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在这个过程中我们怎么去使用自动化呢?使用一些系统工具为基本配置创建基本镜像(用软件如Norton Ghost可以快速的为操作系统创建另外的备份),这将会为你每一次的测试节约大量时间。例如,如果你在一个基本配置下安装一个OS需要1个小时,那么你每一次在新OS下执行测试都需要1个多小时,但是创建了OS备份,仅仅需要5-10分钟,你将节约40-50分钟的时间。




















Software InstallationUninstallation Testing

Have you performed software installationtesting? How was the experience? Well, Installation testing (Implementation Testing) is quite interesting part ofsoftware testing life cycle.

Installation testing is like introducing a guest in your home. The new guestshould be properly introduced to all the family members in order to feel himcomfortable. Installation of new software is also quite like above example.

If your installation is successful on the new system then customer will bedefinitely happy but what if things are completely opposite. If installation fails then our program will not work onthat system not only this but can
leave user’s system badly damaged. User mightrequire to reinstall the full operating system.

In above case will you make any impression on user? Definitely not! Your first impression to make a loyal customer is ruined due to incomplete installation testing.Whatyou need to do for a good first impression? Test the installer appropriately
with combination of both manual and automated processes
on differentmachines with different configuration. Major concerned of installation testingis Time! It requires lot of time to even executea single test case. If you are going to test a big application
installer thenthink about time required to perform such a many test cases on different configurations.

We will see different methods to perform manual installer testing and somebasic guideline for automating the installation process.

To start installation testing first decide on how many different systemconfigurations you want to test the installation. Prepare one basic hard diskdrive. Format this HDD with most common or default file system, install mostcommon operating
system (Windows) on this HDD. Install some basic required components on this HDD. Each time create images ofthis base HDD and you can create other configurations on this base drive. Makeone set of each configuration like Operating system and file format to
be usedfor further testing.

How we can use automation in this process? Well make some systemsdedicated for creating basic images (use software’s like Norton Ghost forcreating exact images of operating system quickly) of base configuration. Thiswill save your tremendous
time in each test case. For example if time to installone OS with basic configuration is say 1 hour then for each test case on freshOS you will require 1+ hour. But creating image of OS will hardly require 5 to10 minutes and you will save approximately 40
to 50 minutes!

You can use one operating system with multiple attempts of installation ofinstaller. Each time uninstalling the application and preparing the base statefor next test case. Be careful here that your uninstallation program should betested before
and should be working fine.

Installation testing tips with some broad test cases:

1) Use flow diagrams toperform installation testing. Flow diagrams simplify our task. See example flowdiagram for basic installation testing test case.

Add some more test cases on this basic flow chart Such as if ourapplication is not the first release then try to add different logicalinstallation paths.

2) If you have previously installedcompact basic version of application then in next test caseinstall the fullapplication version on the same path as used for compact version.

3) If you are using flow diagram totest differentfiles to be written on disk while installation then usethe same flow diagram in reverse order to test uninstallation of all theinstalled files on disk.

4) Use flow diagrams to automatethe testing efforts. It will be very easy to convert diagrams intoautomated scripts.

5) Test the installer scripts usedfor checking therequired disk space. If installer is prompting requireddisk space 1MB, then make sure exactly 1MB is used or whether more disk spaceutilized during installation.
If yes flag this as error.

6) Test disk space requirement ondifferent file system format. Like FAT16 will require more space than efficientNTFS or FAT32 file systems.

7) If possible set a dedicatedsystem for only creating disk images. As said above this will save your testingtime.

8 ) Use distributed testingenvironment in order to carry out installation testing. Distributedenvironment simply save your time and you can effectively manage all thedifferent test cases from a single machine.
The good approach for this is tocreate a master machine, which will drive different slave machines on network.You can start installation simultaneously ondifferent machine from the master system.

9) Try to automate the routine to test the number of files to be written ondisk. You can maintain this file list to be written on disk in and excel sheetand can give this list as a input to automated script that will check each
andevery path to verify the correct installation.

10) Use software’s available freelyin market to verifyregistry changes on successful installation. Verifythe registry changes with your expected change list after installation.

11) Forcefully break theinstallation process in between. See the behavior of system and whethersystem recovers to its original state without any issues. You can test this“break of installation” on every installation

12) Disk space checking: This is thecrucial checking in the installation-testing scenario. You can choose differentmanual and automated methods to do this checking. In manual methods you cancheck free disk space available on
drive before installation and disk spacereported by installer script to check whether installer is calculating andreporting disk space accurately. Check the disk space after the installation toverify accurate usage of installation disk space. Run various combination
ofdisk space availability by using some tools to automatically making disk spacefull while installation. Check system behavior on low disk space conditionswhile installation.

