort.map { |a| a[1] }

   3 end


The interesting thing about this implementation is that sort_by is dependent on map, both on the current collection being iterated over as well as on the Array it generates. But after tracing it down to the core, this method is still expecting the collection
to implement only the each method. Additionally, because Array#sort is thrown into the mix, your sort keys need to respond to <=>. But for such a powerful method, the contract is still very narrow.


Implementing reduce is a bit more involved because it has three different ways of interacting with it. It's also interesting because it's one of the few Enumerable methods that isn't necessarily designed to return an Array object. I'll let you ponder the following
implementation a bit before providing more commentary, because reading through it should be a good exercise.

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   1 def reduce(operation_or_value=nil)

   2   case operation_or_value

   3   when Symbol

   4     # convert things like reduce(:+) into reduce { |s,e| s + e }

   5     return reduce { |s,e| s.send(operation_or_value, e) }

   6   when nil

   7     acc = nil

   8   else

   9     acc = operation_or_value

  10   end


  12   each do |a|

  13     if acc.nil?

  14       acc = a

  15     else

  16       acc = yield(acc, a)

  17     end

  18   end


  20   return acc

  21 end


First, I have to say I'm not particularly happy with my implementation; it seems a bit too brute force and I think I might be missing some obvious refactorings. But it should have been readable enough for you to get a general feel for what's going on. The first
paragraph of code is simply handling the three different cases of reduce(). The real operation happens starting with our each call.


Without a predefined initial value, we set the initial value to the first element in the collection, and our first yield occurs starting with the second element. Otherwise, the initial value and first element are yielded. The purpose of reduce() is to perform
an operation on each successive value in a list by combining it in some way with the last calculated value. In this way, the list gets reduced to a single value in the end. This behavior explains why the old alias for this method in Ruby was called inject:
a function is being injected between each element in the collection via our yield call. I find this operation much easier to understand when I'm able to see it in terms of primitive concepts such as yield and each because it makes it possible to trace exactly
what is going on.


If you are having trouble following the implementation of reduce(), don't worry about it. It's definitely one of the more complex Enumerable methods, and if you try to implement a few of the others and then return to studying reduce(), you may have better luck.
But the beautiful thing is that if you ignore the reduce(:+) syntactic sugar, it introduces no new concepts beyond that what is used to implement map(). If you think you understand map() but not reduce(), it's a sign that you may need to brush up on your fundamentals,
such as how yield works.


If you've been following along at home, you should at this point be passing all your FakeEnumerable tests. That means it's time to get started on our FakeEnumerator.

Implementing the FakeEnumerator class(实现FakeEnumerator类)


Similar to before, I needed to write some code to get my tests to a failure state. First, I set up the skeleton of the FakeEnumerator class.

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   1 class FakeEnumerator

   2   def next

   3   end


   5   def with_index

   6   end


   8   def rewind

   9   end

  10 end


Then I realized that I needed to back and at least modify the FakeEnumerable#map method, as my tests rely on it returning a FakeEnumerator object when a block is not provided, in
a similar manner to the way Enumerable#map would return an Enumerator in that

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   1 module FakeEnumerable

   2   def map

   3     if block_given?

   4       [].tap { |out| each { |e| out << yield(e) } }

   5     else

   6       FakeEnumerator.new(self, :map)

   7     end

   8   end

   9 end


Although, technically speaking, I should have also updated all my other FakeEnumerable methods, it's not important to do so because our tests don't cover it and that change introduces no new concepts to discuss. With this change to map, my tests all failed
rather than erroring out, which meant it was time to start working on the implementation code.


But before we get started, it's worth reflecting on the core purpose of an Enumerator, which I haven't talked about yet. At its core, an Enumerator is simply a proxy object that mixes in Enumerable and then delegates its each method to some other iterator provided
by the object it wraps. This behavior turns an internal iterator into an external one, which allows you to pass it around and manipulate it as an object.

我们的测试要求我们实现next, rewind, 和 each_index,但之前我们能做些有意义的,我们需要使FakeEnumerator成为FakeEnumerable可用的代理对象。关于这点没有测试因为,对于那些想在家里尝试练习的人,我不想透露太多提示,但以下代码会做这个手法。

Our tests call for us to implement next, rewind, and each_index, but before we can do that meaningfully, we need to make FakeEnumerator into a FakeEnumerable-enabled proxy object. There are no tests for this because I didn't want to reveal too many hints to
those who wanted to try this exercise at home, but this code will do the trick:

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   1 class FakeEnumerator

   2   include FakeEnumerable


   4   def initialize(target, iter)

   5     @target = target

   6     @iter   = iter

   7   end


   9   def each(&block)

  10     @target.send(@iter, &block)

  11   end


  13    # other methods go here...

  14 end

这里我们可以看到在目标对象上每个使用send来调用原来的iterator方法。除此之外,我们在实现其它集合看到这是普通模式。接下来是实现我们的next方法,那有点 棘手。

Here we see that each uses send to call the original iterator method on the target object. Other than that, this is the ordinary pattern we've seen in implementing other collections. The next step is to implement our next method, which is a bit tricky.


What we need to be able to do is iterate once, then pause and return a value. Then, when next is called again, we need to be able to advance one more iteration and repeat the process. We could do something like run the whole iteration and cache the results
into an array, then do some sort of indexing operation, but that's both inefficient and impractical for certain applications. This problem made me realize that Ruby's Fiber construct might be a good fit because it specifically allows you to jump in and out
of a chunk of code on demand. So I decided to try that out and see how far I could get. After some fumbling around, I got the following code to pass the test:

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   1 # loading the fiber stdlib gives us some extra features, including Fiber#alive?

