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html 中 block、inline-block 都有哪些?都有什么样的特性?

2011-11-07 11:52 417 查看
Those 2 words, ‘block’ and ‘inline’ are explicit enough by themselves..

block: an element which forms a separate block

inline: an element which stays inline with the rest of the content

Block element

A block element has the following characteristics:

Forms a block and positions itself vertically underneath with a new empty line above and under(新起一行)

Takes all the available width based on the measure of its parent element (container)(根据父节点,确定可以使用的宽度)

Its height changes in rapport to its content(高度随内容自适应)

Can contains other inline and/or block elements (es: a <p> inside a <div>)(可以包含块元素和行内元素)

Via css, we can impost a fixed width and/or height(可以有宽度和高度信息)

Example of natural html block element: <div>, <h1>…<h6>, <p>, <ul>, <ol>, <dl>, <table>, <blockquote>, <form>

Inline elements

An inline element has the following characteristics:

Positions itself horizontally inline with the rest of the content of its parent element (container)在父节点剩余的位置定位自身的位置

Takes the minimum width and height in rapport to its content(width和height属性是最小符合内容的大小)

Can contains ONLY other inline elements (es: an <img/> inside a <a>)(只能包含inline-block元素)

Via css, we can NOT impost fixed measure (通过css,不能指定fixed measure)

Example of natural html inline elements: <span>, <a>, <strong>, <em>, <img />, <abbr>, <acronym>

Using the css display:block; and display:inline;,
we can change the property of the element from block to inline or from inline to block.

More information about the css property display in
this article.


Block level elements

The W3C’s CSS2 spec defines block level elements as elements of the source document
that are formatted visually as blocks.
In other words, block level elements are normally displayed as blocks with line breaks before and afterwards.
Examples of block level elements
information on author
long quotation
push button
table caption
definition description
deleted text
generic language/style container
definition list
definition term
form control group
interactive form
horizontal rule
inline subwindow
inserted text
fieldset legend
list item
client-side image map
alternate content container for non frame-based rendering
alternate content container for non script-based rendering
generic embedded object
ordered list
preformatted text
table body
table data cell
table footer
table header cell
table header
table row
unordered list

Inline elements

The W3C’s CSS2 spec defines inline elements as elements of the source document that
do not form new blocks of content; the content is distributed in lines.
So, inline content is displayed with no line breaks before or afterwards.
Examples of inline elements
abbreviated form
bold text style
I18N BiDi over-ride
large text style
forced line break
push button
computer code fragment
deleted text
instance definition
italic text style
inline subwindow
Embedded image
form control
inserted text
text to be entered by the user
form field label text
client-side image map
generic embedded object
short inline quotation
sample program output, scripts, etc.
option selector
small text style
generic language/style container
strong emphasis
multi-line text field
teletype or monospaced text style
instance of a variable or program argument

Dimension – a key difference between block and inline elements

If you try to add dimension to an inline element, some properties will be applied, some properties will be partially applied and others will not be applied at all. The most noticable
properties are width, height, margin and padding.

Inline elements and width

The W3C’s CSS2 spec states that for Inline, non-replaced elements, the ‘width’ property does
not apply.
In the example below, a width of 200px has been applied to the inline
As you can see, it has no affect on the surrounding content:

Inline elements and height

The W3C’s CSS2 spec states that for Inline, non-replaced elements, the ‘height’ property
doesn’t apply, but the height of the box is given by the ‘line-height’ property.
In the example below, a height of 50px has been applied to the inline
As you can see, it has no affect on the surrounding content:

Inline elements and padding

While padding can be applied to all sides of an inline element, only left and right padding will have an effect on surrounding content.
In the example below, 50px of padding has been applied to all sides of the
As you can see, it has an affect on the content on each side, but not on content above or below:

Inline elements and margins

Margins operate in the same way as padding on inline elements. In the example below, 50px of margin has been applied to all sides of the
While the left and right edges are effected, the content above and below are not:

Changing an element’s “display” property from inline to block

It is possible to change the display property of an inline element to “block”. This will give it a block level appearance without changing it’s actual structure.
For example, the
below has been set to “display: block”. As soon as this occurs, properties like width, height, margin and padding are applied is if it were a block level element.

Changing an element’s “display” property from block level to inline

You can also change block level elements so that they display inline. If an
is set to “display: inline”, width, height, padding and margin will immediately operate as they do for any other inline element.
This is what caused the
to ignore top and bottom padding in our original example.

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