13) As you check installation you cantest for uninstallation also. Before each new iteration of installationmake sure that all the files written to disk are removed after uninstallation.Some times uninstallation
routine removes files from only last upgradedinstallation keeping the old version files untouched. Also check for rebootingoption after uninstallation manually and forcefully not to reboot.

I have addressed many areas of manual as well as automated installationtesting procedure. Still there are many areas you need to focus on forcefullynot to reboot. depending on the complexity of your software under installation.These
not addressed important tasks includes installation over the network,online installation, patch installation, Database checking on Installation,Shared DLL installation and uninstallation etc.

Hope this article will be a basic guideline to those having trouble tostart with software installation testing both manually or in automation.

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#1Sameer S. Mandve
on 08.31.07 at3:21 am

Hello all,

Please do something like above Article on topic of TEST CASES also……

on 08.31.07 at 4:50 am

This is one of the best articles I have ever read. Welldocumented, to the point, explained in simple terms.

Good work.

I would like to ask one question here:

What do you mean by “distributed testing environment” ?

Could you please explain the above term?

Thanks in advance. Nice article.

on 09.03.07 at 8:20 am

@Sameer – You can refer article on test cases, How towrite effective test cases here –


@ Ajay – Distributed testing environment generallyincludes more than one machine for testing. These different machinescommunicate with each other to perform specific task. Here we can take exampleof Installation testing, In installation testing
you can use one master machinewhich can simultaneously trigger multiple installations on different slavemachines on network and can collect the installation test result in singlefile.

on 09.17.07 at 5:55 am

Hello, I want to know more about installation testing.

Will you please tell me where to get more details about it?

Thank you in advance.

on 09.24.07 at 9:03 am

Very good information about installation/uninstallationof software testing. Defintley if increases my knowledge about this kind oftesting. I will be using flowdiagram for testing in future . Thanks

on 09.27.07 at9:15 am

Hello to all,

I want Know the difference between release version and build version.

on 10.18.07 at 6:34 pm

hi, all ,

its very nice article, having lot of knowledge. i get lots from it .


on 10.25.07 at 7:00 am

good article

on 11.27.07 at 11:09 am

i have a doubt i am starting my career as a tester soplease help me by answering simple questions

Is sql server necessary to learn?

Should we have knowledge on unix?

Is it necessary to have knowledge on oracle?

we have to gain deep knowledge on these platforms or is it sufficient to havelittile knowledge?

if yes please suggest me how to get knowledge on those databases?

I cannot effort money for classes so suggest me any book or weblink to learnthem.

please mail me to


#10satish N.
on 12.19.07 at 4:55 am


This is one of the best articles I have ever read.

Well documented, to the point, explained in simple terms.Its very nice article,having lot of knowledge.

i get lots from it.

Currently i am working as s/w engineer for past 7yrs in IT. But i want toswitch to s/w Testing as career seriously. So just tell me whether i am onright track because company may ask for exp in testing and i have theoriticalknoledege and some practicle exp
while doing course. I am individuallydeveloped s/w for our company and do all the requireddebugging/testing/releasing of s/w own.

i am currenlty in Mumbai

email id : sansoft123@rediffmail.com

#11Suhas M
on 01.02.08 at 3:08 pm


A more better example for “distributed testing environment” can be a mailingsystem. A truly distributed system. It uses multiple Routers, databases,frontend interaction application. Just think of a mail sent by you and recievedby your friend, where all it will
pass through and how it will reach thedestination.


Release: Is done once you reach the milestone, release can be an interimrelease, internal release, release to a market, release to the client for betatesting etc.

Ex: Mysql 5.0.45

While developing a software we have some short term milestones, or say oncedevelopers develops a software you get to test it, (build1) he fixes the bugsand give it for regression (build 2), again some bugs are fixed (build3) and soon. This build might not be
released, but will definately have a numbers tokeep track of. For more clear understanding, google “Software Configuration Management”,as many of us might not be aware its also very important profile in S/Windustry just like, dev, test, s/s admin etc..

