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How to call Visual Basic .NET run-time library members from Visual C#

2011-11-07 16:49 429 查看
Add a Reference to the Visual Basic .NET Run-Time Library

In a Visual C# application, click the Project menu, and then click
Add Reference.
In the Component Name list, click Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Runtime to add Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll.
At the top of the source file, add the following statement:

using Microsoft.VisualBasic;

Sample Code

You can now use members of the Visual Basic .NET run-time library in Visual C#. The following code demonstrates how to use the
IsNumeric function, which is a member of the
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information class:

private void UseIsNumeric()


string s = "123";

bool bResult1, bResult2;

bResult1 = Information.IsNumeric(s);

// bResult1 now equals true

s = "Hello";

bResult2 = Information.IsNumeric(s);

// bResult2 now equals false;


This article was previously published on Microsoft Official Website.

Link: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/325961/en-us?fr=1

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