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2011-11-10 10:13 267 查看



 * Shows how an activity can send data to its launching activity when done.y.
 * <p>This can be used, for example, to implement a dialog alowing the user to
pick an e-mail address or image -- the picking activity sends the selected
data back to the originating activity when done.</p>

<p>The example here is composed of two activities: ReceiveResult launches
the picking activity and receives its results; SendResult allows the user
to pick something and sends the selection back to its caller.  Implementing
this functionality involves the
{@link android.app.Activity#setResult setResult()} method for sending a
result and
{@link android.app.Activity#onActivityResult onActivityResult()} to
receive it.</p>

public class ReceiveResult extends Activity {
     * Initialization of the Activity after it is first created.  Must at least
     * call {@link android.app.Activity#setContentView setContentView()} to
     * describe what is to be displayed in the screen.
        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // Be sure to call the super class.

        // See assets/res/any/layout/hello_world.xml for this(查看结构文档中的定义内容,关于定义布局什么的都在那里)
        // view layout definition, which is being set here as
        // the content of our screen.

        // Retrieve the TextView widget that will display results.(将TextView Widget放置在面板上)
        mResults = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.results);

        // This allows us to later extend the text buffer.(这个可以允许我们稍后继承textbuffer)
        mResults.setText(mResults.getText(), TextView.BufferType.EDITABLE);

        // Watch for button clicks.
        Button getButton = (Button)findViewById(R.id.get);

     * This method is called when the sending activity has finished, with the
     * result it supplied.
     * @param requestCode The original request code as given to
     *                    startActivity().
     * @param resultCode From sending activity as per setResult().
     * @param data From sending activity as per setResult().
        protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode,
                Intent data) {
        // You can use the requestCode to select between multiple child
        // activities you may have started.  Here there is only one thing
        // we launch.
        if (requestCode == GET_CODE) {

            // We will be adding to our text.
            Editable text = (Editable)mResults.getText();

            // This is a standard resultCode that is sent back if the
            // activity doesn't supply an explicit result.  It will also
            // be returned if the activity failed to launch.
            if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED) {

            // Our protocol with the sending activity is that it will send
            // text in 'data' as its result.
            } else {
                text.append("(okay ");
                text.append(") ");
                if (data != null) {


    // Definition of the one requestCode we use for receiving resuls.
    static final private int GET_CODE = 0;

    private OnClickListener mGetListener = new OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            // Start the activity whose result we want to retrieve.  The
            // result will come back with request code GET_CODE.
            Intent intent = new Intent(ReceiveResult.this, SendResult.class);
            startActivityForResult(intent, GET_CODE);

    private TextView mResults;

(extView.BufferType.EDITABLE 和 TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE

有什么区别呢?我们透过UML瞧一下, Editable 类似于StringBuilder可追加字符,

也就是说getText后可调用append方法设置文本内容。Spannable 则可在给定的字符区域使用样式。有意思的是 Editable 继承了 Spannable 所以具备较多的功能。)
内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息