Regards, Suhas.

on 01.04.08 at 9:20 am


i read this one its good i need more information

#13Software Testing
Help:Best software testing articles of 2007
on 01.07.08 at 12:10 pm

[...] Software Installation/Uninstallation Testing [...]

on 01.16.08 at 5:08am

Very good article. Also please give me more informationon database testing and also if possible please provide me some links/bookswhere I can get more knowledge on database testings and database concepts.

on 01.23.08 at 1:26 pm


This is one of the best articles I have ever read.

on 01.29.08 at 5:26am

one more point i want to add here is while installing thesoftware it has to show the default path for example“c:\documents\settings………..

on 01.31.08 at 6:53am

is there a compulsion tat testing supports only some ofthe operating systems ,if so what are they plz help me out?

on 01.31.08 at 6:55am

an one more thing it need to be installed only were theprogramming files are there or can i allocate some other drive for it?if so.howi need to do?

on 02.29.08 at10:25 am

It’s a Very good article which covers different methodsof Instalaltion Testing in brief.It’s very informative.

Thanks for very nice article.


on 03.12.08 at 7:39 am

Hi friends,

i need material on Automation framework plz do send acopy of doc or link to me




on 03.12.08 at8:18 am

Hi Swati,

Automation framework is tool box for automation engineerwho is creating automation suite. Anything that helps in the mission – is partof framework. It could be set of documents (guidelines) or Set of codecomponents (vbs file or dll file etc)
or a full-fledged software like anautomation tool.

Some links for framework …







on 03.13.08 at 5:47am


this is very good.

i will ask one question

explain the recovery testing with example

on 03.27.08 at 9:10 am


on 04.14.08 at 2:20 pm

nice explanation …

on 04.29.08 at 5:06 am

You can use Virtual Machines (VM images) for this type oftesting. Virtual PC lets you create separate virtual machines on your Windowsdesktop, each of which virtualizes the hardware of a complete physicalcomputer. Use virtual machines to run
operating systems such as MS-DOS,Windows, and OS/2. You can run multiple operating systems at once on a singlephysical computer and switch between them as easily as switchingapplications—instantly, with a mouse click. Virtual PC is perfect for anyscenario
in which you need to support multiple operating systems, whether youuse it for tech support, legacy application support, training, or just forconsolidating physical computers.

on 04.29.08 at 5:13 am

And also here we can cover more scenarios like,

1) Attempting the installation without having pre-requisites on the system

eg, Your application needs IIS to be installed on your machine, but you try toinstall the application without IIS installed and see the behavior.

2) Try to install the application in diffrent paths on your machine (with thechoice of customer)

Eg, Install on C:\program files would be the default one, now try withdifferent things like d:\Test or F:\Test

3) Some of the installations may need administator (user) permissions, try withthis one as well, I mean try with Administrator rights and withoutAdministrator rights as well.

4) After completion of the installation check all the componets like, services,event log entries, registry entries etc have been installed properly.

on 04.29.08 at 11:42 am

I read most of the articles in my free time …really it isworth reading …. cleared lots of testing concepts,covered every area ofsoftware testing …very useful for my testing career


#28Vishal Chhaperia
on 04.29.08at 12:22 pm

Hi All,

I have made many new friends from the field of testingwith the help of this site.

All the thanks to Vijay

Good Work!

Keep going


Vishal Chhaperia

Call: +91-9830704327

Mail: bishalchaperia@gmail.com

on 05.27.08 at 10:10 am

Excellent! Good Info about Installation Testing

#30Pramod Bellad
on 06.18.08 at11:44 am


on 07.14.08 at 1:11 am

I want to learn testing and was confused how to start andfrom where. but this article really helped me in introducing me to the completeout scketch of testing. Really appreciatable. Thank u so much.

#32Sneha Gupta
on 07.29.08 at7:42 am


its realy a nice document but test cases are missing as well.

on 08.11.08 at 10:11 am

Please share some thoughts regarding the iPhone nativeapplication testing in detail, expecting a research and findings from vijay orany domin experienced hands and please include Mac application testing tips.

on 09.08.08 at 6:21 am

Awesome information and truly helpful

on 09.22.08 at5:08 am


what qualificaton is needed in testing field . its realy a nice document buttest cases test reports & bug reports are missing as well.

mail me : harishkumarmbl@gmail.com

#36Chetan H. Kadulkar
on 09.25.08at 10:08 am

good one

on 09.25.08 at 11:36 am

hi suggest me which automation tools i should learn ,right now i am working as manual tester

#38Girija Prasad Mohanty
on10.01.08 at 6:48 am

A Very Good Info..

on 11.30.08 at 7:03 am

Dear Vijay,

Could u please tellme , What is Patch Installation, howto test installation useing patch.



