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The 3n+1 Problem(求各位高手修改)

2011-11-15 22:43 351 查看
Consider the following algorithm to generate a sequence of numbers.Start with an integer n. If n is even, divide by 2. If n is odd,multiply by 3 and add 1. Repeat this process with the new value ofn, terminating when n = 1. For example, the following sequence
ofnumbers will be generated for n = 22:

22 11 34 17 52 26 13 40 20 10 5 16 8 4 2 1

It is conjectured (but not yet proven) that this algorithm willterminate at n = 1 for every integer n. Still, the conjecture holdsfor all integers up to at least 1, 000, 000.

For an input n, the cycle-length of n is the number of numbersgenerated up to and including the 1. In the example above, thecycle length of 22 is 16. Given any two numbers i and j, you are todetermine the maximum cycle length over all numbers between i andj,
including both endpoints.


The input will consist of a series of pairs of integers i and j,one pair of integers per line. All integers will be less than1,000,000 and greater than 0.


For each pair of input integers i and j, output i, j in the sameorder in which they appeared in the input and then the maximumcycle length for integers between and including i and j. Thesethree numbers should be separated by one space, with all threenumbers
on one line and with one line of output for each line ofinput.

Sample Input

1 10

100 200

201 210

900 1000

Sample Output

1 10 20

100 200 125

201 210 89

900 1000 174


int func(int n)













int main()










    printf("%d%d %d\n",i,j,max);

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