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Borland C++5.5编译器在windows下的安装和使用

2011-11-27 11:47 295 查看


2. From the bin directory of your installation:
a. Add "c:\Borland\Bcc55"
to the existing path
b. Create a bcc32.cfg file which will set
the compiler options for the Include
and Lib paths (-I and -L switches to
compiler) by adding these lines:
c. Create an ilink32.cfg file which will set
the linker option for the Lib path by
adding this line:


C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>bcc32
Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
Syntax is: BCC32 [ options ] file[s] * = default; -x- = turn switch x off
-3 * 80386 Instructions -4 80486 Instructions
-5 Pentium Instructions -6 Pentium Pro Instructions
-Ax Disable extensions -B Compile via assembly
-C Allow nested comments -Dxxx Define macro
-Exxx Alternate Assembler name -Hxxx Use pre-compiled headers
-Ixxx Include files directory -K Default char is unsigned
-Lxxx Libraries directory -M Generate link map
-N Check stack overflow -Ox Optimizations
-P Force C++ compile -R Produce browser info
-RT * Generate RTTI -S Produce assembly output
-Txxx Set assembler option -Uxxx Undefine macro
-Vx Virtual table control -X Suppress autodep. output
-aN Align on N bytes -b * Treat enums as integers
-c Compile only -d Merge duplicate strings
-exxx Executable file name -fxx Floating point options
-gN Stop after N warnings -iN Max. identifier length
-jN Stop after N errors -k * Standard stack frame
-lx Set linker option -nxxx Output file directory
-oxxx Object file name -p Pascal calls
-tWxxx Create Windows app -u * Underscores on externs
-v Source level debugging -wxxx Warning control
-xxxx Exception handling -y Produce line number info
-zxxx Set segment names

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