#40sheetalon 12.09.08 at 2:56

I-PAD Technologies is a best training for Testing tools.

on 12.09.08 at 5:13 am

Dear anybody,

Could anybody please tellme , What is Patch Installation,how to test installation useing patch.



#42naveen pawar
on 12.16.08 at6:37 am

nice one!!

#43Pankaj Jadhav
on 12.22.08 at7:07 am

Thanks!!!! really usefull.

on 01.07.09 at 12:38 pm

Thanks dude nice info. Keep posting !!

on 01.29.09 at 1:11 pm

Very nice article…as i have to prepare a document onthis…so very helpful…

on 01.29.09 at 2:20 pm


after product is released in market and if the piece of s/w is having somrBUG/SOME minor enhancement then that could be done using PATCH..

u could think service pack 2 of windows as a patch(not 100%)

on 05.13.09 at 8:07 pm

Its great article. Thanks for this..

on 05.28.09 at 3:43 pm

Hi vijay,

I m new to this site and i found it full of knowledge, up 2 mark description.It helps me a lot in my testing carrier.

Thanks and Keep it up

on 06.18.09 at 9:52 am

Good One..!!


on 07.02.09 at 9:36 am

great! ü

#51Arijit Dhar
on 07.08.09 at5:59 am

Hi Vijay,

This is really a nice article. I am working in SoftwareInstall Test team for last three years. The article you have provided has alsogiven me some ideas of exploring new test areas. Thanks a lot. Keep up the goodwork.

on 09.23.09 at 12:30 pm

Very good article!! Cheers

#53Sunil Garg
on 11.25.09 at 5:14pm

its very helpful article

#54Sunil Garg
on 11.25.09 at 5:16pm

Hi everyone can any one tell me how we can do databasetesting

on 01.20.10 at 6:18 am


on 01.29.10 at 7:27 pm

hi i dont have much computer knowledge, i did not do

any computer course, but i want to do qa testing computer course , can you giveme a advice or suggestions. please give me your valuable advice through my mailid. thanking you.

#57Santosh Patil
on 02.22.10 at10:41 am


#22 sravanthi

Recovery testing is the activity of testing how well anapplication is able to recover from crashes, hardware failures and othersimilar problems.

Recovery testing is the forced failure of the software ina variety of ways to verify that recovery is properly performed.

Examples of recovery testing:

1. While an application is running, suddenly restart thecomputer, and afterwards check the validness of the application’s dataintegrity.

2. While an application is receiving data from a network, unplug the connectingcable. After some time, plug the cable back in and analyze the application’sability to continue receiving data from the point at which the networkconnection disappeared.

Thanks and Regards

Santosh Patil



#58sreeon 03.08.10 at 10:51 pm

hi friends in this type of websites are useful. i amcurrently working Software Tester. Lots people sharing their knowledge.

on 03.12.10 at 7:02 am


Thanks to the author as this article is very helpful.

Great work

#60Ravibabu Polagani
on 03.23.10at 4:38 am

I need some testcases for JDBC wrapper driver with Junittest suite. plz help me …………….

#61Ravibabu Polagani
on 03.23.10at 4:40 am

I wnat some sample testcases for JDBC WrapperDriver.Please help me …It’s the urgent task for me……….please

This is my email id ravi.polagani@gmail.com

#62Ravibabu Polagani
on 03.23.10at 4:50 am

i need some test scenarios aboutDDL,DML,TCL,Joins,Views……plz help me

This is my email id ravi.polagani@gmail.com

#63Sanjit Patnaik
on 04.07.10 at3:42 am

Excellent work on “Installation Testing”. Thanks .

#64Srikanth Sita
on 04.12.10 at9:00 am


this article provides useful information regarding installation andun-installation testing.


on 04.23.10 at 11:44 am

Good One!!!!

on 04.23.10 at 11:45am


on 05.22.10 at5:17 pm

hi, all ,

its very nice article, having lot of knowledge. i get lots from it .


on 05.31.10 at 9:13 am

Hi Vijay,

Good article about Installation testing.

In software installation test, we are performing;

# Compact installation test

# Complete installation test

# Re-installation test

# Installation environment test

# Installation hardware test

# Un-installation test

# Test for version upgrade with existing product

# Registry and cookies on installation

# Temp and back-up on installation

I think it’ll be useful for u.

#69Internet Pro
on 06.03.10 at1:35 pm

this cRaPPy site haZ 2 many ADz and jUnK on the pAGe

on 06.04.10 at 3:36 am

Hey my dear blind bug,

Lot of information and useful articles are there in thissite, but I’m so sad about your blindness.

