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2011-11-06 22:55 295 查看

/*函数 : f_conver_number_chinese */

/*参数 : adec_money 将要转换为大写金额的数字 */

/*返回值: string */

/*撰写人: huwenbin 2009/06/5 */


string ls_money_unit,ls_money,ls_nuit,ls_badge

int li_long,li_i

ls_money = trim(string(round(adec_money,2)))

do while left(ls_money,1) = '0'

ls_money = mid(ls_money,2)


li_long = len(ls_money)

for li_i = 1 to li_long

ls_nuit = right(ls_money,li_i)

ls_nuit = left(ls_nuit,1)

choose case ls_nuit

case '.'

ls_nuit = ''

case '1'

ls_nuit = '壹'

case '2'

ls_nuit = '贰'

case '3'

ls_nuit = '叁'

case '4'

ls_nuit = '肆'

case '5'

ls_nuit = '伍'

case '6'

ls_nuit = '陆'

case '7'

ls_nuit = '柒'

case '8'

ls_nuit = '捌'

case '9'

ls_nuit = '玖'

case '0'

ls_nuit = '零'

end choose

choose case li_i

case 1

ls_badge = '分'

case 2

ls_badge = '角'

case 3

ls_badge = ''

case 4

ls_badge = '元'

case 5,9,13

ls_badge = '拾'

case 6,10,14

ls_badge = '佰'

case 7,11,15

ls_badge = '仟'

case 8

ls_badge = '万'

case 12

ls_badge = '亿'

end choose

if li_i = 4 and ls_nuit = '零' then

ls_money_unit = '元' + ls_money_unit

end if

if pos(ls_money_unit,'万') = 0 then

if li_i > 7 and ls_nuit = '零' then

ls_money_unit = '万' + ls_money_unit

end if

end if

if pos(ls_money_unit,'亿') = 0 then

if li_i > 11 and ls_nuit = '零' then

ls_money_unit = '亿' + ls_money_unit

end if

end if

if ls_nuit <> '零' then

ls_money_unit = ls_nuit + ls_badge + ls_money_unit


ls_money_unit = ls_nuit + ls_money_unit

end if

int pos1,pos2,pos3,pos4

pos1 = pos(ls_money_unit,'零元')

if pos1 > 0 then

ls_money_unit = replace(ls_money_unit,pos1,4,'元零')

end if

pos2 = pos(ls_money_unit,'零万')

if pos2 > 0 then

ls_money_unit = replace(ls_money_unit,pos2,4,'万零')

end if

pos3 = pos(ls_money_unit,'零亿')

if pos3 > 0 then

ls_money_unit = replace(ls_money_unit,pos3,4,'亿零')

end if

pos4 = pos(ls_money_unit,'零零')

if pos4 > 0 then

ls_money_unit = replace(ls_money_unit,pos4,2,'')

end if


if right(ls_money_unit, 2) = '零' then

ls_money_unit = left(ls_money_unit,len(ls_money_unit) - 2)

end if

if right(ls_money_unit, 2) = '元' then

ls_money_unit = ls_money_unit + '整'

end if

return ls_money_unit

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