   2 require "fiber"


   4 class FakeEnumerator

   5   def next

   6     @fiber ||= Fiber.new do

   7       each { |e| Fiber.yield(e) }


   9       raise StopIteration

  10     end


  12     if @fiber.alive?

  13       @fiber.resume

  14     else

  15       raise StopIteration

  16     end

  17   end

  18 end


This code is hard to read because it isn't really a linear flow, but I'll do my best to explain it using my very limited knowledge of how the Fiber construct works. Basically, when you call Fiber#new with a block, the code in that block isn't executed immediately.
Instead, execution begins when Fiber#resume is called. Each time a Fiber#yield call is encountered, control is returned to the caller of Fiber#resume with the value that was passed to Fiber#yield returned. Each subsequent Fiber#resume picks up execution back
at the point where the last Fiber#yield call was made, rather than at the beginning of the code block. This process continues until no more Fiber#yield calls remain, and then the last executed line of code is returned as the final value of Fiber#resume. Any
additional attempts to call Fiber#resume result in a FiberError because there is nothing left to execute.

如果你重读前段几次和我后面定义的方法比较,它应该开始应得有意义。但是如果它融化进你的大脑,查证Fiber documentation,这是合理有益的。

If you reread the previous paragraph a couple of times and compare it to the definition of my next method, it should start to make sense. But if it's causing your brain to melt, check out the Fiber documentation, which is reasonably helpful.


The very short story about this whole thing is that using a Fiber in our next definition lets us keep track of just how far into the each iteration we are and jump back into the iterator on demand to get the next value. I prevent the FiberError from ever occurring
by checking to see whether the Fiber object is still alive before calling resume. But I also need to make it so that the final executed statement within the Fiber raises a StopIteration error as well, to prevent it from returning the result of each, which
would be the collection itself. This is a kludge, and if you have a better idea for how to handle this case, please leave me a comment.


The use of Fiber objects to implement next makes it possible to work with infinite iterators, such as Enumerable#cycle. Though we won't get into implementation details, the following code should give some hints as to why this is a useful feature:

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   1 >> row_colors = [:red, :green].cycle

   2 => #<Enumerator: [:red, :green]:cycle>

   3 >> row_colors.next

   4 => :red

   5 >> row_colors.next

   6 => :green

   7 >> row_colors.next

   8 => :red

   9 >> row_colors.next

  10 => :green


As cool as that is, and as much as it makes me want to dig into implementing it, I have to imagine that you're getting tired by now. Heck, I've already slept twice since I started writing this article! So let's hurry up and finish implementing rewind and each_index
so that we can wrap things up.


I found a way to implement rewind that is trivial, but something about it makes me wonder if I've orphaned a Fiber object somewhere and whether that has weird garbage collection mplications. But nonetheless, because our implementation of next depends on the
caching of a Fiber object to keep track of where it is in its iteration, the easiest way to rewind back to the beginning state is to simply wipe out that object. The following code gets my rewind tests passing:

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   1 def rewind

   2   @fiber = nil

   3 end


Now only one feature stands between us and the completion of our exercise: with_index. The real with_index method in Ruby is much smarter than what you're about to see, but for its most simple functionality, the following code will do the trick:

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   1 def with_index

   2   i = 0

   3   each do |e|

   4     out = yield(e, i)

   5     i += 1

   6     out

   7   end

   8 end


Here, I did the brute force thing and maintained my own counter. I then made a small modification to control flow so that rather than yielding just the element on each iteration, both the element and its index are yielded. Keep in mind that the each call here
is a proxy to some other iterator on another collection, which is what gives us the ability to call @list.map.with_index and get map behavior rather than each behavior. Although you won't use every day, knowing how to implement an around filter using yield
can be quite useful.


With this code written, my full test suite finally went green. Even though I'd done these exercises a dozen times before, I still learned a thing or two while writing this article, and I imagine there is still plenty left for me to learn as well. How about



This is definitely one of my favorite exercises for getting to understand Ruby better. I'm not usually big on contrived practice drills, but there is something about peeling back the magic on features that look really complex on the surface that gives me a
great deal of satisfaction. I find that even if my solutions are very much cheap counterfeits of what Ruby must really be doing, it still helps tremendously to have implemented these features in any way I know how, because it gives me a mental model of my
own construction from which to view the features.


If you enjoyed this exercise, there are a number of things that you could do to squeeze even more out of it. The easiest way to do so is to implement a few more of the Enumerable and Enumerator methods. As you do that, you'll find areas where the implementations
we built out today are clearly insufficient or would be better off written another way. That's fine, because it will teach you even more about how these features hang together. You can also discuss and improve upon the examples I've provided, as there is certainly
room for refactoring in several of them. Finally, if you want to take a more serious approach to things, you could take a look at the tests in RubySpec and the implementations in Rubinius. Implementing Ruby in Ruby isn't just something folks do for fun these
days, and if you really enjoyed working on these low-level features, you might consider contributing to Rubinius in some way. The maintainers of that project are amazing, and you can learn a tremendous amount that way.


Of course, not everyone has time to contribute to a Ruby implementation, even if it's for the purpose of advancing their own understanding of Ruby. So I'd certainly settle for a comment here sharing your experiences with this exercise.
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