I think your comment be the crap of this site.

#71nikhil nikhil
on 10.04.10 at6:33 am

could you please let me know how to create an image ofOS.

Thanks in advane

on 10.15.10 at 9:55 pm

This site has altogether the information in 1place whichotherwise had to be searched from many places. this is really useful…

on 11.15.10 at 5:41 pm

Need common Test cases (list of testcases) forInstallation and Uninstallation.

Verifying/testing security ?

Distributed control systems ?

Thanks in advance.

on 11.15.10 at 10:55 pm

Hi..I have tried written Some testcases by reading theabove information (which used for me to write even more TC’s)…

Here comes below…also please share if you think there are more TC’s can bewritten…

please send to arjunmarati@gmail.com

Sl.No Test Case Description

1 “Log on as an Operator.

Pre-req: Installation should be successful and this is tested when logged intoOP. WS straightaway)”

2 Logging out of the maxSTATION

3 This test case shall test the capability of the Windows7 Operatorsworkstation application to install and execute on Windows 7 64 bit OSProfessional and higher.

4 This test case shall test the re-installation capability; If you havepreviously installed basic version of application then in next test caseinstall the full application version (choosing different installation optionsfor ex: typical, custom settings etc..)
on the same path.

This also verifies that configuration and .ini files are updated only afterconfirmation during re-installation, otherwise those are continued with oldsaved values.

5 This test case shall test the un-installation capability.This also verifiesthat the configuration and .ini files are not deleted.

6 Make sure that all the files written to disk are removed afterun-installation. Sometimes un-installation routine removes files from only lastupgraded installation keeping the old version files untouched.

7 Attempting the installation without having pre-requisites on the system (youtry to install the application without pre-requisites installed and see thebehavior).

8 Try to install the application in different paths on your machine (with the choiceof customer)

9 Try installations with Administrator rights and without Administrator rightsas well (Some of the installations may need administrator (user) permissions).

10 After completion of the installation check all the components like, services,event log entries, registry entries etc have been installed properly (Coveredin TC_03, but explicitly we can have TC for this)

11 Recovery Testing during Installation.

Forced failure of the software installation in different ways (like suddenlyrestart the Target PC, unplug the network cable etc., ) to verify that recoveryis properly performed.

12 Test the installer appropriately on different machines with differentconfiguration.

13 Test/Verify the Operator Station Installation behavior when multiple attemptsof installation of installer CD/DVD is triggered.

14 Test the installer scripts used for checking the required disk space. Ifinstaller is prompting required disk space 200MB, then make sure exactly 200MBis used or whether more disk space utilized during installation. If yes flagthis as error.

15 Run various combination of disk space availability by using some tools toautomatically making disk space full while installation.

16 Check system behavior on low disk space conditions while installation.

17 Verify the registry changes with expected change list after installation.

18 Database checking on or after Installation ??

19 Provision to collect the installation test result in single file ?(especially in case of installation failure)

20 Distributed Installation Testing (in VMware)

Use one master machine which can simultaneously trigger multiple installations(taking installer CD or single setup.exe as source for both the slaves/targetPC’s) on different slave machines on network.

21 Run/Install in VM machine (on multiple operating systems) at once on asingle physical computer and switch between them.

22 This test case shall verify that Windows 7 64bit operator’s workstationperformance will meet or exceed the speed of the existing operator functionsrunning under Windows XP.

(Primarily it should support English Language).

23 Able to start Operator’s Workstation services/applications when switchedfrom Engineer Workstation to Operator Workstation.

24 Any operator workstation with maxSTATION V 3.x, 4.X or 6.x can interoperate/ Co exists with each other configured per our system specs on the samenetwork. Provide features such as Network Printing.

25 Support for New feature in current installed test PC.

26 The application shall maintain a log to maintain a list of tasks run andtheir status.


#75japal singh
on 12.01.10 at1:11 pm

relay full of knowledgeable …..


on 12.01.10 at 1:16 pm


on 08.16.11 at 5:21 am

Hi All,

Could somebody please help me like,, I want to know which Automation Tool aptlyused to automate the Build Installation..

#78ANew Course on Test Design: The Bibliography
« Cem Kaner, J.D., Ph.D.
on09.13.11 at 9:07 pm

[...] Shinde, V. (2007). Softwareinstallation/uninstallation testing.http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/software-installationuninstallation-testing[...]

#79Jalaja Rao
on 09.16.11 at 4:29pm

What is ISO disk image?
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